Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)
But if you're defending yourself from people who accuse you of being demon-spawn, you might as well enlist the help of a demon, right?
Diary of the Dark Sister
Ab month 5 the stars are so accusing. they stare at me constantly. they're taunting me with their freedom to move as they want. but i don't mind. i guess...i deserve it. i've been a bad pony. i deserve my punishment.
The Wall
Next came his wife, who immediately got to the point, accusing vinnie of neglecting her, plotting to kill her and being an asshole to her; which he actually took the blame for.
BNA: Evolution
Marie was quick to accuse, hoping michiru would back her up. "you would be the expert on that, marie." the tanuki replied, rolling her eyes and ignoring the glare thrown her way. "what's going on here?"
Orelai- New Team
On the other hand there is the fact he's being pretty much accused of having faked everything by someone clearly bigoted against him just because of where he came from.
Lovers' Quarrel
"linda accused me of something she failed to do, so i spent hours going and doing her shit. then i had to talk with my supervisor about it, which i'm probably going to hear from linda about that tomorrow. on top of that..."
A Silent Soul- Chapter 8
I growled slightly at his accusation, standing up from my laying position. i turned to him and pointed a finger accusingly, "you didn't have to tell me all those things. it was your choice." i coldly informed him.
The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter 19.
And he lifted his head, listening for the sound of anyone else over the dead still accusing him. their voices and accusations fell on deaf ears.
The Weight: Chapter 8
Tony growled under his breath, for he had grown quite tired of the unjust accusations, then took a step of his own toward winston, now challenging him.
Darkness and Starlight 26 - The MasterGamer
"i don't know who you are, or what you're accusing him of, but if you aren't gonna tell us or offer some kind of evidence right now, then you better leave or i'm calling the guards!" "fine!
Elation and the Fall
As the sun in our minds, the hurt blinds our eyes and we're too far away to even grasp at each other now he's in shock, but that will turn to misery which will turn to depression, which will turn to disgust in turn leading to guilt and then accusations
The Sorrows of the Church
Not long after inheriting the smithy he was imprisoned for outrageous grounds such as accusations of heresy and other crimes that seem unlikely to be linked to him, one thing was certain though, he was being extorted and blackmailed and these so called shepherds