A Lifestyle Choice

The truth is, i've known a long time that i didn't fit in among people, and i didn't want it to end selfishly, with some kind of suicide, or shooting.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 4 - And Then There Were Five

He had only picked it up because he had a gun to fit it. yet he had no idea why he had not used it against any of the monsters, not even "daisy". until he realised that it was not fit for such a purpose.

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A Growing City

During the rush hour, each train car can become filled to capacity, leaving people to press against each other in order to fit everyone inside.

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No Gyms

"really, i don't think i can even fit through the door," sasuke continued to complain, placing both paws on the side of his gut and giving the massive table muscle a squeeze of affection.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, end notes

Right before summer break began, the two coaches called him in to their office and calmed his nerves about competing in varsity by surprising him with a fire stone they had obtained for him through the state's high school athletic association.

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408 The Secret Decalogue

We could repeat it every once in a while when the intellectual conditions were suitable, and throw in extra word of mouth stuff and explanations as we saw fit depending on what's needed at the time."

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Ring In the New

The athlete shook his head. "you saw me, too. you saw through me somehow. and even after..." the akita's ears splayed sharply. "even after i clipped you one that morning, you didn't give up on me.

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24 Dizzy

It took more work than it should have to fit my entire body under the covers - even in the fetal position i barely fit on a queen size bed - but i managed it well enough and dozed off soon after. i'd realize later it wasn't a dream.

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Diary of a High School Girl- Chapter 1

He is tall, not exactly fit, but not fat either, short unkept brown hair, deep brown eyes, with black ears and tail. though he's not exactly a genius, he's not an idiot either, but he is athletic and good at what he sets his mind too.

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The Tides of War

That he claims to be fit enough to make the decision he shall not be parted from you again, i offer this in his stead, he will either give you up, or... he will be subservient to you."

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The Troubled Prolouge

There's me, garrett, a timber wolf, broad frame, athletic, a matt black back and a silver chest with an odd sheen and matching eyes. i manage the hideout, supplies, and materials.

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A Little Reflection

Had i known then i would be taller than he was, i would have savored every moment all the more--because i no longer fit in his lap, and the tides of nature have seen fit to deprive me of my greatest joy. my second greatest, however, i could share.

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