The Magic Puzzle #1: Bridget and Colin meet Silver
The spinner on the dial landed on a tan square. then bridget and max were gone in a flash of tan light! "where... **are** we?" said bridget. then bridget saw in front of her an upright coyote!
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 15
This shocked tan tao so much the tiger could barely even speak. sensing this, tai lung took his foot of of tan tao's neck.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 13
* * * tan tao jumped into the courtyard, landing some distance from where the emperor was. shaking his head and grinning deliriously, tan tao lifted kublai khan with his chi energy, bringing the bull to him.
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace
.** **kesherran (kay-share-ron) sherro (shay-ro) lo kempura himora-tan,** **keshe (kay-shay) kenshinomurahamoran (kenshi-no-mura-ham-o-ran) lo kempura himora-tan,** **kesha (kay-sha) laurran (la-u-rran) salana lo kempura himora-tan** **keshe hiranose (
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 6-B
Tooty came into cream's mind, and how broken she was when a tan tao had taken her away to be raped again and again for a year. cream knew this had to be the same tan tao that had kidnapped banjo's sister twelve years prior. it simply had to be.
R/7 Lost Heaven
tan looks over lydia, "do you have mayflower?" lydia holds up her toy squirrel. tan pats lydia's head, "good girl." lydia brings the toy up and makes tan kiss it. tan purrs. danny holds out his wings, "gerry, what are we doing?"
No somos esclavos
Me di cuenta cómo sed era tan pronto como enciendo la ducha y oído verter el agua.
D.E1 Chapter 71: Defilers of the Great Canine
Husky softly said not millimeters from the tan evo's face. the fearsome eyes so full of fury suddenly drowned in tears. the tan evocanis never let the others notice this and quickly wiped them with his sleeve. he backed away. "you..."
Trust and Rescue
tan was about to get in the fight, but before he could, a strem of blue fire crossed his way. he backed away and looked to the side to see a creature that had sneaked.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 12
"tell us, milord; does the name 'tan tao' sound familiar at all?" the expression on kublai khan's face could only be described as being highly perturbed. despite this, he kept his posture, and looked down at the group. "tan tao, you say?"
Sharp Shooter-Chapter 2-Another Day
I normally wore a tan shirt with sleeves just long enough to cover my elbows so i wouldn't burn them up on the sand when i was prone, and a set of old tan pants, practically all of our stuff was some shade of white or tan.
Buscando respuesta
Estoy algo triste pues siento que nunca le pude hablar, y nunca estuve tan cerca de él, más que en el salón.