An ass-whoop'in to remember promo.
"we here at the world wrestling federation would like to introduce our newest superstar cross wolfie," vince "and he will be teaming with non other than... the rock!," * * *
Brace for Impact Ch.2
Jeremy said, "good evening ladies and gentlemen, jeremy borash backstage with our newest superstar," he signaled me to walk into camera frame as i stepped in behind him. he looked right up at me, i was already feeling like a big deal.
An ass-whoop'in to remember CH5.
I'm gonna do it right this time raw is war 12/08,98 the furs in the crowd cheered holding up signs of their favorite superstars the arena was electric, fireworks flared, music blared the show had just begun back stage the superstars were making finial preparations
Paper Pat's Story (SPOILERS)
#1 of sega superstars origins this is a story about a news girl named paper pat , hi , i'm **patrica** , i'm 8 years old , i lived in the **orphange** in **california** since m, i went out and take a **job** , i felt like i'm the **best news girl** , but
Bonanza Bros' Story (SPOILERS)
#2 of sega superstars origins this is the true origins of the bonanza bros , before:!
Freddy Fazbear's Pizza origins (non-furry) ch2.
In 2001 ffp was reopened this time as fazbear's fright a horror attraction the attraction stayed open for five years in 2003 ff teamed up with the wwe as a sponsor two days afterward kane a wwe superstar went in costume for 
FCW History - Ep. 1 - The Invincible Mitsozuka
Nbsp; good evening ladies and gentlemen, tony dimarco here for fcw features presents: "history of a warrior; part 1", and lemme tell ya, you're gonna see some seriously rare footage tonight as we take a look back at the career of a true fighting superstar
Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 17
You admit you might not handle being a superstar?" art said. "when did you get replaced by a pod person?" venti scooped up art and tossed him onto his broad shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes.
Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 17
You admit you might not handle being a superstar?" art said. "when did you get replaced by a pod person?" venti scooped up art and tossed him onto his broad shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #16- A Fine See-Saw Series
With superstar john stoat, the mayors seemed to have the edge, especially with solid support from hassan kamal and bailey brisbane. but tennessee proved themselves to have a rich collection of talent.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #2 - Shaking It Up
He's most definitely grown into a fan favorite in spokane, but that half-season away allowed blanc mange (wolf, f) and chesuk become the superstars of that team."
FCW History - Ep. 2 - Layla Black
"good evening once again, ladies and gentleman, i'm your host, tony dimarco, here for a continuing look back at the current superstars of the newest, hottest brand in wrestling