Pathfinder: Chap 3a

The pathfinders guild was a simple structure with only four, wide, low-built walls and no roof to protect them from bad weather.

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Pathfinder: Chap 1 (Remake)

#1 of pathfinder i know it's been quite a while sence i've posted anything here, but here it is.

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The White Ones

Stepping into that ancient chamber was the pathfinder. the pathfinder, a wolf of around fifty years of age and barely taller than i was, but one that commanded respect from everyone. everyone including the alpha and the council.

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Pathfinder: Chap 2

As part of their training as pathfinders, they were to be sent off into the woods for a week where they would head to a mountain towards the east known as mount skaron.

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a gruiling test

I also tried to try my hand at writing fight scenes, since actions are my weak point in my writing. the setting in this story is similar to pathfinders, one of the things i have gotten into recently and wish i could do more. if you happen to play pathfinders

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Jesters Chapter 1

#1 of pathfinder in a world that has seen the disappearance of the gods, people must make up their own minds about how to live their lives.

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #21

Then he broke off giving each squad team and division their separate orders, 'division one set up a perimeter, all pathfinders find, and mark priority targets destroy them if able don't go taking unnecessary risks.

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Annun - Pathfinder Custom Race

#1 of pathfinder i made a custom race for pathfinder! it's based loosely on the cwn annwn from welsh mythology. i absolutely welcome any critiquing.

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Blackfoot - Pathfinder Custom Race

#2 of pathfinder here's my second race! this one is based very loosely off native american folklore, but i don't know exactly where it comes from. i hope to soon come out with more races in the future.

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The elements

I intend to make this a weekly deal but i'm horrible with this kind of commitment (god, i just realized i'm supposed to have a lvl 7 pathfinder character ready for tomorrow, facepalm) there are a total of 18 different kinds of elements: 6 primary and 12 secondary


Pathfinder: Intro

Also, i might not still be calling the story "pathfinder" so just look for stuff from narranoxa. so please post critisisms and comments in the comment section or something. i want to know what you guys think of it s'yeah. be brutally honest.
