The Most Important Part of Halloween
The small gazelle whined, but the older boy shoved out his hand, toppling over the slender fawn. "no! they are picking on her!" jessie realized with a gasp. she yanked her sword into the air, threw her candy bag across her back, and rushed towards them.
Ring In the New
The older male smiled softly. "yes, that's what this room is for, and no, i didn't bring you here for that.
Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise - 4 Sweet Dreams My Beagle (Clean)
"samuel, look at me" kuenia said quietly, the beagle raising his tear filled eyes to look at the older male canine squatting in front of him "i will make this really clear for you.
SY 09 - Dinner and a show
The iguana might not look imposing compared to a full grown stallion but venn recalled when he was much younger, the older male had never raised a hand to him but he'd instilled a healthy respect in the then young colt that had followed him into adulthood
"The Thin Line," Part II
For the most part, the various older male burrows continued to have quiet conversations with me, asking questions on the one paw and dispensing observations they made when they themselves had crossed the mill river going over to lark's rise.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 24
"welcome home," replied an older male voice. "i'm sending you coordinates to my shipyard. i hope to see your ship within the hour." "how many new ships are being built?" yukiomaru asked, staring through the window that zoomed in on the shipyard.
Merry Christmas Bolt Part 1
She squealed, breaking free of mama yuri's hand, running towards the older boy and wrapping her arms eagerly around his waist, tail wagging furiously. 'bolt bolt bolt bolt!'
Chapter 2: Hope Beckons
Sam was an older guy, a bit large for a beagle, and had pretty much seen it all. anything till might have accidentally hinted at would probably have been safe with him.
elemental years prologue/chapter 1
Now the dragon, an older male lizard, a female wolf, and a ferret were at watch the sun would be up in a few hours. soon the lizard screamed "every one get up the hell are here! run!"
Chill the swamps and Enter the Altered Chapter 14
Only to find, a rather small herd of pokemons, voltorbs, bulbasaurs, sandshrews and several other kinds, with a female glaceon in the front of them, and behind her was an older shiny female vaporean and an older male leafeon, and a pair of older espeons..
The Pain Of Losing- chapter 5 (part 1)
Then he gulps for a split second noticing the older male package between his legs which was hidden by the jeans, but it was obvious he is damn big.
A much older boy said that sat across the table from the first. "it probably had to do with her..." "i see that all the attendees have arrived." a man said interrupting will.