Fenária RPG

Like extensions, different species must be approved by the referee. the player can propose a new species to referee's approval or the referee can come up with a list of available species for the players.


G.R.R. Lost Chapter

He screams at the referee and clyde joins him in the screaming but the referee manages to get soultiger out of the ring and up the ramp to the back with his tail down in defeat.

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G.R.R. Chapter 10: Gold and Glory Pt. 1

The referee counts, "1 . . ." he kicks out before even a two count. his legs spring into action as they wrap around my head and flip my shoulders onto the mat into a quick rollup. i hear the referee count, "1 . . . 2 . . ."

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G.R.R. Chapter 4

I shout to him as the referee starts the count. if he gets himself counted out he will retain the title. i wait until the referee gets to the count of five to make a move.

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Brace for Impact

Ethan was already back on his feet yelling at the referee. the referee stuck to his case as he slapped his own hand three times, signifying that there was indeed a three-count.

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G.R.R. Chapter 3

The referee starts his count again, this time counting on both of us. i try to regain myself and wait for the dizziness to go away. i slide back into the ring, the referee keeps counting, ". . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . ."

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A New World, A New Journey Chapter 5

The referee stand back up and asked if the trainers were ready. they both nodded 'yes' and the referee started the countdown. "ready! set! go!" viola and calem both throw their pokeballs to send their pokemon. calem's first pokemon was thumper.


G.R.R. Chapter 13

I quickly look around and see the referee is still right next to us ready to make the count. i get covered in a green, fizzy energy-drink as i go for the cover. the referee counts, "1 . . . 2 . . ." "no!" light says kicking out.

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TNA One Night Only: Monster's Ball

The referee shoved me trying to get me off of him, "he's kicked out, get off of him!" he said. "what? i didn't hear you, what?" i said being a total dick. the referee yanked on my arm to get me off and i finally rolled off of jack.

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Big Dude Wrestling #2

The referee grabbed rico's arm and held it up over his head and let the arm go, his paw dropped on the canvas. _"one!"_the referee signaled to the time keeper.

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #10

The short bull referee got in the face of american dragon as he asks him, "do you want to give it up, dragon?" "no! grah!"

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G.R.R. Chapter 11: Gold and Glory Pt. 2

The referee yells at me as he gets out of the ring to check on soultgier. i back off. i look out to the fans in the front row and start to flex my arms and chest while the referee checks on him. "grahh!" bam!

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