Dragonball Ultimate Arc 1, Chapter 1: Plans Gone Awry

The saiyan dodged and weaved around all of salvador's attacks, never once using his limbs to block any of the savage tiger's strikes and waiting for an opening to present itself to him. the more he dodged, the more furious salvador became.

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LNL 1: The First Day of Lloyds’ New Life

salvador. after going over the basics of what the class would be like and the rules to follow, mr. salvador gave the class the rest of the period to talk amongst themselves.

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Oh Holy Night...part V

"father, i bring a message from lord salvador." the younger kindred said as he raised his head and pulled his good back.

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A punishment for the brothers.

This is dedicated to my sf father salvador james foxx, and my sf brothers chase laxie, jas(iredescent) and kama the fox.

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The birth of a Puppy

And this was dedicated to my sf papa and daddy, salvador james foxx and foxy k. i love you both so much. <3 and be aware, this has mpreg. james was rolling his husband and mate foxy k or kris or krissy as james calls him, to the hospital.

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Daisy and Boss: 3 - Savior of Lambs

I think my grandfather was ready for a different life, but still wanted a salvador de corderos as a wife for his son."

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Writer's Block

And salvador dali had tried the same tactic, and look what happened _there_. it was like alice in wonderland on lsd. not that his nightmares were any better. like the one with an old teacher of his in the bath...

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Zuzm, nuestro salvador

Zuzm, nuestro salvador natsuki es mi nombre, simplemente una alumna regular del establecimiento carlitos dar-ganador, ni era muy conocida, ni tampoco muy desconocida, más bien un término medio.

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The Silver Lining-Part 1

The tiger's name is salvador. he is rather out going and can be harshly blunt. he is also about five foot eight inches and has a average build, not over weight but not thin. the otter's name is ozwalt.

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Jeremy 076; The Cat

Not done yet, during the continental wars they gained control of the yucatan peninsula as far west as a line drawn through the cities villahermosa and tuxtla gutierrez, and east to include guatemala, belize, el salvador and honduras.


Blaze of Glory Chapter 1

Ex-captain salvador yarrick was impressed. it had changed a lot since she had taken it over. he had had more spartan tastes himself. "come in.

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