Cold Days - Chapter 4
#4 of Cold Days
HOLY CRAP, AN UPDATE :D. I'm back in the writing mood, so here comes a wave of uploads (I hope). Enjoy!
August 8th, 2013.
Summer was in full swing for all of us. Dakota and I's argument wasn't brought up again and almost felt as if it never happened. We talked about the events that lead up to it and found ways to resolve our issues. We made attempts to see the other at least twice a week, and Dakota wouldn't get angry if I was busy. Kayleb and I's relationship grew stronger after the 10 days he helped me cope with the "loss" of Dakota. I didn't even think there could be a stronger bond with us, but it happened. We made sure to co-ordinate the dates Dakota and I had planned so him and Caylen could have dates on the same days we were. There were also some days when all 5 of us (including Justin) would lounge around my pool on a hot summer day. We had 2 floating rafts that could both fit two people on it. One Dakota and I always snagged leaving the smaller one for Kayleb and his love. I'm not gay, but those two are adorable together. Justin didn't seem to mind "fifth-wheeling". He sat on the deck usually listening to music, eating the nachos and nacho dip Kayleb and I made. My mom came out the back door, holding a phone in one hand. I half expected to be called out of the water, so I dismounted the raft, splashing my girlfriend in her sexy bikini.
"Noah?" She called out.
"Right here, mom." I answered back.
"I'm afraid we can't go up to the cottage next week. I'm sorry hon." Wow, that was the worst news I've heard in a while. Kayleb overheard and looked toward me.
"What?!? Why not?" I almost screamed. I was pissed. We always go at least once a summer, bringing Kayleb along with us.
"All this war stuff. Your father and I don't feel safe up there if one of them goes off. We have no supplies, no shelter and I'd rather us be home safe." I was so depressed. Those 7 days of just Kayleb and I doing whatever, talking, hanging out, camp fires, watching movies on the small TV before we pass out on the old carpet floor are the best 7 days of my life. Even going to the beach and rating all the guys and girls there was a tradition that stuck with us since Kayleb came out. I jumped back into the deep end, splashing Dakota again. I swam back up to her, getting onto the raft without flipping it over or getting it to wet. My mom went back inside, knowing I wasn't in the mood to talk about it. That was one thing I loved about my mom. She knew when I didn't want to talk about something and wouldn't press into the subject. Dakota turned to me and hugged me tight.
"You okay, baby?" She asked me, still holding me.
"Yeah, just depressed about it. It's like an unwritten rule that Kayleb and I go to my cottage together. Just guess I'll have to adapt to life without it." I said, looking at the reflection of the sun on the water. I saw the calm water break as a black and white husky floated up to my floaty.
"Hey bud," He said as he rested on the side of the raft. I looked up.
"Hey..." I said lazily.
"C'mon, we'll make it up." He tried to cheer me up. I couldn't get mad at him for trying.
"I know... I'm just a bit sad we can't do it this year."
"There's gonna be other times when we can. Just think when this is all over."
I wish it could be over.
Kayleb spent the night over at my house; after we both walked our significant others back home. A quick stop at the convenience store for some pop and chips had us set for the night. Netflix was hosting our movies tonight, which I would put on my PS3. It wasn't the cottage, but it was still nice for us to spend time with just each other. We got back to my house around 8:30 and decided to just set everything up downstairs. I pulled the mattress out and got two blankets, one for each of us.
"Quick swim before bed?" I asked, finishing our bed.
"Sure." He replied as he grabbed his swim trunks from his bag. According to Caylen, he had a speedo that he wore around him. Didn't want to see my best friend in that. I also had a speedo, but that was for swimming only. I ran upstairs to my room and got changed, tossing my shirt on my bed. I met Kayleb on the main floor. He too had no shirt on and just his bathing suit.
"Rawrrrr." He joked, flexing his paw as he saw me half-naked.
"Shut up, Kayleb." We both laughed. It's so nice that we can joke around with each other. We both head out the door and down my deck to the interlocking around the pool.
"Thelma and Louise?" I looked to him and asked. He chuckled and grabbed my paw before we ran into the pool together. I guess tonight wouldn't be so bad. We stayed in the pool for a good hour, playing volleyball for the most part. Any swimming games were unfair as I could outswim my best friend in a heartbeat. We got out and dried off before I head up to my room to get changed. Kayleb went to the basement and got into a shirt and pyjama pants. I grabbed the chips and pop before heading downstairs to watch a movie or two. We decided on Dumb and Dumber and hopped into bed.
"Kayleb?" I asked him.
"What's up, Noah? You've seemed tense lately." He questioned back.
"Do you think it's going to happen?"
"Think what is - oh." He sighed; I knew I wasn't going to like his answer. "I honestly just don't know, Noah. Things just don't look like they've improved since they've gone downhill..." I was even more scared now. Kayleb was one of the most positive-thinkers I knew. The fact that he wasn't convinced it wasn't going to happen gave me reason to believe it might.
"Whatever happens, you're staying by my side." I said, looking at him.
"For sure, bro. We're staying together as long as we can..."
We watched the rest of the movie in relative silence, just trying to enjoy the rest of the night. The food was untouched, as we had no urges to eat after the "scare".
I fell asleep quickly, but was awake at almost daybreak. I couldn't sleep after that at all. The husky was still passed out beside me and I decided to leave him there. I could go for a morning swim, do some workouts or just lay there. I still had that uneasy feeling in my stomach from last night so I decided to stay there. I grabbed some headphones and listened to music for a good hour. It was only 7, but I decided to go get some food. I think my mom and dad were still asleep while I made my toast with honey, which I ate in the kitchen. I decided to be a douche and wake Kayleb up. I was bored as all hell.
"Hey, Kayleb. Wake up!" I said, shaking him gently.
"Wh-what?!?!" He freaked out. He must've thought we were being nuked.
"Calm down. I can't sleep and I'm bored. What do you want to do?" He turned around and snuggled his pillow, not wanting to leave. "Get up you lazy husky!" I teased, taking his covers off.
"Ugghhhh, fine!" He groaned, tossing a pillow at my face. I giggled and threw it back at him. He got up, slipped on a pair of shorts and came upstairs with me.
"Bike ride?" I suggested, since Kayleb and I haven't done one in a few weeks.
"Sure," Kayleb said, still tired from the early wake up call. He rubbed his eyes with his paws as we entered my garage. I'd open the door, but that would be too loud and wake my folks. Instead I grabbed Kayleb and I's bike and put them into our living room.
"Want anything to eat before we leave?" I asked him, wheeling my bike near the front door.
"I'm good for now." He replied as he opened the door and led his bike out with me following behind. He hopped on his bike and went down the driveway.
"Turn right, we'll go downtown and back." I instructed my best friend. Kayleb followed my directions and turned right. I sped up to ride next to him, which was pretty easy. The sleepy husky was still showing signs of fatigue.
"I didn't even get morning wood. That's how tired I am." Kayleb joked. I laughed as we drove down my residential street. Cars weren't active yet as it was only 7:30.
"Ha! Well it's not like you could have done anything about it anyways." He growled and continued to pedal, gradually gaining speed and waking up. I lived near the outskirts of town. It was a good hour ride downtown and we circled around for a good 10 minutes, window-shopping at the music store and sports store as well. We head back, taking only about 50 minutes this time, 9:32 am when we returned. My parents had left for work already and both our significant others had messaged us "good morning". We decided for all 5 of us to hang out again today. Forecast for rain, so maybe a video game or board game marathon. Everything was planned and expected over around 11:00. Kayleb hopped in the shower quickly before I took a bit longer of one.
Dakota arrived first, followed by Justin and Caylen. We played some NHL 13 and Monopoly, as the forecast was correct. It was pissing rain, no end in sight. We were downstairs as it happened. The TV flickered once, before auto-tuning to the local news channel. Phones were ringing, people in the background running and panicking, the newscasters dead silent. It hit Kayleb right away. He froze with the dice still in his hand, staring at the flat screen with his eyes wide open, as well as his maw. The siren started blaring and all of us knew what was happening.
"Oh my god!" Caylen screamed. The emergency broadcast kicked in and our phones started going off with texts from parents and Emergency Broadcast Services. My leadership skills kicked in, knowing I could save 4 other lives plus my own if I acted quickly and intelligently.
"Everyone into the shelter! Kayleb, you and I are getting supplies Fuck, now guys!" I yelled out. The 3 went into the shelter, with Kayleb following me upstairs. Like the last scare, I grabbed the case of water, as well as some soft drinks. Kayleb grabbed a few snacks for munching on and a phone charger. Kayleb brought those down as I grabbed a few extra blankets and pillows from the linen closet. The shelter was only designed for about three people. I got back downstairs as fast as I could and securely locked the front and back doors, as well as the 3 blast doors protecting us. We all huddled together, bracing for the worst. Kayleb held Caylen tighter to him, as I did to Dakota. The sirens were still wailing as I held on to my girlfriend, and my two best friends. We were all crying, not wanting to lose each other or our loved ones.
Minutes passed, which felt like agonizing, tedious and anxious hours. We were still holding on tight. I heard something, almost like a whistle. I knew it was it. I grabbed onto everyone as tight as I could. There was a thud and a large vibration. Dakota screamed in horror as the brilliant flash of light was visible in the shelter, outlining hairline fractures in the cement and roof.
"Everybody get down!" I yelled out, collapsing to the floor, shielding Dakota's and my eyes. The lights in the shelter went out with the brilliant light. A deafening screech of a high-frequency noise was audible, the light stopped. For a brief moment, there was an ominous peace, soon broken by a devastating shockwave. I could hear things crashing in the kitchen above us. It felt as if the whole house collapsed above us. A blast door caved in, making a large crash on the carpet-covered concrete of my basement. The shelter still looked intact, for the most part. There were no windows, thankfully. Concrete walls were still safely intact and despite us being shaken up, were all okay. The first attack wasn't over, yet. The firestorm that accompanies a nuclear ground burst was still to come. Our house, like most homes had the framing done in wood, which had just collapsed overtop of us. I could hear the crack and sizzle of wood, iconic of a wood-burning fire. I couldn't do anything but hope our roof didn't cave in. There's no way I could put out a fire that large before fallout began to settle. Not to mention, it's likely there could be more attacks on the way. We lay there, motionless and holding on to each other for dear life.
"S-s-stay...d-d-down." Kayleb whimpered, muffled by his head on the ground. The large plastic container housing the emergency kit, a rechargeable TV, 5 motionless bodies resembling corpses and bedding were the only things in the room. The walls were still intact, everyone was physically okay, but we were all mentally scarred for life.
"Everyone safe?" Justin said, peeking up a bit.
"We're good." I heard Kayleb speak for him and Caylen.
"Safe for now..." I echoed back. Dakota was tearing up from shock and fear. I held her close to me, still lying on the ground.
"Stay down, it might not be over yet." I softly spoke. We were told to stay in the "attack position" until 15 minutes after the attack. I didn't completely understand it, but who am I to question the government? Caylen was crying and I could hear my best friend sniffling a bit as well. I looked into my girlfriend's eyes. Dilated, glossy and completely full of fear. She had the same eyes as Kayleb's, only reversed. Dakota's left eye was blue where his was green and her right eye was green opposed to Kayleb's blue one. Another gallant flash of light exposed the fine details of the wood lining the concrete walls, but there was no "thud" like there was with the last one. This one was an airburst, where the last one exploded on the ground. Ground explosions are designed to do more damage to buildings and people, where airbursts produce a more defined shockwave. A scream from all of us mixed with the ringing of my ears from the explosion is a horrifying noise that is engraved into my mind permanently. I held Dakota tight to me, with Kayleb close as well. Justin was by my footpaws in a fetal position. More stuff above us was on fire, oh please, do not collapse on us. We waited, and that's all that we could do, was wait...