SummerSeen(Commission) Chapter 1 Arriving in Style and Chaos
It was a brisk cool summer day, One of those days that followed after a big storm but the humidity cleared out, The perfect day to be outside enjoying the summer, The happy children running freely through the town enjoying the days off school that...
Silver's Stories The Younger Years WIP
Silver's stories 6 the younger years. "i don... silver's stories 6 the younger years. "i don't want to get up." i mumbled to myself as i herd the sound of the alarm clock starting to feel the room.
Into the Pit Chapter 3: Gym Brat
Like helga, jo looked fine for someone in her 40's, though she was only about two years younger.
new life, younger life (warning, babyfur abdl refrenches)
Crib, the rocking chair, its a nursery and your the baby "you get to grow up again. grow up better" they reach down and pats your head you are take care off, and babied from that day on, you forget everthing only to get a new life...a younger
An Offer You Oughtn't Refuse
It was a cool mid-autumn morning when I answered the knock at my door to find a tall, huge, broad-shouldered, solidly-built, cerulean-furred lion filling the entryway, his lavish indigo mane swept back in a jaunty manner. His maroon and gold athletic...
The Lion Has Landed
Pratfalls and rubber-legged antics to rival dick van dyke), and a clever tale of a magical mirror that transformed the young dancer into an adult version of himself (performed not by an older brother, apparently, but someone who looked very much like the younger
Changing Relations (part one of three)
**Changing Relations** **Part one of three** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Adagiodajiang_ _ _ _ _ Alyssa breathed in slowly and evenly, though her eyes were wide, the very young doe-taur clutching...
Trailblazer Part 5
Your subconscious and some of your prime consciousness, once we do that we work our way to where your memories are stored and filter through them.", she removes a pair of black rimmed glasses from her chest pocket and puts them on as she leans towards the younger
Starlight Part 6
The mature skunk whispers to the younger wolf "i love you." and kisses him on the lips.
After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]
The younger gallade cursed as he stood up with a grunt. "right here!"
Good Ol' Possum Fun
The younger brother asked once more. "who doesn't mind us? let's go!" the older brother replied as he left the area. "hey, wait up!" the younger brother shouted as he follows his brother into the woods.
For King and Country
Not actually believing the younger boy would hinder his chances as they shared much of the same interest in aviation. joey just had more experience and training than the younger cub.