Poem #27: Sanity

What is to oneself into unto others? belief in what is known known to you or to others? but to all ...


Poem #32: Society

Are not selflessness they eat away at kindness parasitic to caring boasting of oneself arrogance referred demeaning at least dominance over others weakness unto oneself superior in class not inferior in mind but inferior in everything

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Most cases include the ability to heat oneself, ones surrounds and nearby objects. heavily linked to flammica, however numerous thermeica-only cases have been documented.


Defining Oneself (Otherwise Untitled)

The fox's mother settled her glare somewhere between his blindingly cyan dyed ears and immodestly short skirt as she struggled to find words of helpful admonishment from amongst the giggles she could only just contain.


The Awareness of Nothing

To react as reactions are spontaneous and beyond one's control -- the reaction to any circumstance will be a sum of all knowledge, awareness, experience, conditioning acquired by the one, but when one has time to choose or reflect, one is free to question oneself

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Life is like the desert, constantly changing, life is like the oceans, constantly re-arranging, life is accepting, both others and yourself, life is understanding, and believing in oneself, life is committing, and doing the best you can, life is believing,

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I had noticed a running theme in the songs -- they all concern oneself, love, and questioning the situations he's in. so... here is a story! finally! *note: it's more a poem, but eh. the sun started to set.

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Open Up

#2 of pre-made poems a rant, more against myself at the time, about opening oneself up to the possibilities and letting love come to you. need this now more than ever. if you open up your mind, tell me what you see.

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A Big Kid

If everybody feels oneself less seriously and more like kids, it will make this world more livable. but we get lost of the subject, so let's continue our story..._

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Snow's Journal (Entry Four)

Khajiit is confused... much to discuss with oneself... i will cut this entry short, for i wish to converse with urjora; our conversations always draw me into a world beyond our own. he has such a way with the word of breath and sound~

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On Depression

The only way out is to free oneself from the fearsome maw and see the light they they have forgotten. for some a dear friend is the answer, others counseling, expression, medication.

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I come here for the same reason that others go to mountains or forests or lonely cities too - to lose oneself and regain oneself in the same instant. and to find clarity, but it is never fast in coming.

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