Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Four

"i wasn't gonna do anything to them, i'm not a bully" "then why did you make fun of me because i wear my shorts in the shower?" asked timothy. "i wasn't making fun of you. i just thought it a little... odd... that's all. i swear!" cried landon.

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The Locker Buds

But hey, at least they don't make fun of me. that's more than can be said for some others at the school.

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creepy pasta idea 2

We where makeing fun of it. "haha look look you can see the strings." "that is so obviously fake." stuff like that. dad spoke up "well its past 9:00, you kids had better get to bed" my siblings spoke up.

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Helluva Boss: Is There No Gray in Hell? Part 1

"you can make fun of _me_ all you like," moxie sniffed. "as if i haven't lived an _entire life_ hearing commentary like yours on my preferences."

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And it was such a good day too

She found out very quickly it was because she was shy that people seemed to dislike her and leave her to herself, or make fun of her. she never got the courage to be outgoing because of that.

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The New Girl. Chapter 1 Part 1 (Reality Revealed.)

Nobodys going to make fun of you. go ahead and do it behind the tree." felicity said pushing her towards the tree. "but..." ashten said but before she could say anything further felicity grabbed her arm and tugged her to the tree.


Enchanting Desires Ch. 3

You laugh at others misfortune, you make fun of someone's fears." he forced himself calm, the waves of energy fading. "i have my reasons, now respect them or i'll tell my master you had an unfortunate accident on the way there" "you can't do that!"


TLoS: Darkness Falls Prologue

"i've known you ten minutes and you're already making fun of me," spyro grumbled, pretending to be hurt by her remarks.

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Slaves we are not

making fun of my tight clothes and the unnatural black stripes under my eyes." i yell angrily at the ground. am i really that different? i think to myself as i sit down in the grass.

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Friendly's New Friend - Chapter One

"i'm glad that he's made a friend, everyone in his class makes fun of him" "but why?"

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Stevens started making fun. i ignored him, swung again, and connected--but the piñata didn't break. i swung again at the same spot, and nearly fell over as i missed altogether--darn thing must have still been swinging.

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