In The Land of Ancients: Chapter 1

Heat and cold, life and death, and of course... light and dark. then, from the dark, they came, and found the souls of lords within the flame.

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The heartstones come in different kinds, depending on how they are used: healing, power, courage, wisdom, life and death. heartstones of life and healing belong to magicsters who wished to aid both men and animals.

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Finally Unfrozen

Knew about life and death, but she'd never ... " ... killed anything? the fur caught between worlds ... where does your allegiance lie? if you kill me," mandy gasped horribly, "you're a predator.

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Ragnarok - X

Our power, you have seen the thinnest edge, is birth and life and death and birth again: the hollow underneath the toppled pine, the whirlwind glimpsed in how it whirls dead leaves, the sharp percussion of the cracking ice and strings of running water

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Orelai- Managing Pieces

But if there is a war, if put in a situation where not using everything at their disposal could be the difference between life and death, just how much more violent would people like him end up becoming?

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 7

And just before it left, it spouted some nonsense about life and death and the balance of things. i don't know what to make of it." "death," valdigt said. "why? was that of what it warned you?" "i think so."

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The Cat's Stroll 03

It'd been thrilling, tiptoeing the fine line between life and death. of course, this was actually a bit of an exaggeration.

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Lord of Arms-Chapter 9

I've violated the laws of life and death so many times that without my achievements, i would've been thrown in hell. i was at my limit when i found you. i've taught you everything i knew, and now you have finish what i started."

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 4

She could feel the excitement that she always did before a hunt, the tension in her mind and her body that happened before drawing back her bow, and the thought that this was it, the moment of life and death and everything was hanging on a thread smaller than

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MTG: Aqalax

They see it as a justification for their hedonism, for sunlight brings both life and death, love and war.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Seven

Both shiro and kiara stood upon the edge between life and death. a line that they themselves had drawn between them. they were both infinitely far apart and close enough to touch. the gulf between their worlds closed.

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Dunescape Part 2

Alone together in life and death as all the worlds' inhabitants were destined to be. cole and jane stood united in solitude, side by side as the last sign of the malnok passed over the horizon into freedom.

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