Chapter Five - Quiet Night
._ i sigh heavily, the captivating sight of countless celestial bodies smattering the black silken tapestry of the night's sky greets me as i open my eyes.
Chapter 4 - The Collective
"i'm sensing a different kind of celestial energy then the asgard... similar but different..." a million different things started rushing through colin's mind, was it a new enemy? where were they from?
Lupis Culture: The Paragons
The paragons and their role in lupine culture the paragons are the physical embodiment of the ideals of lupa and lupis' celestial pack. in theological terms, anyway.
Past me, the Present: Jump!
That is, not as the celestial masters our kind has known and worshipped ... will have known and worshippedthem.
The Moon Follows the Sun
The lunar shield and the celestial sword. the wall is bare. the helmet and the element of humanity set into its brow is gone. and the basin upon the altar is devoid of the liquid metal form of his armor.
The Demon King's Revenge - Prologue
The celestial can withstand even cyrus's most powerful attack, but in the face of any internal harm that was caused by the owner, even it will become useless. and with a simple body swap spell... "sallazar." he called.
Allison Towers and the Celestial Globe. Oh, and Laser Grids
Allison sat at the table in the back room, staring at the celestial globe sitting in the middle and smiling. yet another job well done.
God Siege Chapter 1: The Fall of Soarsky Temple
Everyone knew of the celestial temples in the sky hidden all around the earth, but without actually being part of one, they were hard to find, and even harder to get to. sightings were rare but also a cause for celebration and excitement.
Accidentally Infinite
But the titanic gator didn't know his own strength and the celestial satellite crumbled in his fingers like a clump of grated parmesan cheese.
RH's Beastiary Compilation #1
Kitsune, native to paramissium, these yokai are spirits imbued with great celestial power that is determined by the number of their tails, and gain more power as they age.
Super Effective
With no nearby celestial body to compare too, he had little gauge of how big he was getting though.
Chapter 35
"he's a celestial mage that specializes in spatial attacks. gah, i wish this was just someone i could punch instead of having to out-think. that's deluge's area!"