Invane: At nuater

At the very end however, we all line up with our bottles and started throwing them inside. after forty bottles later, nothing had happened. we just littered and burned the forest down instead.

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400 Rabbits

It clasped a bottle of pulque, and it trembled. automatically, eighty-six reached for the bottle. "you!" the head and shoulders of two-rabbit emerged from the burrow, followed by the rest of her.

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{Babyfur} Toddler At The Workplace (1/2)

"alright, the bottle is warm and ready for you, kiddo!"

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Brave New Realm: Diggy Diggy Hole

He took a quick detour to check on jynx, the tabaxi still working his way through several bottles. although he had either slowed down or found new bottles from somewhere.

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Wisper Dabble - Desk Decor

Wisper pointed at the bottle and zapped it, making the glass to heavy. once he was sat down, the rabbit tried to wiggle around but the bottle wouldn't budge. wisper grinned at him.

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The Fat Fur Flu (pt. 1)

Tommy carelessly mixed some together from a slightly hairy bottle, a wide bottle, and a bottle marked with a v. then, the contents exploded on the two boys. the dad soon came in and sent tommy home.

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Colonyship - Chapter 4 - House Arrest

With that done i look at the alcohol left in the second bottle and the full third one. no words or gestures need to be made on to what to do with them as i hand the partially filled bottle to shian.

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Invane: Hazery Drive

Noticing that half of the bottles and glasses were already half empty or just plain empty in general.

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Bubble Bath Bedlam

With that his mom poured one bottle into a saucer while attacking a sucker to the other bottle. she then set the saucer down on the ground while giving tom the bottle. tom sucked on the bottle greedily.

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No good Deed Chapter 5: Welcome to Nursing

She put an enormous bottle through the crib "and you're going to drink this all up?" i nodded and took the bottle, putting it to my lips and suckling with what was quickly becoming practiced ease.

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She took another swig, then peered into the bottle. "damn, what's in this stuff? one bottle down and i'm spilling my whole life story." "hey, so am i," shade snorted. "great, so we're both lightweights," she laughed. he laughed with her.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 66

It was the bottle of brandy jon had used on his wounds, still intact and gleaming in the firelight. he smashed it against the wall and held the broken bottle by the neck.

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