Zootopia: First Salvo 15
#56 of Zootopia fictions
The 15th chapter of First Salvo
FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan
Rated M+
(c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and Alex Gray, Sheath and Knife by Harmarist (Artist ownership) Anubis and the buried bone by Harmarist (Artist ownership) The K'zin by Lary Niven. (Artist ownership) Don Carnage Disney's TAIL SPIN
Chapter 15 Heading for the fleet
The Glaze Donuts Channel, ZOO Radio The Glenn Buck Program 9am January 25th, 2040
"Welcome back to the Glenn Buck program. We're talking this morning of course about the history between Zootopia and Kzin to bring many of you of our audience up to speed. We've seen without a doubt in the last month alone a substantial....a very substantial increase in tension out at sea and you just have to wonder if we're soon going to reach a breaking point here where....where we just have to do something or something catastrophic is going to happen where all out general war breaks out."
First off...back in the middle of last month, two Kzinti destroyers fired on our destroyer, The Tri-Boroughs, and they hit it...thankfully they hit the radar mast and didn't do that much damage and the Tri-Borough got out of there. Of course all she was doing was keeping tabs on the Kzinti who were of course once again way past their so called "Self-declared" zone with one of their "big" and I do mean really big....fish processing ships. Not....fishing boats mind you....but fishing ships! And they're not catching maybe....a few hundred fish...they're catching hundreds of thousands. That's somewhat....you know? Worrisome?"
"Then comes word...from some of our fish farmers off the coast a few weeks ago. They claim they're being "brushed" as in...ship's wakes washing over their pens they are so close....they're being brushed by Kzinti warships. The government says they are taking steps to investigate these sightings; they want to be 100 percent sure that's what's going on. Let me tell you my fellow mammals... that almost makes me piss my hooves."
"Now....I don't want to suggest anything....I don't want to start anything but...we have to be realistic about this situation we're facing. It's clearly obvious that the Kzinti don't care if their larger fishing ships are catching more fish than they should; we have always taken great care to make sure we don't go that crazy. One thing to over fish? Another to come by our fish farms and splash your warship wakes over our food stocks....that my friends is terrifying because....well... you just don't know if they're doing it to harass us or if they're doing it? To maybe....contaminate a few things....I'm just saying. And they are doing this in the dead of night...which is as equally scary because at this point? You're 15 miles off our coastline and our own naval guns have a 30 mile range. That puts most of Tundra-Town and Sahara Square within the landing zone of some big explosives."
"There has to be a point at which even the Mayor has to realize....sadly... that our attempts at diplomacy and kindness have failed. When the Kzinti get that close, when they come that close to the vital food stocks which feed our children? I do not want to wake up in the morning to the horrific thought of dead cubs, fawns and kittens who died in their beds because their food was poisoned. I seriously believe.....seriously.....that we have reached the limit line of our patience and tolerance with these predators...and the Kzinti are full on predators, I've heard and read the stories that we know of....of how barbarian these beasts are....how they killed some of our citizens...the poor otters they ran spits through and cooked them alive screaming over roticery fires. I don't want to wait until they're at my door wanting my children for a meat locker....screw that. I want these bastards dead before they get another handed opportunity. I say....it's time to give em a really messy bloody nose and you all know damn well that we have the firepower to do that. My question is....what the hell are we waiting for?"
Naval Education Center, Savanna Sands Naval Base. Electronics/Electrician School. 9am January 25th, 2040 Orders Reception Day
Johnathan Hopps looked pleased from his teaching podium..."Well everyone, you are all doing splendidly and are on track to graduate from this school and move on to bigger things. That being said? Today of course is Order's Reception Day where our Chief detailer will tell you where you'll go next. Some of you will go on to more advanced schools, most of you will go to the fleet. Chief Brunt?"
Johnathan passed the podium to the detailer (Morgan Horse) Who dropped a big stack of thick manila packets on the podium top. "When I call your name? Answer up and come get your order packet." Brunt said.
Kerdle sat with his fox paws clenched as the names began to come out...."Gnu York....Gnu York....." Which Jackson snickered back. "Toilet detail... Toilet detail...." which got a slap from Kerdle...."Stop jinxing me!"
"Kerdle!" Brunt called out.
"Chief!" Kerdle yelped back as he stood up.
"Advanced training, airborne Drone school, Gnu York Airdrome, Savanna Central." Blunt said.
"Gnu York, Savanna?" Kerdle yelped. "I must have checked the wrong box?"
Jackson patted Kerdle on the arm. "That's not bad! Drones? If you stay with that for like 8 years Kerd? You'll be set for life!"
Kerdle walked up, grabbed his orders and sat down. "I was hoping to get on a Destroyer." He said somewhat disappointed.
Jackson poked him..."This is a gift horse Kerd?! Sheesh your brother will snit when he finds out you scored choice duty!"
"Whitney!" Brunt called out.
"Here Chief!" Whitney replied as she stood up.
"Submersible drone advanced school, Wooly Rocks Naval Base, The Meadow lands." Brunt replied.
Whitney went nuts! Bounced around the room whooping and hollering till she snatched the order packet and flopped into her seat next to Gilly...
"Wow!" He said chuckling. "Give me some of that!"
"Exactly what I wanted." Whitney said. "And not just for the drones alone."
Gilly caught the look in her eyes and smiled. "Hope you have a good four years?"
Brunt called a string of grouped names for various ships. Minutes later....
"Wilde!" "Gilly!" "Trundle!" Myler!"......"The Destroyer Growler. Sandy Cove Naval Base. Sahara Square.
Jackson walked up with the others and took his order packet. "Thanks Chief." He said with a slight bow before walking back with Albert and Myler on his shoulders....
"Shipmate." Albert said as he shook Myler's paw.
"Shipmate." Myler said to Jackson as he patted Jackson's cheek.
"Shipmates." Gilly said as he shook Jackson's paw and softly petted the two mice. "I think this calls for the usual? Pizza and bunny beer?"
"My question is the apartment." Albert asked. "Do we keep it or turn in the lease and get another place in Sahara?"
Jackson looked at Kerdle. "Well it's fully paid for so Kerdle can keep it if he wants it? I mean...you're not going to go back home are you Kerd? The apartment's only a few train stops to the airdrome."
Kerdle looked back. "It's yours Jackie?"
"And I won't be stupid enough to go back and forth between the place and our ship? It's paid for...hello....and you could use it more than I could so....shut up Kerd...or are you going to make Rachel walk from her place half way across town?" Jackson pointed to the female class member Kerdle had set his affections on during the Winter Carnival..."You blow this Kerdle and I will so kick your fox butt." Jackson said with a smirk. "If you don't invite her for pizza tonight, I'll smack you silly with my bunny hoppers."
Sandy Cove Naval Base. Sahara Square. 9am The dock for the Destroyer Rain
The morning officer of the deck (The O.O.D. or "ODIE") stood inspecting the uniform of the oncoming armed security watch when a line of cars coming through the pier gate caught his eye. It was obvious who was in the center car judging by the flags flying from the front bumper masts...
"Get to your place quickly!" The officer, a Lama, said waving his hoof hands as he reached for the phone...
"This is the "Odie"." He said as he called the bridge. "Prepare to ring eight bells for the Chief of Operations. Call away side mammals to the brow. Notify the Commanding Officer and the Executive officer at once."
Admiral Don Carnage wasn't giving the ship an opportunity to do anything as he came out of his car and was coming up the gangway before the side mammals started to make their appearance on the quarterdeck (The Quarterdeck is the first place all official functions and dealings between ship and shore are handled)
The Lieutenant popped tall and saluted as Don Carnage walked up to him with a trail of officers and Chiefs behind him...
"Sir! Lieutenant Elgin Sofridge, ship's Officer of the Deck, You are most welcome aboard the Destroyer Rain. I have notified both the Commander and the Executive officer of your presence."
Don Carnage regarded the Lama carefully. "Splendid Sir." Don Carnage replied sternly. "Now....Lieutenant Sofridge...please call the ship's Chief Master at Arms and have him and a subordinate report to the officer's ward room and tell them that they are to be armed with handcuffs and rifles with bayonets fixed. They are to stand outside the entry way....understood?"
Sofridge replied. "Yes Sir! By your orders at once!" The Lieutenant turned smartly and walked to his phone just as the Commanding officer and executive officer appeared...
"Admiral! We were not aware of your visit Sir or we would have been more prepared for it. My complete apologies." Commander Callie said as he saluted.
Don Carnage got close to Callie and all but sneered at him with an angry face..."Captain Callie? You and the Executive Officer will lead us to the Officer's Wardroom. You will shut your maw, you will make no excessive gestures. I do not want to create a scene....is that an order that you can clearly understand?"
"Admiral?" Callie replied. "What do you mean?"
"Commander?" Don Carnage snarled. "I think you know exactly what I mean.... Mister. Get your hump in gear and do as you are told......now."
Callie turned around as did his executive officer and they led the Admiral and his party through the Destroyer and down to the officer's ward room where the two Master at Arms snapped to attention with their rifles...
"Gentlemen?" Don Carnage asked. "Are you rifles chambered?"
"No sir!" The two wolves replied smartly.
"Gentlemen?" Don Carnage ordered. "Lock and load your weapons. For now? No one comes near this door and no one leaves this room without my expressed command. Is this clear?"
"Sir! Yes Sir!" The wolves replied as they slapped the breaches on their M-14 rifles and brought their rounds home with a loud metallic click!
Inside the room...Don Carnage pointed to a pair of chairs...Commander Callie here....Lieutenant Commander Anders here....sit!"
Callie and his executive office took their seats as did the others of the Admiral's party while the Admiral stood with his arms crossed giving Callie a very angry stare...
"Gentle mammals." Don Carnage said as he looked at Callie and Anders. Care to guess who I just had the most enlightened conversation with?"
The two defendants stayed quiet.
"Commander Callie? Please don't feign ignorance?" Admiral Don Carnage said as he paced around. "Just for your memory there....Commander Callie. I spoke to the commanding officer of the Destroyer Tujunga. The same Destroyer which you....Commnder Callie...told that you took fire from some Kzinti fisher-mammals whom you believed feigned their sinking fishing boat in heavy seas to launch rocket propelled grenades and shoot small arms at this ship. Am I close to the exact exchange between you and the Commanding Officer of the Tujundra? Commander?"
Commander Calli did not answer.
"What about this "faker floundering boat" Commander? Did you tell the Commanding Officer of the Tujunga to "deal with them" at his discretion and did you recommend they be made "lead paper weights?"
Commander Callie did not answer.
Don Carnage snatched a folder from one of his aides..."Should I read this to you Commander?" He snorted....
"You said Commander...."Gal? I think I've come under fire from a boat we tried to help as it was foundering. It was definitely a Kzinti vessel, they had hoods over their heads and they shot some small arms and shoulder rockets at us. My track currently is slow at 17 knots on a course of Zero....Two.....Zero. They are probably behind us now at 400 yards and you should be coming up to them in about twenty minutes."
Commander Galon replied. "If I find any in the water?"
"You replied.....Commander "Your discretion....I wouldn't even try to save them....turn them into lead paper weights. Dead maniacs don't talk.".....Does that ring your clock Commander?"
Don Carnage stood with his paws behind his back. "We're waiting Commander? Do you wish to say anything at all?"
Callie replied. "I did what I felt was right to protect my ship and the lives of my crew Sir."
"Against what Commander?" Don Carnage replied. "It just so happens that this only came to light because of two very brave Sailors had both the honor and the courage to report what they witnessed to Admiral Bergoine."
Don Carnage slammed his fist on a table...."We're this close to a gnats ass of all out war you stupid bastard and you pull this absolute bull snit! Who gave you the Gawd damn right in hell to make your own rules on the high seas? What reason, what excuse gives you the right to order the murders of non-combatants who clearly were at the mercy of the seas....defenseless....waving for rescue! Who gave you the flucking right to disobey orders of law! Do you know what you've done you stupid dumb fluck!"
And just as quick as Callie could scream out his words....he felt the tip of a rifle barrel pointed at his head from behind...
"Sir?" The Chief Master at Arms snarled. "I advise you right now to sit down. I will not tell you a second time."
Don Carnage raised a paw then with two quick jerks he ripped the Commander oak leaf pins from Callie's shirt..."Commander William Callie? You are hear by placed under arrest on charges of unlawful homicide and conduct unbecoming a naval officer of the Zootopian Navy. You will be confined at the Rock Island Arsenal Brig to await courts martial. You may now shut your snoot and request counsel on your behalf. Chief Master at Arms? Remove him from my sight!"
Don Carnage turned to the Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Bell Anders...and ripped his silver oak clusters off his uniform..."I expected better from you Mister. You chose silence. You chose to put the whole city in danger for the stupidity of your Commanding Officer. Consider yourself removed from our ranks. Dishonorable discharge under conduct of disgrace. Master at Arms? Please escort this piece of trash to the main gate and kick him into the street."
As Anders was hauled out by another pair of wolves...Don Carnage waved up the ship's Chief Engineer...A bunny named Siverston. "An unfortunate first of our Navy Mister Siverston. You are hear by advanced to the rank of Commander from Lieutenant Commander and given Command of this ship. A new Executive Officer will be sent to assist you by next week. I'm sorry that as a Bunny? You had to be the first commanding bunny under such terrible circumstances as this."
Silverston saluted. "I will not fail you Admiral." He said seriously.
"See that you do not." Don Carnage replied with a slight bow. "Until your new Executive Officer arrives...you have the authority to appoint a "pro-tem". I must now brief the Mayor on this tragedy. I just hope we can prevent it from becoming a disaster."
Rain Forest District 9am January 25th, 2040 Home of Gordon and Grace Gray (Gray Wolves)
"Knock, knock" Alex tapped softly on the door, waited a few moments then knocked on it again. "Will? You up?"
Alex walked into his older brother's room to find him not so much sleeping as lying on his side. Alex noted his brother's empty desk...."Where's the television? Where's your computer?" Alex asked.
"I told mom and Dad I wanted to sell them." Will replied. "Actually I gave them to Chancy and he probably blew them to a thousand pieces with some artillery rounds. Good riddance to "Kink Bunny" and cub porn. At least a good start."
Alex sighed and looked away...."Will? I am so sorry....I'm sorry Big Brother..."
"Sorry for what?" Will replied. "You have nothing to be sorry for Alex. You were innocent and I took advantage of you for my own desires....what I did to you was so wrong!"
Alex yelped. "How can it be wrong when I enjoyed a lot of it with you?"
"Alex? You were underage and vulnerable! I took advantage of you Alex! I didn't do those things to you because I loved you, I did them because I was seeking pleasure....sick, pleasure from my own little brother! I didn't "love you" I used you like a dirty rag! You meant nothing to me but a place to spew into...I didn't love you worth snit!"
Alex reached for a paw..."Will? Let me hold your paw?"
"Damn it Alex! What the hell did Uncle Chance say?! No more playing these games with me alright? It's over!"
"Will? Shut the fluck up?!" Alex replied with a snort as he grabbed one of Will's paws...."What am I supposed to do Will? Hate you? Beat on your chest and call you a dirty tail hole? Punch you in the snoot? I'm as guilty as you are, I knew what we were doing together was seriously twisted. I lied my butt off too...what? Am I supposed to stay away from you? Mom and Dad would really know something was flucked up then."
Will sighed...."I am so sorry Alex...I.....I molested you and I'm so....so...."
Alex gave Will a light slap on the snoot. "Will you cut it out big brother?! Damn....fluck it....go ahead and "Me-yah Cope-ah" to Mom and Dad like a little bitch....damn...."
Alex stood up and shrugged...."We had a good time while it lasted, big deal, get over it Will and go on will you? No harms, no fouls....a lot of drips, runs and errors though...."giggles". Oh wow?....I'm not even hard, where's the Viagra?"
Will started to bust out laughing..."Stop it Alex!"
"Maybe they'll have a special place for me huh Big Brother? Presenting the big "Pink Pussy Battalion"! "Haaaaalowwwwwww Sol-jah! Can I clean your big gun? Tsk....look at all the cute sailors!"
Will flopped off his bed...."Cut it out Alex! (laughter)"
"Tsk....you can shove your shell up my breach any time you want you big hairy stud!" Alex said with a gay gesture.
"Alex!" Will yelped as he shook his head. "Stop it ok!"
Alex placed his paws on his hips..."You need to get out of this tight salt encrusted tail hole funk Will before Dad and Mom really get suspicious."
"Which is why? I'm moving out." Will replied.
"You're what?!" Alex asked surprised.
"Yup....moving out." Will replied. "It's the best solution that will keep you going in the right direction and keep me out of trouble. Already have a place with me and my boy friend."
Alex played with his paw fingers..."You? You have a boyfriend? I can come over and visit?"
"Not till you're 18 and you graduated boot camp." Will replied. "You're Chancy's pup not mine so you do what he tells you." Will looked at his smart phone. "In fact? I need to go to the city to pick up some engine parts so I'll see you later."
Alex moved to hug Will as he stood up from the floor..."Just because we've stopped loving each other one way? Doesn't mean I still can't love you for being you Big Brother." Alex said with a snuggle.
Will smiled back..."I'll always love you little brother. That won't change at all, I promise."
Olustee Field, Aden-Borough. Artillery practice rage of the "Rock of Aden" 3rd Battalion Artillery, 1st Fleet Marine Division Nicknamed "The Gun Bunnies" 9am January 25th, 2040
The line of 105 Millimeter howitzers cut loose a barrage of shells against their distant targets as the commander of the seven gun battery, Colonel Dennis Lannan, A Dark brown and Cream white fur coated bunny observed through his binoculars....
"Gun Numbah Seven!" Lannan snapped as he walked up to the 105 and it's crew. "You're all short of the target again. Reload." Lannan commanded. He watched the crew go through their paces of loading the breach, locking it closed, priming the firing block and hooking up the pull rope...
"FIRE!" Lannan screamed! The holetzer jumped off it's two wheels about an inch but even with the "hop"; the cannon should have scored true. Lannan gestured to the gun Sargent. "Sargent Fannon? Johny spot here now?"
Sandy Fannon, A gray coated bunny, came up to Lannan..."Yes Sir. We've followed the co-ordinates, the windage, the elevation tables...The eye piece is set correctly Sir."
Lannan replied. "If that were the case there Fannon? Then the rounds would at least be close as a gnat's ass." The burly bunny walked up to the cannon mouth, pulled out a flashlight and looked down the barrel. "Fannon? When's the last time this gun's been cleaned?" Without breaking his attention...Lannan gestured. "Give me your knife Fannon?"
Fannon pulled a flip knife from his web belt and placed it in Lannan's paw. "We gave her a cleaning this morning Sir."
After a few moments of scraping the inside rifling of the gun, Lannan showed Fannon his dirty paw...."And what the devil is this my fine bunny? I guess that's just dust?"
"Sir? We really spent an hour working her over." Fannon said.
"With what Sargent? A Cue tip? Non-bear offending butt wipe tissues? This thing is filthy! No wonder you can't hit a damn thing with this you daft creature you?"
Lannan pointed...."Get to runnin down the bunny trail there mister Peter lazy tail. What are you trying to take me for? I should call your fah-thah and let him tan you before the whole battalion. Now get to running yer penance?"
Fannon looked like a scolded kit with a sore butt as he started running while Lannan gestured to the other bunnies in the gun crew...
"As for the rest of you softy tails? Get to Paw pulling this piece out of the line. We're gonna have a proper class in maintaining a howitzer and at every step you will all give me 30 push ups so the lesson sinks into your heads. One of you should have spoke up to "Mister Peter" that you were not cleaning the weapon properly....now get to it."
Lannon gestured to a bunny with more stripes on his arm than on a barber pole...."Sargent Major!"
"Sah!" The big bunny replied.
"Crank em up again." Lannon replied. "Five more rounds and we're done for the morning." Lannon walked back to his executive officer who at the moment was still in a sore mood even with three cups of coffee in the morning and a fourth not quite done yet..."Paddy?" Lannon said to Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Paddington "What gives with you this morning? You're as if you're about to chew your own lips off?"
"This stupid change." Paddy snapped.
"Oh great Frith over the hills Paddy? Are you going to go all daft on that still?" Lannon sighed.
"Damn right I am Lanny!" Paddington groaned. "We is a bunny regiment! Our fathers, our grand fathers, our blood is tied to this Battalion, to our home and now the powers that be who never set a damn foot, paw, hoof or claw in Aden want us to accept those filthy, flea ridden Hombrah bastards into our ranks?"
Lannon sighed. "Paddy? Your passion...."
"My passion? My passion you say Lanny? We're not called "Gun bunnies" as a joke are we? We gave blood, sweat and tears to make this "Our place" and now they want to cram in a bunch of red devils with their plushy, primpy plump tails and their untrustworthy ways...no good hombrah scum the lot of them!"
Lannon held his urge to correct his under-study..."Paddy? As I remember the story from your mother? You would not be here if it wasn't for a filthy, dirty, Hombrah mid-wife when your mother suffered a breached birth with your big butt? A few Foxes in our ranks are not going to lead to the destruction of all Aden but you keep up your snit and for sure my fine fellow, you'll remove yourself from the Corps. Now what's a worse disgrace?"
"That doesn't mean I can't voice my disapproval Lanny." Paddington snorted back as he tasted his coffee and spat it out..."Damn it! My coffee turned cold."
Lannon replied...."Is there anything you don't complain about? I bet you "plumb bob" your pecker in the mornin to see if you can't complain about it being bent?"
"Oh.....go fluck a sheep you bah-stad." Paddington replied gruffly.
The Mystic Springs 10am January 25th, 2040
"Pop!"...."That was interesting?" Nick said as he raised the Armadillo to the front of his face then gently returned the rolled up marsupial to the grass...
"You alright Nick?" Frizline asked as he uncurled himself and sat wiggling his toes.
"Yeah...." Nick replied as he remained upside down on the teeter board and took time to cuddle his big tail..."I like this thing Frizzy. I always feel like I added an inch."
Frizline gestured back. "It helps the spine to stretch out. Stay like that another five minutes and I'll put you back up for a bit."
Nick's phone chimed and he reached out...."Quick! Quick, Quick...that's probably my son..." Nick said as he swiped the screen. "Hey Jackie!"
"Hey Dad! I got my fleet assignment.....and......are you like? Upside down?" Jackie asked.
"I've been captured by the Welsh Bunny Republican Army and they're torturing me. I need 20 thousand dollars by the end of the day wired to the following number or they're going to cut off my tail......help!"
"You can keep him!" Jackson snickered. "He's worthless."
"So? Where are they sending you?" Nick asked as Frizline brought him back upright.
"Me, Gilly, Albert and Myler are going to the Destroyer Growler in Sahara Square." Jackson replied.
"That's great!" Nick replied. "Sunny beaches, good fishing, party town and a good college there too. You'll enjoy your next four years....if we don't start shooting that is. I hear there's also some nice foreign ports out of there too, like the Outback Islands? But of course, you already have a commitment going. Does Darla know where she's going?"
Jackson replied. "Not yet. Her orders haven't dropped. Dad?..."
"I already know the question kid." Nick replied. "All I can say to you is be honest and don't cheat. Be true to her always and if things don't work out after being so separated? At least you two won't break up snarling at each other; don't ever let it come to that ok? I love you very much....Chance."
Jackson pursed his lips..."Will you please tell me now just what that nick name means Dad? I mean I know what "Knuckles" is from Mom but what the hell is "Chance given"? Why won't you tell me that one?"
"Because it's not time for it yet." Nick replied. "When it's time? I will tell you. Just keep doing what you're doing Son. I am so proud of you."
ZPD "First Prinky" 10am January 25th, 2040
Judy was at her desk completing the morning paperwork and scanning the police blotters from the night before when a small yellow and black cat entered the office with a knock...
"Chief Wilde?" The female Cerbal Cat said as she stood just inside the door at attention. "Officer Amy Zorn reporting from the academy Mam."
Judy hopped off the desk and walked up with her paw extended. "Officer Zorn! Welcome to the first precinct! Our first ever Cerbal and a fellow valedictorian...pleasure."
"Thank you Mam." Amy replied. "I am so stoked for this! I wanted to be a cop since I could waddle to the sand box."
"I like the enthusiasm." Judy replied. "You sound like me when I was fresh from the books! You weren't supposed to report till tomorrow morning but I was just as crazy as you are! I couldn't sleep the night before." Judy regarded Amy's uniform. "You look awesome. You even shined your badge like a mirror."
Amy was so perked up..."So tomorrow? Do I get a partner? A car? I'm qualified with long guns so if I get assigned to SWAT? I'm ready."
Judy waved her paws..."Now easy there Trigger." Judy said calmly. "You have to start out like every rookie. A little humility duty to ease you into the streets. Tomorrow you start a week of orientation and parking duty."
Amy's face went blank. "You mean? I went through the academy....to be a Meter Maid?"
We call it "Parking enforcement officer" here Officer Zorn and trust me you only have a week of it to endure." Judy replied.
Amy crossed her arms...."Chief? I was the top of my class in every quarter. Academics, combatives, law, judiciary? I think I'm more than ready to hit the streets don't you think?"
Judy replied. "Every officer has had to do their time in Traffic and Parking Amy, you are no different. Being able to write a hundred tickets a day should be easy for a police officer of your caliber."
Amy stood lightly tapping her foot. Judy noticed it and smiled at the memory...
"Chief? Is it true you have the department record for the most traffic tickets in a single day?"
"Yup. 245 by 4pm." Judy replied. "It's never been broken. Only one officer came close to busting 200."
Amy walked up to Judy and snorted..."I'm going to write 246 tickets....by noon."
"Oh really?" Judy replied smiling. "Gee Officer Zorn....that is a tall feat to achieve."
"If I can write 246 tickets by noon tomorrow Chief? Will you take me off parking duty and put me on the street?" Amy snorted. "You have the guts to put your record on the line?"
Judy smiled confidently..."You bust my record Officer Zorn? And I will get on my paws and knees and kiss your feet in front of the whole Prinky. But I warn you girl? They better be legal tickets and all of them verified. I don't like cheats."
"That's fine." Amy snickered back. "I hate cocky little bunnies." The Cerbal reached out a paw..."Deal?"
Judy replied smartly. "Deal. Good luck busting your tail tomorrow kitty cat."
Executive Building, downtown Zootopia City noon January 25th, 2040
Meeting between Mayor Cesar Leo, Admiral DonCarnage, Fleet Marine Commandant General Blunt ( Angus Bull ) and Chief Military Legal Counsel Rufus Dawes (Sheep)
Cesar finished looking at the folder DonCarnage gave him and threw it down on his desk with a look of deep rage in his eyes...."You threw him in the brig?"
"His command was taken by the ship's engineer. The Executive Officer was discharged on the spot and kicked into the street. No charges will be filed against the Captain of the Tujunga. The two Sailors who went to Admiral Bergoine have been assigned to duties with his office though there's been no evidence of any reprisals or threats against them." DonCarnage said.
"How many were still alive when the Tujundra came across the location?" Cesar asked.
"Three clinging to bits of wreckage." DonCarnage replied. "All three were machine gunned to death."
General Blunt raised a hoof hand..."Only two ships know of this event right? Why make a big public deal over it? Callie believed that he felt his ship and crew would be in danger if he tried to rescue them."
"Law is law and Callie broke it General." DonCarnage replied. "The law doesn't excuse the execution of helpless mariners no matter what species they are. You're going to tell me that the crew of that vessel somehow engineered their foundering to attack an armed warship? And it doesn't matter a damn how many ships were present. Two Sailors witnessed a purposed violation of the law and reported it. That's what we teach into their heads. That's what separates us from our potential enemies. We obey the law and the orders of superiors. Officer rank has no special exclusion."
Rufus Dawes raised a hoof hand..."None of the bodies were recovered. A loss for us in terms of getting our first real look at the Kzinti but there is a potential danger should they be recovered shot full of "fifty cal rounds". The Kzinti would have immense propaganda value to say nothing of a justification for a reprisal."
"We have a justification for reprisal Sir." General Blunt snorted. "Or do you forget what they did to the Provider? To me this is fair treatment."
"Certainly I haven't forgotten the Provider General." Rufus Dawes replied. "I know this sounds risky, perhaps a little difficult to understand but putting Callie before a public tribunal can have some positive results. Most definitely with our own citizens, perhaps with the Kzinti as well. They will see for sure that we have honesty as well as honor. They can trust that what we say can be counted upon as being truthful. Perhaps seeing that we would risk a possible backlash to put one of our own on trial for killing some of their citizens would be accepted by them as a concrete article of faith. Perhaps then they may open up or at best be more cautious in testing our will."
General Blunt groaned. "Many of our own citizens will have their own ideas of such a trial. To some? We're putting a hero on trial for killing a few butchers. That will be the headline in some of the periodicals. I can imagine a few of those who's family members suffered brutality at the hands of the Kzinti will fly to Callie's defense."
"Some...but not the whole city." DonCarnage replied. "In that case we will stick to the facts and warn our respective service members not to make public comments for or against the matter. The whole position of the military must be obedience to the law. That, I believe, should be the stand of yourself Mister Mayor, allow the judicial process to determine Callie's guilt or innocence."
Cesar Leo leaned over his desk..."So? Putting Callie on trial could be a benefit or a trigger for war? yet...preservation of the law must take precedent. I want the two Sailors who brought this forth to be exemplified to the public, they did the right and honorable thing. I want all our mammals in uniform to be as equally capable of such courage. Give them my expressed compliments Admiral."
"I shall do that Sir." DonCarnage replied. "With your permission I will have the public affairs office prepare a press statement for 6pm tonight. It will be sent to you for your approval."
Cesar nodded. "One thing Admiral? No death penalty. If Callie is found guilty? He should have the maximum prison sentence imposed on him. No death penalty."
"Yes Sir." DonCarnage replied.
The Prancing Camel Buffet Savanna Central 3pm January 25th, 2040
Will almost leaped from the table but held himself short as he watched his lover walk up to the table still wearing his uniform...
"Hi." Gilly said gleefully as he sat down. "I'm.....sorry I'm in uniform but I just got out of school and had my room mate drop me off at the mall so I could hoof it here....I can't "kiss n cuddle" in uniform...I'm so sorry."
"It's just fine." Will replied. "There's a lot I need to talk to you and get off my furry chest but we can't do it here. I....I wasn't very truthful to you when I showed up after I got my ass kicked and told you a Polar Bear had struck me by accident. I....I lied to you and I feel horrible about it."
"Well.....we can't do it at our place tonight." Gilly said. "We're cerebrating our orders coming in. I also talked to my room mate about apartment arrangements when we go to our ship. He's going to see what he could do. I....I haven't told him or anyone else that I'm gay."
Will looked like hell....at least that's what Gilly caught from just his face. "Will? Are you alright?"
"I've had a couple of rough weeks actually. Had to get through some snit. So worried you'll leave me because I lied to you..." Will said as he rubbed his face.
"I so want to cuddle you so bad right now?" Gilly said. "Are you still upset at me joining the Navy?"
"I was never upset about that." Will replied with a sniffle. "Well....who am I kidding? The separation from you has just sucked. I've just missed you and smart phones don't make it better....can't feel a moist kiss on a screen you know?"
Gilly laughed. "Yeah...can't get a nice hicky from it, that's for sure." The Bunny patted Will's paw...."Will? Don't worry ok? What ever's got you upset isn't going to change how I feel about you, not one damn bit. Ok...you lied to me but probably for a good reason. We'll get around it."
Will smiled back. "I hope so....I really need you. I need you like my life depends on it." The wolf sat back in his chair and sighed..."Look at me Gil? I'm a flucken disaster."
Gilly smiled back. "You're a gorgeous Lupine disaster. I can't wait till we can go somewhere quiet when I go on leave so I can be your delicious little pray again. I love that game." The bunny said as he closed his face to Wills' and doe'd his eyes...
Will smiled back..."I know you do."
The Mystic Springs 4pm January 25th, 2040
Judy walked into the garden sanctuary and jumped as her husband came out of the plants naked, hopping and yipping around her like a feral fox and tossing a bean bag toy with a look of joy on his face...
"You enjoyed yourself today?" Judy said as she rubbed her paws over Nick's head and snoot as he licked her face...
"Spent half the time hanging upside down and stretching...big improvement. At least for some things?" Nick raised himself on his back legs to show off the nice "hard on" he had...."Wanna get "frisky" and tackle this suspect officer?" He gestured.
"Maybe later there stud muffins?" Judy replied. "We have that meeting tonight for the next round of PSA shorts we have to produce. They have to be tailored now towards basic Civil Defense and First Response. I also got some advance warning that something important is coming on the news tonight around 6pm from the Navy Department." Judy said as she passed her husband his clothes.
"Oh? Get this Nick? I have a rival, a very serious rival who's going to gun for my ticket record tomorrow." Judy said waving a paw as Nick followed after her hopping along as he pulled his pants up...
"That's cool. So what's the wager?" Nick asked.
"246 tickets......by noon." Judy snickered. "She's so cool....reminds me of when I got parking duty by Bogo on my first day...she's all fire piss and vinegar. I promised her I would kiss her feet before the whole "Prinky" if she pulls it off."
"Interesting." Nick said as he adjusted his tie. "Our son got his orders today, did he tell you?"
"I got the text." Judy replied. "The Destroyer Growler out of Sahara Square. I also got a text from Darla but I'm not supposed to let Jackie know. She'll tell him tonight. She got orders to the same base."
"That will make him very happy." Nick replied. "What's for dinner tonight?"
"Pizza." Judy said as she slipped into the car. "I'm too tired to cook."
"Oh?" Nick brought up..."I talked again with Fen Fen and that cottage is open? You? Me? A month's vacation? Aden is wonderful in the Spring time?"
"Let me see about it?" Judy replied. "A month would be a stretch for me at this time."
Nick placed a paw on Judy's paw...."I'm not accepting a "no" as in..."our time" is "more important" than the department. In fact? I think it's time you think about retirement."
Judy smirked back. "Nick? I am no where near retirement eligibility yet?"
"I'm talking about hardship retirement." Nick said seriously as he sat back in his seat and crossed his arms. "Need I have to elaborate? I'm lonely sitting in that garden every day. Sure I'm finding ways to happily occupy my Vulpine fantasies but I'm still lonely. Between our retirements Judy? We can live comfortably. We could even move to that cottage in Aden. Fen Fen will give it to us for nothing. Please think about it? It means a lot to me....honest."
Judy sighed in reply. "I will think about it alright? But don't force it on me Nick? Give me a year or two from the decision. I deserve that consideration for all the work I put in."
"Of course, of course..." Nick replied. "It's all on you Judy, I won't trouble you further."
Nick then noticed that they had gone in circles. Judy pulled out her smart phone and hit a number on her save list....
"Dawn? This is Judy...we need to push the time for the meeting to eight? Can you still swing that? You can? Sweet....see you at eight." Judy turned the phone off.
"Um?" Nick gestured with a paw finger. "Why are we back here at the Mystic?"
"Because you got me horny you dumb fox." Judy said as she threw the smart phone in the back seat and pulled Nick from his seat..."We have an hour...so how about you show me some of these neat vulpine fantasies of yours?"
Savana Square 5:30pm December 2, 2039 Jackson's Apartment
"About time!" Whitney snapped as Gilly came through the door. "We've been letting the pizza sit for like ten minutes?"
"I had to take care of some needs." Gilly replied as he caught a beer from Kerdle. "To everyone and their orders." The bunny said as he saluted his beer to the others. "So Whitney? Is it drone maintenance or drone operation?"
"Maintenance." Whitney replied. "It's choice duty. Nice location. Absolutely quiet and dull...some parts dull." She snickered as she bumped Jackson. "Did Darla get orders yet?"
"She said she'd call when she got hers." Jackson replied. "I like the Growler already. We make two foreign port calls on patrols to the Outback Islands and Gala-pago Atoll."
" "Gala-Pago" is like party playground central." Gilly said. "You want to sew all the wild oats and get smashed on like five bucks? They say you can't run the place out of booze no matter how much a ship tries to drink. But you know me? I'm not much a party bunny at all."
"Good." Albert replied. "Because I already know that the ship's Master Chief is short on tolerance for animals gone a muck. His picture says he eats nails for chow and the carcasses of the Sailors he devours before captains mast. I wouldn't risk anything silly in Gala-Pago to begin with...the numbers of Sailors showing up at sick call with "scratchy packy" from too good a time there should deter mammals from being stupid....obviously it's not enough."
Jackson feasted on a big pizza slice as his phone buzzed in his pocket! "Oh snit! Some one get my phone!"
Giddy pulled it from a pocket and swiped it...."Hello? Action Jackson's massage parlor...I'll make you cream before you need your cream..." He snickered.
"Giddy! What the heck?!" Jackson snorted as he took the phone. "Hello?"
"Mmmmm....that sounds nice." Darla's voice sounded. "What's your special service like?"
Jackson snorted at Gilly..."Pervert. Hi! Did you get your orders?" He asked Darla.
"Uh huh." Darla replied. "Same base as you."
Jackson sighed...."Well....at least you're going to be close."
"Oh? I don't know Jackie." Darla said. "I don't think the Growler is close enough is it?"
Jackson's eyes bugged. "You got assigned to the Growler?!"
"I didn't stutter did I?" Darla replied.
Jackson turned to everyone else...."Darla's going to be on the Growler! Wow....did you tell my parents?"
"I called your Mom back." Darla replied. "I got a ton of..."You two had better not screw up!" from her, let me tell you. But we're not going to be in the same division so a relationship is allowed within the guide lines. I'm going to "HREP" and you'll be in "eye-serm" ICERM division. I.....can not wait! What about an apartment? I know you got the one in Savanna now but..."
Jackson looked around..."That means....we'd have to forget the idea of a shared apartment."
"No one said we couldn't do that?" Darla replied. "I don't mind if we buddy share one."
Jackson looked at Albert and Myler. "You guys don't mind?"
"Like a pair of mice are going to need that big a space?" Myler replied. "Unless you guys are a couple that likes "to breed" on everything?"
Jackson snorted...."I don't think buddy shares would be an issue. We could invite a different ship in the mix to keep the place clean and occupied while we're out at sea."
Darla snickered. "They have to be female. I don't want to come back and find half my underwear draw gone."
Jackson giggled back...."I'm gonna shut up to avoid the death penalty."
"I'll call you later on tonight." Darla replied. "We got something coming on the news at 6pm from the Navy Department. They say it's very important."
"Ok." Jackson replied. "We'll watch it here too. I'm so glad you got the same ship because that just dumped a huge load of worry off my chest."
"Kissy kiss Jackie." Darla said.
"Kissy Kisses Darla." Jackson replied smiling.
Rain Forest District 5:40pm January 25th, 2040 Home of Gordon and Grace Gray (Gray Wolves)
Alex was sitting at his school work desk in his bedroom dressed in a green t-shirt and red Marine Corps "P.T." shorts reading over another of the "Education modules" sent to him by Chancy...
There are many ways which the word "WAR" is used in our language. The classical description of War however as it relates to the purpose of the Fleet Marine Force is a violent clash of interests between or among organized groups characterized by the use of military force.
We serve and represent a society which has evolved to treat with abhorrence the concept and idea of war as an instrument of national policy. Zootopia aspires to live in peace with all the world around her as our citizens of every species worked tirelessly for hundreds of years to build a society where all are valued, every life is precious and the strong assure and protect the peace of mind of the weak.
However...it would be a dangerous illusion to entrust our society to a concept of unarmed pacivity. The Fleet Marine exists both as a visual deterrence against aggression and a credible and capable instrument of defense should deterrence fail...
"Hope I'm not disturbing you son?" A voice sounded from behind Alex's back and he jumped in his seat...
"Snit! Dad? I thought I locked that door?" Alex asked as he sat rubbing his head tuft. "No....no.....I was just doing this module that Uncle Chancy sent me, that's all. You?.....you need anything?"
Gordon grabbed a chair and sat down..."All these years of my Navy stories didn't convince you one bit huh?"
"You mean the Tranny Kangy story from the Outback?" Alex giggled.
"Did William tell you that damned lie?!" Gordon huffed!
"You really couldn't tell Dad? Then again....how did you get around that giant tail to do anything?" Alex said giggling...
"Shut it you little wise hump." Gordon snickered. "I'm going to kill your brother for opening his yap. Speaking of Will? Where'd he run off too?"
"Downtown Zootopia for auto parts." Alex said as he showed the text on his cell phone. "He told me he would be back late."
"I see...is everything still tense between you two?" Gordon asked.
"We're going through a violent divorce." Alex snorted back then giggled again. "He just doesn't please me in bed any more."
"ALEX!" Gordon yelped.
"Oh come on Dad?" Alex replied. "Seriously...I'm just getting used to being distant from Will, I mean I've been attached to his tail since I was in diapers right? I spent half my school years with him as a teacher besides Mom and you know... getting older and knowing every year since I turned 13 that Will was going to eventually leave the house made me upset. I'm an attention slut ok? Sue me."
"Do you have to put it in such graphic terms?" Gordon said. "Sometimes I feel like things between you were more close than I wanted to know."
Alex gasped. "Are you accusing Will of doing something to me? Dad?!"
"No Alex. I am not." Gordon replied. "I was never close to any of your uncles on my side of the family, I was the baby like you only my brothers were cruel. That's why I left for the Navy. Seeing you two have such a close bond to me was a little "queer" because I never had that experience. I just hope it won't change after the first few years you two spend by yourselves."
Alex smiled..."You're just upset I didn't chose to be a mop pilot Dad." Alex snickered. "You and Mom always sheltered me from "the Hunt". I'm shocked you didn't dress me up in a skirt and call me Alexandria? Joining the Marines is about me getting back at you for trying to make me feel like a girl."
Gordon snorted. "I never thought of you like that at all son."
Alex stood up and got in his father's snoot. "Let me show you a real wolf Dad. Get on your feet so I can kick your weak squid butt."
Gordon got out of his chair..."Bring it you little Jarhead bitch."
Just then...Grace poked her head into the room. "If you two testosterone driven mutts could put your fight on hold? That news conference is coming on now."
Alex huffed..."Saved by Mom just in time there Swaaaabeeeee."
"The night's still young there...."Puke dog." Gordon replied smiling.
Alex snarled...."After television? Out in the back yard there.....fat body."
"You're so on....you little bitch." Gordon snarled back wickedly.
ZNN Special Broadcast 6pm January 25th, 2040
Carla Cougar with Elkmore Williams
Carla Cougar: Good evening gentle-mammals this is Carla Cougar with Elkmore Williams. We are expecting to turn you to our correspondent Gary Gnu at the Navy Department where the Navy spokes-mammal, Commander Bucky Zel will be addressing the media and all of us on what the official primer for this News Conference called....a serious situation. That's all we understand about it at the moment. I see we've received the warning announcement here so now we turn this over to Gary Gnu.....Gary, have you learned anything at all leading to this announcement?
Gary Gnu: Only that it's something that involves one or two of our Destroyers in the Tundra Strait and it happened a few weeks ago. The Navy is tight lipped on it, there's the usual guesing but we'll see once Commander Zel comes out....which he is right now Carla, let's listen....
Bucky Zel: Good evening Gentle-Mammals, I am Commander Bucky Zel the public affairs officer for the Zootopian Navy. I will give you a briefing summary of an occurrence which happened on the afternoon of December 3rd of last year as two of our destroyers were on a routine patrol and protection mission. At that time the weather in the straits was very rough. The Destroyers were the Rain which was under the command of Commander William Callie and the Destroyer Tujunga commanded by Commander Enoshi Galon....
At around 2:17pm, a bridge watch aboard the Rain spotted and identified a medium sized vessel, a civilian vessel, ahead of the Destroyer Rain which appeared to be foundering in the heavy seas. As the Rain closed with the vessel, several mammals could be seen clinging to the vessel for dear life. Some if not all of them saw the Destroyer Rain and tried to signal her by arm waving. The watches on the Rain clearly identified the vessel in need and reported the finding to the bridge and the Commanding Officer....
Commander Callie himself....came onto one of the bridge wing stations and observed the mammals who were struggling to stay afloat by their sinking vessel. The Commanding officer of the Rain made the decision not to help them. He was reminded by the mammals on watch that it was a moral duty to aid these mammals in need. Commander Calli chose to do nothing....
When the Rain had passed these Mammals by in the water. Commander Callie swiftly went to the ship's radio room and ordered the duty watches inside to set up communications with the Destroyer Tujunga. Commander Callie then told the Captain of the Tujunga, Commander Galon, that he had taken hostile fire from the now sunken fishing vessel and at his own disgression....Commander Callie suggested to Commander Galon that he deal with any survivors left in the water. The Tujundra closed with the location of the sunken vessel, identified three mammals still swimming in the water.....and machine gunned them to death....
The Mammal's in question.....Were Kzinti citizens. Evidence was brought to light by the two Mammals on watch aboard the Rain that the Kzinti citizens in the water were not enemy combatants. That at no time was any hostile fire directed at our warships. We are not at war with Kzin. We wish no hostility with Kzin. Commander Callie had no authority what so ever to carry out what can only be described as an act of butchery. It is murder pure and simple. It is a violation of established law. No reasoning or excuse can justify the actions which Commander Callie took or ordered. By doing so? Commander Callie has put in grave peril the lives of all Zootopians...
As of this moment? Commander Callie is detained at the Rock Island Arsenal Brig awaiting courts martial on charges of premeditated murder. No officer, no citizen of Zootopia is above our laws no matter what justification he or she may attempt to use to justify murdering unarmed civilians and hapless mariners at sea. You can not violate our laws under any excuse and deem yourself part of our society. Rest assured....Commander Callie will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law...
I want to take the time also to commend the two Sailors of the Destroyer Rain who bravely reported the facts of the case to Admiral Bergoine, Commander of the 2nd Naval District of Zootopia. They knew well the law and they did their lawful duty as citizens and Sailors. All our service mammals should follow their example. The law of our society must always take precedent regardless of rank or situation. I will now answer a few questions....
Reporter One (Sheep): Were the three Kzinti shot dead by the Tujunga recovered?"
Bucky Zel: The seas at that moment were too rough to effect any recovery.
Reporter Two (Cheetah): Does this mean war? Will the Kzinti attack us? Did they know what we did at the time or do they now know because of this briefing?
Bucky Zel: It does not necessarily mean war is coming nor is it imminent. The threat of such however can not move us to silence when our laws have been violated. To say nothing, to do nothing could bring about equal if not worse results.
Reporter three (Pig): So those savages murder our citizens? They roast them? They shoot them but we shoot "them" and you want to put the officer...our Naval Officer.... On trial for murder of......savages?"
Bucky Zel: He broke our laws. No excuses. We're not going to honor wanton murder and useless reprisals, we're not a band of filthy pirate ships.
Reporter four (Badger): What do you hope to achieve by making this public?
Bucky Zel: We hope the Kzinti will see that we are an honorable society, that our word is our bond and that they can know that our words have truth in faith. Perhaps it will change the current situation we find ourselves in, hopefully it deters a war. That's all the questions I have.
Rain Forest District 6:18pm January 25th, 2040 Home of Gordon and Grace Gray (Gray Wolves)
Grace Gray jumped from her chair and pointed a paw finger at Alex..."You are NOT joining the Marines! Do you hear me Alexander? You are NOT joining the Marines!" Grace yelled and cried before flying up the stairs to the bedroom with Alex chasing after her....
"Mom! Mom wait! Mom!" Alex yelped but she slammed the door in his face!
Alex stood all but frozen until Gordon came up behind him. "Guess our fight has to be postponed huh Son?" Gordon said.
Alex turned with a scowl on his face..."Dad? Shut the fluck up?" The "mid-ling" wolf snapped as he walked by his father and slammed his own room door behind him.
The Mystic Springs 6:18pm January 25th, 2040
Judy held the cell phone with her mouth hanging wide open from the announcement...."Oh bunny snit." She gasped. Then her cell phone call tones went nuts...
"Well?" Nick said as he snuggled his head against his wife's breasts..."That kinda puts a damper on things doesn't it?"
"I'm texting Jackson....you get dressed and start the car. I bet I'm going to be working all night at the Prinky after this mess." Judy said as she got to her feet and started collecting her clothes from around the garden. "Next time you want to ravage me Nick? Don't throw my clothes all over the place?"
Savana Square 6:18pm January 25th, 2040 Jackson's Apartment
"Oh......fluck me." Gilly read Will's text and nodded. "Yup! I agree too! My friend just text'd me and said "Oh Fluck!" That makes "Oh Fluck, Fluck me and Fluck us" the words of the hour. Thank you Commander Callie, you stupid dumb fluck."
"A little pre-judging there don't you think?" Kerdle asked. "I mean....he could be exonerated in court for taking the best possible action in a bad situation."
"Oh yeah....shooting mammals who can't fight back is such a sign of a hero.... NOT!" Whitney snapped.
"If he broke the law and the law wins out then he deserves what's given." Jackson said crossing his arms.
"So you side with the Kzinti huh?" Kerdle snorted. "What the fluck Jackie? They killed our citizens!"
"Did they? I mean....the three that were trying to tread water until they were murdered by our bullets? Did they kill anyone? Where's the proof? Our bullets killed unarmed mammals begging for help. It's murder Kerdle."
Kerdle's girlfriend Rachael wrapped her arms around her boyfriend..."Stop it right now Kerdle?....let's go sit down ok?"
"They killed some of my brother foxes and cut their tails off as they screamed to their deaths Jackson!...fluck those Kzinti bastards!....and you're a dirty stinking half breed runt who'd never understand how "we" feel anyway!"
Jackie swung and nailed Kerdle in the snoot and the fight was on until they got pulled apart! The moment Kerdle got his chance? He kicked Jackson in his privates and sent him sprawling on the floor!
"Come on Rachel!...." Kerdle snapped "I wish I never met your sorry half breed Kzinti snit loving carcass! You flucker!" Kerdle snarled through his tears as he pulled Rachel behind him and stormed out of the apartment.
February 17, 2040....
The passing weeks after the Navy briefing were full of anxiety and dread...so much so that a false sighting of warships off the coast of Sahara Square caused both a panic'd flight of citizens and the unleashing of an intense defensive artillery barrage over the Sahara Square Beach...which later became known as "The phony war" and the "Cattle Battle of Sahara". In the meantime however...there was a noticeable reduction of Kzinti belligerence. Some called it "War preparations" while others viewed it as something positive. Perhaps the Kzinti were waiting to see how the courts martial of Commander Callie would play out.
No one in the apartment reported the fight between Kerdle and Jackson and while they appeared "cool" for the remainder of school; Kerdle stayed away from the apartment and remained distant from Jackson...going so far as to request a corner seat at the back of the class to be as far away as possible. Neither spoke to each other nor spoke of each other but Kerdle clearly made his feelings known to the other foxes in the class when they gathered to speak of the news about Commander Callie's pending courts martial.
With graduation. The apartment mates slowly parted off to their fleet assignments. Albert and Myler went on leave to their families in Little Rodentia. Gilly went home to see his father first in Rain Forest before spending time with his mother in Deer Borough. Whitney went on leave to see her mother...and her long time girl friend. Jackson stayed behind to finish cleaning the apartment out but Kerdle had yet shown up to get the rest of his stuff.
The apartment was Jackson's to keep, it was fully paid for, he could even rent it out for extra cash if he wanted. Darla had already found a good size place not far from the Sandy Cove naval base where the Growler was stationed. Jackson decided he could forgo going home for leave. Lost cuddle time was more important and Judy and Nick would understand that.
As he finished packing his sea bag to take to the car....Jackson turned to see Kerdle standing in the doorway with his empty sea bag dangling from a paw...
"Hi." The fox said.
"Hey." Jackson replied. "I folded your clothes and put all your stuff on the bed in your room. I was thinking you and Rachel got a place already."
Kerdle shook his head. "We didn't..."
Jackson held his paws out..."You want the apartment? It's all yours."
Kerdle looked away and grimaced..."I can't believe I called you a half breed piece of snit...the last few weeks just sucked tail."
Jackson walked up and wrapped his arms around the upset fox...."I can't believe I socked you in the snoot. Not like I haven't heard "half-breed" about a hundred times." Jackson said as he rubbed Kerdle's head tuft..."And yes bro. I do understand. Nothing's more precious to a fox than their tails. Let's chose to love each other even when we disagree huh?"
Kerdle hugged Jackson tighter..."You're the best friend I ever had...being angry sucks butt. I'll probably get carpal texting you every day but don't be a stranger will you? You'll probably be the best mammal at my wedding or we'll end up in the brig for something totally stupid....what ever. Just don't float away like some of my other friends have? Promise me?"
"No way..." Jackson snorted. "You're my favorite punching bag after all."
Jackson picked up his sea bag and gave Kerdle a tight paw grab..."When we get settled in our place in Sahara? Come on over huh? We'll get drunk, stupid and knock each other out. And this time Kerdy? Don't kick my nuts?"
"No promises you stupid "Jack-a-vox"." Kerdle snarled back. "Hey wait a minute? You didn't scrub the floor? What the fluck dude?"
"That's your job Kerd." Jackson said smiling. "That's why you have such a fluffy tail."
"Get out of here before I really kick your nuts to the moon wise hump." Kerdle commanded as he pointed to the door.
End of Chapter 15.