The Pain Of Losing- chapter 5 (part 1)

Story by aaron blackwolf on SoFurry

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#5 of wolfies mess

Chapter 5 finally......

Hope you enjoy :)

The two canines laughed together and kept running towards her mansion. Jean smiles happily at the white wolf and then gets distracted by her flow of thoughts.

"Strange, I like him, but I don't love him although he is Soo nice." she thought to herself giggling at the white wolf. She looks to the right as they pass by Joey's home which is really nice she thought to herself. She got so distracted that she looked at some furs passing by not aware Joey is winning. "Jean you okay back there?" The white wolf calls to her slowing down a little bit worried about why she is spacing out.

She shakes her head as the two are now pretty much jogging and looks at him "I'm fine silly and....we are getting close" she added with a grin on her muzzle.

He yelps and starts running again as fast as he could while using a strange method which is breathing through his nose "Just like he t...." he stops his thought and starts to remember a hazy memory of someone. She notices him spacing out just like she did and takes advantage of that chance to run past him and without thinking " I'll win you cute wolf hehe!" She comments playfully and he yelps when she passes by him.

Joey chuckles and tries to keep up but in the end loses by a small gap "Awww damn it!" He thinks to himself and stops next to her panting heavily after the long race. He looks at the huge mansion and again is still amazed by it then remembers something "D-did she call me cute?!" he blushed at the thought and turned to look at her still panting heavily.

She pants heavily as well trying to regulate her breath and takes a deep one" Phew......I win crying puppy heheh." She comments happily and giggles at the male reaction as he takes a deep breath after her.

"I know......nice job and did me cutie back there?" He asked her, a blush forming on his cheeks from the name. She blushes as well looking the other way trying to find an excuse but nothing comes up in her mind.

"" She replays trying to save her tail.

He chuckles and blush" Thanks cutie husky." he says almost like a whisper blushing even deeper.

The awkward moment stops when a female husky opens the gate and looks at the two for a moment.

She looked so young, almost like Jean's sister or something, or at least that's what Joey thought. She is a little shorter then Jean, slim body, but mostly some muscles in her upper body, she had blue eyes and her clothes obviously from famous brands or something. She wore a light coat which was blue like her eyes, some normal clothes under it with normal black jeans which covered her hips quiet nicely.

She clears her throat and the two look at her. Joey being the first to talk and embarrassing himself" Are you Jean's sister?" He asks rubbing off the sweat from his forehead and Jean face palms at his question.

"Joey Thompson meet my mother

Lucy Jackson." She introduces her mother politely and Joey blinks blushing crimson red at the mistake he did and the bad impression it seems.

"So sorry Mrs. Jackson forgive me.....I L-looked young umm. "He stammers and the older husky burst out laughing at the embarrassing reaction.

"Why thank you Joey, it's nice to meet you, and I know your mother actually so no worries." she smiles in an assuring way "She told me you're a shy Wolfie and now I can see why." She smiles at him and offer her paw in a respectful way and he takes it kissing her paw.

"Sorry again, you look young so you know? Ah never mind." he pulls his paw back and blushes.

"Damn it Jean Jackson! Why did you bring a boy that looks exactly like your dad to the house?! Haha!" She asks and laughs loudly for a moment.

Joey gulp at the older husky comment and squirms" Like me? Jean? What is she talking about?" He asks trying to avoid the awkward moment.

She grins and smile at him then points behind her mother" You will see."

Then he looks behind the female husky and blinks wide eyed at the sight of the father. White wolf same face as Joey only older, body well toned almost like a super model, a little bit taller then the young wolf, his legs quite masculine that he could crush someone head with his feet.

Joey gets lost in the sight of the sexy wolf almost like an older version of him. Then he gulps for a split second noticing the older male package between his legs which was hidden by the jeans, but it was obvious he is damn big.

Jean then shook him awake from staring and he yelps now the older wolf standing in front of him looking down at him with a cold face.

"Hmmm you're my daughter's new friend?" He asks with a deep voice smiling at the younger wolf.

"Y-Yes sir I'm Joey Thompson sir....."He replayed, back to being nervous and bows in respect.

" need to be formal kiddo." He talks in a now more friendly voice and smile" I'm the father of this house and millionaire hope you will like our humble mansion heh." He explains for Joey who nods smiling.

"It's really nice, but I came here because Jean invited me not the money hehe."He replays all of a sudden making Jean and the mother blink a little bit surprised of his reason.

Jean's father smile a little more and thinks for a minute "Maybe he is a good wolf after all heh." He thinks to himself with a deep chuckle.

"Oh my! Wasn't expecting that answer." He talks with a calmer tone.

"Name is Johnny Jackson; you can simply call me Joe." He offers his paw and the younger white wolf takes it and shakes with him giggling.

"At least good start with the dad but DAMN he is like a super model with that body!" Joey thought to himself and shakes his head trying to not get any thoughts then Jean pulls him by his paws" Let's go silly puppy we have a long day since it's the weekend."

"Joey! I'll tell your mom your here!" Mrs. Jackson shouted at the wolf but he didn't hear what she said and nods again being dragged by his friend.

She giggle loudly" Hot huh?" She asks him with a smirk on her face and move around the house instead of the front door.

"What? Yeah it's hot today heh." He replays thinking she meant the weather but he was clueless that she meant the older wolf.

"I was talking about my dad hehe isn't he a big one?" She pushes it so easily wanting to tease him and as she thought the wolf is already blushed scarlet red at her question.

"Ummm you have a swimming pool?" He replays trying to change the subject to save his tail and she nods.

"Where do you think I'm taking you then hehe." She replays back at him and they reach a sight that got Joey jaw gapped open.

The pool was huge like something between 20 and 26 meters at least and the depth looked like escalating when swimming from right to left.

"I'm guessing by your open jaw you love it?" She smiles and right away runs to the small changing room her parents left at the side of the pool.

Joey doesn't even notice still surprised by the sheer size of the mansion and now a pool to swim in with a garden around which makes it even better for the young wolf.

"Hey you! Googly eyes!" The husky calls for him and he shakes his head looking at and blinks blushing slightly.

She got out wearing some sort of swim suit black with a sort of golden colored ribbons or something and it covered her upper body, but still no matter what Joey still thought she looked beautiful.

"You look sexy in that swimming suit." He comments making a wolf whistle then notice what he said and face palms at this blushing deeper then he already is.

She blinks and giggles loudly blushing herself" Why thank you." She smile and moves to the swimming pool and jumps in sighing happily at the feeling then looks at him.

"Not joining?" She smile offering him to join and he shakes his head" I don't have a swimming shorts or anything." He couldn't stop blushing thinking this is going to be an embarrassing day.

"Go to the changing room you will find my dad's shorts from two years back, put them on hehe."

He nods and moves to the changing room looking around then finds it, blue shorts, on them a picture of the ocean on the sides and like Jean explained it looked a little small so it must be old.

So he strips off and tries it on them for some reason it fits perfectly on him a little tight around the crotch area but still good enough.

He smile and nods moving out of the room and looks at the pool yet the husky wasn't there.

"Jean?" He calls for her and she is sitting on the chair it seems laying down just relaxing while wearing shades.

He smile and sighs taking a run to the pool and jumps in making a big splash.

"You like the feeling right?" She calls from the side and Joey is pretty much making a funny pleasured face at the water surrounding his body like that.

"Yeeeeeeeeessss totally yes!" He exclaims being the type to like water as badly as it gets him in some sort of trance every time he swims.

She giggles "Aww so cute!" She then blinks doing just like Joey talking without noticing what she said blushing but lucky for her the wolf was diving when she said that.

Joey gets back to the surface and takes a deep breath then feels someone paw grabbing his leg and pulls him down.

He yelps and struggles to see its Mr. Jackson making him blush and quickly break free swimming back to the surface coughing.

"Wow Mr. ...I mean Joe you scared me!" He exclaims holding his chest.

The older wolf chuckles and pats his back gently now shirtless and wearing only his own new Speedo.

"Chill out, consider yourself at home pup heh." He smile and Joey murrs at the pat feeling the warmth from the order wolf then nods getting back to the shallow part of the pool to sit back and enjoy it.

Mr. Jackson follows him and grin slightly" Do you like hot springs Joey?" He asks all of a sudden.

"Yeah I love to just enjoy a hot steamy shower heh." He replays now a little less tense since he is ignoring Jean's dad bigger body and 8 packs.

"Well this pool is special you see." he starts to explain and Jean takes over from there" With a press of the button we can change this pool into a hot spring if you want."

Joey nods looking at the two in awe impressed by the mechanism of the pool. Then his expression changes slightly and the older wolf notices it and turns to his daughter "Jean hope you don't mind, but can you get us some towels?" He asks strangely polite or maybe playing around.

The husky frowns playfully and nods softly moving away from the two and now he looks down at Joey a paw on his shoulder "Are you okay pup?" He asks suddenly and Joey shakes his head putting on a smile to cover it but the older wolf sees through that it is just a façade.

"I know something is bothering you pup so I'm a good listener." He tries to convince him with a calm voice then Joey nods hanging his head and ears down as well sighing sadly.

"I'm not sure......I don't want to be a bother." He replays with a shaky voice making Mr. Jackson sigh softly pulling him to a hug and whisper in his ears "It is okay Joey I want you to lay the weight on me, I want to help you wolfie." Joey gasps at the sudden hug and words.

"Your words......."He mumbles another memory pops in his being hugged by someone and the exact same words being said to him but who is it, he can't remember.

"It's.....Alex he wanted to kiss me that day and start with me a relationship, b-but I said I can't and I need to think about it." He just lets it out honestly and the white wolf nods rubbing his head gently "And?"

"I said I can't because of someone in my past but I can't seem to remember who was it or.....why do I feel so sad thinking about this fur's like a fog in mind and I feel ashamed of forgetting this certain someone.....I-I....." His voice about to break then Joe holds him closely "Let it out pup it's not wrong to let your emotions out and it will hurt more if you hold it in."

Upon hearing his words Joey sighs deeply and hugs back sobbing on his chest quietly "IT'S NOT FAIR!" He whimpered and held on to him tightly and his chest starts to ache really confused"Why do I feel so much pain?! Why every time I try to remember I only see fog in my head?!"He thought to himself trying to concentrate but nothing.

He then just gave up and kept crying on the older wolf like holding on for protection against a storm.

"Give it time pup and maybe someday you will remember okay?" the older wolf smiles at him and kisses his forehead like Joey is his son or something.

"I'm bac......k" Jean looks at the two wide eyed for a moment then looks at the crying wolf and smiles at her father.

"You just like to help eh dad?" She asks randomly and he nods laughing softly and Joey wipes away his tears smiling happily for once feeling like a huge weight is off his head.

"Thanks sir.....I mean it." Joey mumbles and blushes crimson red at how awkward he looks on a lap of a sexy wolf and Joe laughs lifts him up and throws him in the water.

"Lets enjoy this day young ones haha!"

They both laughed and Jean left the drinks jumping in the pool and start to splash at her father.


Time passed and the three kept on laughing and talking with each other until the mother husky came in and cleared her throat.

"Come on Babe and Jean let's go in eat lunch."She simply says and throws towels at them then look at Joey who is a little confused giving him a towel.

"You too kiddo I want you dry and ready to eat okay? Go to my husband's bathroom, Jean will lead you to it."She looks at her daughter who nods grabbing his paw and pulling him with her.

He gasps and sighs in defeat moving along with her.

"This is going to be a long day."He repeated in his head.
