I add some shocking twists and secrets that will catch you off guard and make you say ",whoa!! i didn't see this coming. and this time it's more action with a little comedy here and there then romance as we go bit more deeper into transformers history.

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War on the dream world

I heard a loud bang, but instead of feeling the bullet hit me or a explosion, i felt like i was being shocked by high voltage! i woke-up and for a few seconds i still felt like i was being shocked.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 26 watching friends

Inge said taking a step back, very surprised by ember's shocked reaction. ember really looked shocked and what was in her large blue eyes almost was akin to fear.

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Redemption (Chapter Four)

"i know this a lot to take in jd but the first time i explained it to you, you went into shock and i had to sedate you." i look up at her. sedate? wait when i felt the pain in my arm earleir and everything went dim. i weakly smile at her.

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A Shocking Debut

It was a real shock if you'll pardon the pun." "please don't make dad jokes." gale groaned. "that just makes this so much more awkward." "fair enough." derrick shrugged.

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The Shocking Truth

As the three of us held a nice little conversation I started gazing at the sun as it set over the mountains. Though for some reason the conversation came to a stand still when I turned back around. A puzzled look crept to my face as they stared...


Shocking Flame

(Ok, I've always loved the idea of going to a boarding school, a kind of fancy one, in anime manga and other fan fictions, it seems your roommates always become your very best friends, so I wanted to write a fan fic about just that. I hope you enjoy...

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Shock to the System

He merely stood there, blank-eyed, seeming to be worn out or in shock. "there you go," shreck said. "'yes' to an order of two-hundred jews to help with minister speer's latest project.

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Shock(Chapter Five)

She's just in shock." "it's my fault she's here in the first place." gideon said, barely being able to say the words. "what does he mean?" carol asked raymond. "he was driving to fast since she made him drive." raymond explained.

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Vixi's Shocking Meal

Vixi's shocking meal warning: this contains soft digestion (soft vore. eating the prey whole and digesting it).

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Cold Days - Chapter 4

Dakota was tearing up from shock and fear. i held her close to me, still lying on the ground. "stay down, it might not be over yet." i softly spoke.

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Seekers Tale Part 22

With a shock of realization my jaw drops and i stumble back falling into a chair and just stare at the wolf. shadow is by my side in an instant waving a paw in front of my face trying to get my attention.

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