Burdens - Chapter 47: Wasted Time

#47 of burdens one day i'll write something with a point to it. chapter 47: wasted time it was another day. it felt that way, time and time again, it would just pass along, and it seemed like there was no halt to the ever accelerating cycle.

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Burdens - Chapter 40: Ripples in the Pond

#40 of burdens ??? ????? ??????, ??? ?????? ??? ?????. ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????. ?????? ??? ?????. sorry for the delay. essay and stuff. chapter 40: ripples in the pond they day had gone and a new one had arrived.

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The burdens we take upon ourselves...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the burdens we take upon ourselves, willingly or not, bend and twist what desires we have out.

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Burdens - Chapter 1: The First Day

#1 of burdens this is the first chapter of this series that i'm lazily working on. like a whole three people will probably read this. :p chapter 1: the first day it was sometime toward the end of january that the new classes were starting.

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Burdens - Chapter 135: The First Hour

#135 of burdens my score today was not like theirs. chapter 135: the first hour roger woke up panting and dehydrated. he attempted to shift around without waking the two wolves on either side of him, but he was deeply embedded into his dire situation.

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Don't Hide Your Scars

The most common seems to be 'i don't want to burden others with my problems.' almost everybody who i have helped or talked to has said that; it's like a barrier, a code for those who have been hurt.


An expression of anxiety

I am not a burden. "i don't feel like hanging out with you"

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A Story Never Told - Part 3 - Old and Young Souls

He accepted the burden of immortality for us all to find sense in life." vayle turned towards her and messed up his blanket again. he was leaning on one arm and his mind was full of questions. "you say he accepted a burden, eldest.

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Evensong for Flock and Pack

There's miles upon miles i must walk somehow, there's burdens on burdens i'm carrying now, and when i come home--which i will, i vow-- i'll be needing that fireside then.

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Song of Destruction

But his heart was burdened. so one day it came to pass, that as he greeted me on my return i said to him: "something troubles you, my treasure. tell me of it."

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Voices of the Silenced

Of great expectation not just from my loved ones but on myself as well as it slowly creeps up on me feeling heavier day by day as the clock keeps ticking away i knew the risks of choosing this path but why must it feel like i can't move like the burdens

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Wayfinder's Journals (3)

It is an act of the utmost generosity and kindness, risking your soul for someone else's, that the simple act of shouldering such a burden often lessens the debts of the naga who accepts it.

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