Data Sheet #1
It consists of 1-6 alphanumeric characters, which are generated using a computer algorithm.
Chapter 1
Stop! Stop this....please! don't do this....I beg you...please... I jostled awake and struggled to open my eyes. Even with my eyes close, I can feel the sun rays threatening to sear my eyeballs. Wrestling with the sheets, I got up and sat on my...
Nightmares (1)
#1 of nightmares part one of my "nightmares" series. this... is new, and there will be smut. soon.
Chapter 1
#1 of tales of woe the continuation of a story that some thirty or forty people read!
1 : Obscured
Scilius was enjoying himself in the shower, letting hot water run down his scales. The small remains of his waxy shedding skin started drifting off as he scrubbed his scales. His eyes, arms, legs, and even crotch were now, finally, covered not in dead...
poem 1
#1 of weekly poems for you love is you and love is me love is a prison and love is free love's what's there when you're away from me. i see the world more vividly because i am harvesting the days for you.
1 : BlindSighted
Scilius emerged from the bed, wiping his leathery eyes as he arose and saw the clock on his bedside table. [6:58], time to wake up. Once he stood fully up, feeling unusually tired this morning, he began his typical routine and withdrew a set of clothes...
Chapter 1
#1 of grey knights a splitting headache is never the best thing to wake up to, especially when you couldn't remember what lead up to the pain. then again, this was nothing new to him sadly, the familiarity from the last two months of poverty and misery.
Chapter 1
#1 of second chances "come on, kali! up 'n at 'em, time for your daily training!" i tapped my foot waiting patiently at the door as kali lethargically rolled into view.
Untitled 1*
The sun was setting over the village know as Fisher, the colors in the sky a mix of oranges and reds instead of the calm blue. It was almost as if the sky itself was ablaze, desperate to keep the world below it bathed in warmth and light, trying with...
Preview # 1
August, 12 Dear Dia Journal, I feel as if something strange is going on. Lately I haven't been able to sleep because I feel as if I am being watched, and I swear I hear whispers whenever I try to go to the bathroom. My vision gets blurry and I...
Poem #1
#1 of my poems my words and my dreams, what flows from my soul. i started writing poems long ago, never gave them titles, posted most on my facebook. lately i've been told to post them else where, to share my words.