File #9 - Determination"

The romulan republic had been assisting starfleet in perfecting the midas-touch array by providing a live warbird for the warrior to track.

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File #4

The existence of the romulan cloaking device that could render a romulan warbird almost completely invisible to sensors filled him with concern. the romulans were masters of deception.

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Jet-A (2019)

"we'll get you up to snuff on this, before turning you loose in another jet warbird." "sounds like a plan!" joey agreed.

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File #2

He had left the relief ships around starbase 248 in order to follow the romulan warbird, in full defiance of admiral hartman's orders. he was not so sure...

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Soar (2019)

The flight line held a number of civilian aircraft, and a few warbirds mixed in with the lineup.

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Dottie (2022)

Alvin assisted in pushing out the last warbird, rob's rarely flown f8f bearcat.

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File #6

Tempest looked to the viewscreen, to the image of the hulking green romulan warbird repeatedly firing plasma disruptors at the warrior. it seemed there would be no negotiation, they were intent on destroying this vessel.

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Star Trek: Warrior - "Legacy"

Commander val'sha could feel her control slipping away as she saw the warbird engulfed in flames on the viewscreen of the victorious.

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Highball (2021)

It made felix realize how lucky he was to sit in the cockpit of an almost extinct warbird, plotting along the empty skies. he had been flying warbirds now for almost eight years, since he was eighteen, and it felt so commonplace to him.

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File #11 - "Pieces"

Nicholson turned, looking out the large windows to the drifting, silent wreckage of the norexan class warbird that he had been powerless to save. scattered pieces that were dark, silent... dead...

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book One - "Legacy"

Commander val'sha could feel her control slipping away as she saw the warbird engulfed in flames on the viewscreen of the victorious.

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book Two - "Atlantis"

The atlantis had been pursuing a romulan warbird through this system, during the earth-romulan war.

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