May Be Human: teaser

In the history of Earth people and animals are constantly finding their way into The Betweens. The people who have traveled never have made it back to earth. Some never wanted to, and some never wanted anything more. The Betweens is a place filled with...

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Otherworlder: Landfall

An otherworlder's horns only grew once, from the time they were born to the time they either broke off or the individual passed away. gisha exhaled.

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OP Alicorn Isekai Adventure

Quote: titles: otherworlder, alicorn achievements: otherworlder, alicorn experience: 0 _page 2/3_ "hmm, not sure what any of that means either," hank thought aloud.

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 5

It made an otherworldly shriek as it was consumed by the flame, and it vanished with an explosion. everything seemed to be over. "i never thought it would be that easy," said hans.

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What Is Your Name?

I can't fly now, but i can still try to visit the otherworld." he attempted many times, but noticed that the individual was no longer holding his mechanical pencil.

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Raiyev Part 1

#1 of raiyev perhaps the best way to describe it would be to say that it was otherworldly.



," replied the otherworldly figure with some annoyance from within alex's head. "but just because i'm playing on another field doesn't mean that i'm not still in the game!," he corrected.

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Towards a Better World (old story)

Water's scarcity led fangdogs to drink at the only remaining place: the red moutain's feet, one of the highest heft in otherworld.

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Cursed, Eternal Wish (By MouseJ)

Everyone was abuzz with excitement, whispering in odd prayers, speaking of deeds of these otherworldly entities that seemed to have spawned in the hundreds.

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The Contact

He pranced, grabbing its edges by his wings, and with an otherworldly nimbleness, wriggled himself in. ridiculous.

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Family Ties: Heavy In Your Arms

He took a deep breath of otherworld's warm night. the demon glowed from the inside. the fire inside him was so intense that his bare chest glowed from the inside. as he slowly exhaled, the flames reached his lips.

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Rain in The meadows (Twokinds snippet)

It was an otherworldly sight, one that the lioness was happy she got to see, even with her fading eyes. then the flame turned towards her, in the sense that a flame could have a front side.

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