Lich and the Moron

Steel laughed, "well maybe if you morons didn't summon it into your room it wouldn't have happened this way, eh?" the anger blurred into confusion, "oh... so who summoned it?

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Proper Planning

_" kevin stopped the beating to add "you'd blow up all the money, moron!" taking advantage, trench coat scrambled up.

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A Tail of Sparks - Chapter One

morons! sparks surrounded by morons! ... _breathe in. breathe out. breathe in. breathe out._ ... ... ... morons! you all stupid morons. how you already forget! ... ahem. ... for those 'mentally held back,' - cough!

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Portal: Darkside Chronicles, Charlies tale.

Just what i need: another moron." glados grumbled in a mix of anger and annoyance. her tone soon changed as she regarded the anthropomorphic creature within the glass cage.

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Chapter Three - The Getaway

"that moron used a shooting tazer on an electric type." cammy said as she folded her arms. "basically hit her with a ball of electricity and charged her up." "can we like, leave?" kevin asked.

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Be Careful Where You Take A Rest

"oh, you complete and utter morons" she had to whisper, luckily unheard over the commotion of crash and scratch. they were so confident that just tying her up made her helpless that they had left weapons on her body.

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A unwanted surprise...

#1 of story's oh what can you do with two moron fox demons eh? slice them! mwahahahahahahahahah!!chokes it was another night in the dreadful forest.and still not a trace of the evil naraku.well its better having company for a reason.

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Protect and Serve.txt

Now, i'm no moron. i new damn well that that warehouse had special zoning permits for excessive noise and the only neighbors were businesses run only during the day.

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Z-Hero Compilation 2

It's just like our resident fox calling us 'morons' repeatedly. [b]blake:[/b] \ because you people are morons. i don't recall agreeing to participate in this 'luncheon'.


After Armageddon Chapter 6

I open the door and yell out to the hunters "hey morons, its four in the morning. can't you come back later? i've already been woken up once this morning and i'm tired."


My Hope, My Love.

. :) my hope, my love by dominius i was alone and hopeless, i thought i was crazy moron, whom was unable to be loved. "whats wrong with me." i thought everyday, everynight as i lay down. i've had crushes. i've had boyfriends.

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He Loves You

Fucking moron. i sip at the vanilla shake that i panic-ordered as i realized i was paying more attention to the jaguar's breathing patterns than the actual menu. he looks around.

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