
"Well, that was a bit too easy." To be frank, it was getting a bit too annoying. He stared at the unconscious male a few feet away from him, the crowd gasping and muttering, shock and awe traveling along the air. In the middle of the crowd was a black...

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Pride And Prejudice...

#1 of the blazewood pack saga pride and prejudice... the black-furred wolf screeched to a halt in a clearing, sniffing the air. he'd been after the cheetah for well over an hour now, and the sun was getting low in the sky.

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Drunk like a skunk

This Week's Writing Challenge: "An interesting proposition, but I'll have to decline." Tag all prompts with: WritingGroupChallenge. Due date is 05/05/2020. It was late evening and a furr, drunk...

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Stupid Rabbit - a dark fable. *short story*

Stupid Rabbit They all knew about the leg-hold traps. Humans came every day to set them. Sometimes a fox was stuck in the jaws, but other animals got trapped too, like raccoons, wild cats and wolverines. The humans didn't care what they caught, but...

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Not So Friendly

--- Not So Friendly --- Bright, late-summer's afternoon sunlight refracted through a window pane in a Mock-Georgian brick house, spilling dazing light across a beige carpeted floor and onto a single-size bed at the other...

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Chapter 1: Goodbye Willowdale

_Flora: A Tale from Vulpineva_ Heather O. Bunn © Heather O. Bunn 2021 _In memory of all of the animal victims of human violence. May we finally understand that their lives are their own and not for us to take or exploit._ Chapter 1: Goodbye...

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Zootopia In-Depth Review

Another reason many critics love zootopia is the film's underlying message on prejudice.

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Prelude: Red Skies

Segregation, hate, prejudices... they were all parts of our every-day lives. that is, until the bombs fell. journal entry 7705 date: 11/20/2659


The Risen Curtain - Chapter 6: Unexpected Developments

Still, prejudice was prejudice, and it was a part of society. nick had his fair experience with prejudice. being not only a predator but a fox, a kind of predator who faced a lot of stigmas, even from other predators.

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LAFF Pups Episode 2: Sparks of Friendship

It was a normal day at the dog playground. Normal, until I heard rumors from Aniro and a few of the others that there was a gang of rogue coyotes that had wandered from the deserts to the west of the dog suburbs in search of food and that they could...

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Chapter 12: A Call Home

Chapter 12: A Call Home Pete stepped into his room and carefully closed the door behind him. As per usual at this hour, Bill was not present, and since it was Friday evening, he wouldn't be in until late. The hare's absence was one reason Pete...

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World of Dead Earth

It has the largest concentration of humanity, and has some places where feral do exist with pures but there is a lot prejudices.

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