Z-Hero Compilation 2

Story by ZHero on SoFurry

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A Second compilation of stories originally posted on FA and now available on SoFurry. Characters are co-owned by myself and TKTigerkat

~A Zephyr Heroes X Knights Compilation~

~Best Of Frostbite Volume 2~

-Table Of Contents-

-Restaurant Madness Ver. 2014

-Heart To Heart Ver. 2014

-Restaurant Origin Ver. 2014

-Mega Protein Bowl

-Restaurant Madness: 2014 Edition-

-Location: Four Fries, Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 2:00 PM

<Inside an office room>

[b]Manager:[/b] What the hell was that all about? Why was that man screaming?

[b]AXL:[/b] <black panther> He didn't like the food he ordered.

[b]Manager:[/b] Impossible. He sounded like someone wounded him or something!

[b]AXL:[/b] He ran inside and slipped on an ice cube.

[b]Manager:[/b] No more calamities! We've got a new chef helping out today. So I want you to get back out there and do your job! Got it?

[b]AXL:[/b] Yes sir...<under his breath> Crank.

[b]Manager:[/b] What was that?

[b]AXL:[/b] Nothing!

<At the counter right next to the kitchen>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <black dragon cooking in the kitchen> Don't worry, X-L! I'm gonna cook the best burger all of Metro City has ever seen!

[b]AXL:[/b] ...WHY did it HAD to be YOU of all people!?

<a yellow rabbit and a white tiger enter the restaurant>

[b]Dustin:[/b] <rabbit> Having a bad day, AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] Not even the half of it, long-ears. What will you two have today?

[b]Cliff:[/b] I'll have the biggest fish sandwich you've got.

[b]Dustin:[/b] And a veggie burger for me. Both orders with curly fries.

[b]AXL:[/b] <writes it down> Give it a few minutes. <turns around and hands Brooklyn the order> A yo, dumb-dumb! A nitwit burger and fish-and-chips for our two jive turkeys; long-ears and big-foot!

[b]Cliff:[/b] Stop calling me a turkey!

<In the kitchen Brooklyn reads the order and mans the grill>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] A veggie burger and fish sandwich for Dusty-Poo and Cliffy-Boy? <grins> NONSENSE!

<Brooklyn prepares an illustrious meal of a golden brown veggie burger and salmon burger with crispy sweet potato fries and vanilla milkshake. He sets it on the window>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Order up, X-L!

[b]AXL:[/b] Mmhmm. <looks at food tray and eyes widen> What the hell is all this!?

[b]Dustin:[/b] That's...rather big.

[b]Cliff:[/b] <licks lips> Works for me!

[b]AXL:[/b] Heck no! Your money ain't good here!

[b]Dustin:[/b] Give us our food, AXL, or I'm not paying!

[b]AXL:[/b] I prefer you to leave anyway! Eating all this good food and I'm just eating scraps!

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] I forgot something, X-L!

[b]AXL:[/b] What is it, crank?

<Brooklyn puts a small plate of spaghetti on the tray>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] A free plate of spaghetti on the house!

[b]AXL:[/b] On the house!? What in the -

<Cliff starts visibly shaking and his eyes dilates>

[b]Cliff:[/b] No...I don't wanna be hypnotized again!

[b]Dustin:[/b] Cliff, wait, calm -

<Cliff runs out the restaurant screaming>

[b]AXL:[/b] ...The hell is wrong with him?

[b]Dustin:[/b] He's still scarred from eating pasta, dummy!

[b]AXL:[/b] How the hell was I supposed to know!? It was psycho that served it to him!

[b]Dustin:[/b] Ugh, forget lunch. I gotta go after Cliff!

<Dustin leaves the restaurant>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Did Cliffy-Boy enjoy his meal, X-L?

[b]AXL:[/b] <eyes twitches> Oh he 'enjoyed' it alright you -

[b]Manager:[/b] <speaks over intercom> Get in my office immediately, AXL!

[b]AXL:[/b] ...Joy.

<Inside office>

[b]Manager:[/b] What the hell just happened? Why was that guy screaming again!?

[b]AXL:[/b] Big-foot didn't like the house special.

[b]Manager:[/b] How could anyone not like the house special? He sounded completely traumatized!

[b]AXL:[/b] Well, you see, it all started when -

[b]Manager:[/b] No excuses! If I hear anymore screaming, you'll be doing dishes! Now get back to work!!

[b]AXL:[/b] Yes sir...<under his breath> Crank.

[b]Manager:[/b] What was that!?

[b]AXL:[/b] Nothing!

<Back at the counter>

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, psycho.

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <in kitchen> Yes, X-L?

[b]AXL:[/b] Try NOT to go overboard with the portions! ...Unless you're serving me of course.

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Right-O!

<A brown bear and a golden brown bull walks into restaurant>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <brown bear> Hey, AXL. You look steamed.

[b]AXL:[/b] You don't know the HALF of it, Jimbo. Now what do you and yo' man want?

[b]Sampson:[/b] Angst much? Anyway, just give me a double cheese burger with bacon.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] The same thing and with a side of potato wedges.

[b]AXL:[/b] <writes order down and gives it to Brooklyn> A yo, psycho! Two double cheese burgers and potato wedges for Jimbo and his man!

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Burgers and fries for Jay-Jay and Sammy-Boy? <grins> NONSENSE!

<Brooklyn prepares another illustrious meal of gourmet double cheese burgers with the finest cheddar cheese topped with apple wood-smoked bacon on a toasted bun, Parmesan crusted potato wedges, vanilla milkshakes topped with roasted marshmallows, and a hot fudge brownie topped with vanilla ice cream, sprinkles, and a cherry on top>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <puts tray on window> Order up, X-L!

[b]AXL:[/b] Whatever. <looks at food and jaw drops> What in the love of smack is this!?

[b]Sampson:[/b] That's...way too fancy.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Is all that for us, AXL? You didn't have to give us that much.

[b]AXL:[/b] You're right, Jimbo, we REALLY shouldn't have! This is WAY too good for you schnooks!

<Sampson takes tray and holds it above panther's head head>

[b]Sampson:[/b] Might as well eat since you already made it for us.

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, put that tray down before I -

<Brooklyn walks out of kitchen brandishing an accordion>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Gonna play a special tune for one of my favorite couples!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...Somehow I shouldn't be surprised to see you here, Brooklyn.

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] You and Sammy-Boy find a nice booth to sit in and I'll give you a nice musical serenade! I play one mean accordion!

[b]Sampson:[/b] Um, Brooklyn? That's way too corny and sappy.

[b]AXL:[/b] And I'M gonna blast you cranks to kingdom -

<Manager walks out of office>

[b]Manager:[/b] What did I just tell you about screaming, AXL! Now you're -

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] In the middle of me preparing to play a musical number for me chums, boss-man! Aren't they the cutest couple you've ever seen?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Um, Brooklyn, let's try to keep a -

[b]Manager:[/b] Cripes! I forgot it was couples night! AXL, go dim the lights!

[b]AXL:[/b] What!?

[b]Manager:[/b] NOW!

[b]AXL:[/b] Alright alright, sheesh!

<AXL turns the lights down and ambient music starts playing>

[b]Sampson:[/b] ...Seriously?

[b]Manager:[/b] Couples of all species get their meals at half price with desert on the house! Go on, enjoy yourselves!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Um...thanks. I think...?

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] And I'll take good care of you and Sammy-Boy, Jay-Jay!

[b]Manager:[/b] You're doing a bang up job, Brooklyn! From now on every week will have a couples night! How's every Saturday night sound for the young folk? I'll even have AXL work overtime.

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] That sounds lovely, boss-man! Count me in!

[b]AXL:[/b] ...This could all end very badly.

~Heart 2 Heart: 2014 Edition~

-Location: Zooming Broadcasting Company, Beta Quadrant - Xenon City (Zephyr)

-Time: 3:00 PM

<Inside a broadcasting company on a TV set>

[b]Jack:[/b] <brown and black striped tiger operating the cameras> And we are live in five, four, three, two one!

[b]AXL:[/b] <black panther on stage holding a microphone> A yo, da name's AXL, and welcome to mah show, Heart 2 Heart! Today I'll be helping underprivileged, confused guest about their problems!

<AXL points his microphone at an obese dog>

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, tell me about your problem!

[b]Dog:[/b] Oh I wish people would stop making fun of me because of my weight.

[b]AXL:[/b] Then go lose some fucking weight, fat ass!

[b]Dog:[/b] Oh! Well I never!

[b]AXL:[/b] And you never will if you don't get to exercising, fatty! There, problem solved!

<AXL points microphone to a cat>

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, tell me about YOUR problem!

[b]Cat:[/b] I forgot my anniversary dinner with my girlfriend.

[b]AXL:[/b] Crank! How the fuck do you forget an ANNIVERSARY DINNER of all things!?

[b]Cat:[/b] Um...well...

[b]AXL:[/b] No excuses! You are beyond my help AND I feel more sorry for the goodness of food being wasted than your relationship!

[b]Cat:[/b] Oh my god, how could you!

[b]AXL:[/b] How could YOU yourself, donkey! Now you're bitch-less!

<AXL points microphone at a rabbit>

[b]AXL:[/b] A YO, PLEASE tell me you have an actual problem I can help you solve!

[b]Dog & Cat:[/b] Hey!

[b]Rabbit:[/b] Oh I got fired from my job last week and struggling.

[b]AXL:[/b] ...THAT'S IT!

<AXL drops microphone and storms off set>

[b]Jack:[/b] ...We'll be right back right after our sponsors.

<Inside the backstage dressing room>

[b]Jack:[/b] AXL...dude...just WHAT the hell was all of that? You don't go around cursing and throwing insults at people who come on your show for advice! That 'Bleep' noise can only go so far!

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, just where the fuck do you find these people!? Fat, late for dinner, FIRED!? Did you get them from the back of a bowling alley or something!?

[b]Jack:[/b] You're the one who picked them out! Look, dude, you can't be swearing on the air or else you'll get canceled! If not already...

[b]AXL:[/b] But...but they're goose necks!

[b]Jack:[/b] You have no choice, dude. You know Serena is the executive producer for this 'show' of yours.

[b]AXL:[/b] You mean officer crank's girlfriend? Oh alright, who's my next guest?

[b]Jack:[/b] <snorts> Practically no one considering all the other candidates left the building. Be lucky that I convinced Troy to come on and be a special guest.

[b]AXL:[/b] That surfer clone of yours? Don't really chat with him, but eh, what the heck. He better give me good ratings!

[b]Jack:[/b] Hopefully...and will you guys STOP calling us clones!? Just because we have a few things in common doesn't mean we're that much alike.

[b]AXL:[/b] Uh huh.

<On stage>

[b]Jack:[/b] <manages camera> And we're live in three...two...ONE!

[b]AXL:[/b] <holding microphone> A yo, welcome back to Heart 2 Heart! I apologize for my recent outburst! Our next guest is a good buddy-buddy pal-thing of mine! <ducks his head behind curtain and yells> Get that fucking surfer crank on my set NOW!!

<A brown cat literally gets tossed onto the stage and lands on the couch on his rear>

[b]Troy:[/b] <brown cat rubs his rear> Oww...did you had to throw me so hard, Kane?

[b]Kane:[/b] <polar bear from backstage whispering> Shush, you're on the air!

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, Troy! Glad to have you on mah show!

[b]Troy:[/b] ...Why are you being so polite, AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] We're having a Heart 2 Heart! <sits on a recliner chair> So, yeah, let's have a chat, shall we?

[b]Troy:[/b] Okay? <sits on couch> Where do we start?

[b]AXL:[/b] Tell me about your relationship with a certain toe-biting dolphin. Whatever his name was.

[b]Troy:[/b] Orlando? I haven't seen him in a long while. He's a good kid.

[b]AXL:[/b] Let's bring him on stage!

[b]Troy:[/b] Uh...what?

[b]AXL:[/b] You've heard me! <stands up, goes toward the curtains, and pokes his head backstage, yelling> A yo, scales, bring that fucking pool on my set NOW!

<Brooklyn comes in carrying a giant tank on set>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] One pool all ready, X-L, T-Roy!

[b]Troy:[/b] Oh no...whenever you're here, Brooklyn, weird things tend to happen.

[b]AXL:[/b] Alright, surfer crank! Put your foot in the water and bring him out!

[b]Troy:[/b] Are you crazy!? I'm not getting my toes bitten again! How do you know if he's even in there?

[b]AXL:[/b] We won't know if you don't use yourself as bait first, waffle-foot!

[b]Troy:[/b] Don't call me that!

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Oooh! Lemme help you out with that, T-Roy!

[b]Troy:[/b] Er...no thanks, Brooklyn, I can handle this myself! <takes off shoes, goes to tank, and puts bare feet in water> I don't see how this is going to - OW!

<A sharp pain shoots through Troy's foot as he jumps high into the air with a teenage bluish-gray dolphin in a vest, pants, and sandals trailing behind with his mouth on the tom's foot. Brooklyn catches them both in his arms>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Oooh, hook-line-sinker as they say!

[b]Orlando:[/b] <dolphin lets go of Troy's foot and smiles> I recognize your waffle feet anywhere, Good Guy!

[b]Troy:[/b] <hisses in pain as his toes beep red> Good to see you too, kid. You never change.

[b]AXL:[/b] You've seen it here, folks! A yo, Orlando, tells me about your relationship with 'Good Guy'.

[b]Orlando:[/b] <blinks> Oh...it's Hungry Guy! I can always find Good Guy by the shape of his waffle feet! I always get them mixed up with Coral Fries!

[b]Troy:[/b] <holds injured foot up> And it shows...

[b]AXL:[/b] Maybe we should put signs up saying 'Beware of Toe Biting Dolphins'.

[b]Troy:[/b] He only bites me anyway!

[b]Orlando:[/b] One time I got Good Guy confused with my new friend Ren! They both have waffle feet, but Good Guy is a lot more scruffier and more firm!

[b]Troy:[/b] Ren? Firm? SCRUFFY!?

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] I agree! T-Roy definitely has that scruffiness down pact!

[b]Troy:[/b] Don't go adding your two cents into this, dude!

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, don't forget this is MAH talk show you're on!

[b]Orlando:[/b] <blinks> What's a 'talk show', Good Guy?

[b]Troy:[/b] Um...

[b]Jack:[/b] <makes a hand gesture behind camera, whispering> We'll need to go to commercial break, AXL!

[b]AXL:[/b] We got commercials? OH! Right, we'll be right back right after our sponsors I've never heard until now!

[b]Jack:[/b] <cameras goes off> Phew! That was close!

[b]AXL:[/b] And don't be stealing mah fucking spotlight, cranks!

[b]Troy:[/b] You invited me to be a guest, dude!

[b]Orlando:[/b] You should come swimming with me, Good Guy! I want you to meet my friend Ren!

[b]Troy:[/b] Um...sure, why not?

[b]AXL:[/b] You can't leave in the middle of commercial break!

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] I know! I'll fill in for T-Roy and Ore'!

[b]AXL:[/b] The fuck you ain't!

<A red and white female husky comes onto the stage>

[b]Serena:[/b] <female husky> Before we go back on the air, AXL, I'd like you to come with me for a minute.

[b]AXL:[/b] What for?

[b]Serena:[/b] To discuss your potty mouth. <growls> Since you like to curse so much get in my fucking office now!

[b]AXL:[/b] ...What did I do!?

[b]Jack:[/b] <snorts> Let's see how you like having a 'Heart 2 Heart', AXL!

~Restaurant Origin: 2014 Edition~

-Location: Archibald's Diner - Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 5:00 PM

<Inside a fancy restaurant>

[b]Dustin:[/b] <yellow rabbit groans> Why the hell are we at this restaurant again? It's so...ultra fancy.

[b]Kane:[/b] <polar bear> Seriously. We've been waiting for our food for about 45 minutes.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <brown bear> AXL said he wanted to come here for his birthday. It's not so bad.

[b]Blake:[/b] <red fox with his arms crossed> That doesn't explain why the hell I'm here.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Because we managed to bribe you with a dozen doughnuts for your monthly good deeds.

[b]Blake:[/b] <sigh> Don't remind me, Wilder.

[b]AXL:[/b] <black panther looking rather murderous> Where in the hell is our fucking food!? I'm starving like mad here!

[b]Dustin:[/b] Is it just me or is AXL getting more...cranky by the second?

[b]Kane:[/b] What else is new?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Try to calm down, AXL. I'm sure our plates will be here soon.

[b]AXL:[/b] They better or else I'm fucking up one of those chefs.

[b]Blake:[/b] Idiot.

<The waiter comes in with plates filled with food>

[b]Waiter:[/b] Sorry to keep you waiting, good sirs.

[b]AXL:[/b] About time you got here donkey!

[b]Waiter:[/b] <sets a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in front of Kane> Here is your spaghetti and meatballs, sir.

[b]Kane:[/b] <looks at plate> There's not much sauce and the meat balls are tiny.

[b]Waiter:[/b] <sets a salad bowl down in front of Dustin> Here's your salad bowl, sir.

[b]Dustin:[/b] <looks at bowl> The lettuce doesn't even look fresh..

[b]Waiter:[/b] <sets a plate of fried fish and chips in front of Blake> Your plate, sir.

[b]Blake:[/b] <looks at plate> What the hell is this freezer-burn crap?

[b]Waiter:[/b] <sets plate of steak and mashed potatoes in front of Jimmy> Your plate, good sir.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <looks at plate> My mashed potatoes look soupy. <tries to cut into steak with knife, only for the knife to disintegrate upon contact> And my steak is [i]too[/i] well done.

[b]Waiter:[/b] <sets a plate of steak and baked potato in front of AXL> And lastly you sir.

[b]AXL:[/b] <Looks at food carefully before he takes the plate and shoves it into waiter's face> Take this crap back! I didn't ask for a mediocre frozen shit!

[b]Jimmy, Kane, & Dustin:[/b] <in unison> AXL!

[b]Blake:[/b] You didn't do it right, idiot. <takes his plate and shoves contents into waiter's mouth> Don't go serving us half-cooked shit unless you tried it first!

[b]Kane:[/b] Not you too, Blake!

[b]Dustin:[/b] You'll get us kicked out, Paintbrush!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <groans> What have I done?

[b]Blake:[/b] If I wanted 'food' like this I would have roasted fish straight from the sea myself!

[b]AXL:[/b] Those donkeys kept us waiting for 45 fucking minutes just to serve us half cooked shit they called food!? Hell NAW! I'm about to go put those donkey ass mother fucker's on blast!

[b]Waiter:[/b] <cowers in fear> If you have a problem, please take it up with the cook!

[b]AXL:[/b] <grabs waiter by collar and growls> You first, donkey!

[b]Waiter:[/b] <puts hands together in fear> I'm only doing my job as a waiter! I'm not a cook! Please don't hurt me!

[b]AXL:[/b] Too late! Prepare for the worst thrashing of your life!

[b]Kane & Dustin:[/b] Just a moment! <both get up and restrains panther>

[b]AXL:[/b] <struggles to break loose> A yo, let me go! This guy asked for it!

[b]Blake:[/b] <sigh> Guess I'll handle the -

[b]Jimmy:[/b] No you don't! <gets up and restrains fox>

[b]Blake:[/b] <growls> Let go, Wilder!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] I don't care! You two aren't going to beat the living daylights out of the waiter!

[b]Waiter:[/b] <breaks out of AXL's grip and frowns> At least the short one of this bunch has some manners.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ... <growls> Short!?

[b]Kane, Dustin, & Blake:[/b] <sigh> Here we go.

[b]AXL:[/b] Now it's on and popping!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <breaks away from Blake and grabs waiter by collar> Prepare for the worst thrashing of your life, jerk!

[b]Kane:[/b] Jimmy!

-Location: Wilder's Residence

-Time: 6:30 PM

<Inside living room>

[b]Dr. Wilder:[/b] <elder brown bear with arms crossed> Now explain to me on how did you boys gave a waiter "The worst thrashing of their life" to the point where Officer Ricky and Hazel had to pull you away from the scene?

[b]AXL:[/b] Well, doc, the son of a...

[b]Kane:[/b] <clamps panther's mouth> The waiter gave all of us poorly prepared foods and AXL and Blake flipped.

[b]Blake:[/b] <snorts> I should have never gone out with you morons if I knew this would happen.

[b]Dustin:[/b] I told you to not go to that restaurant, but no one listened to me.

[b]Dr. Wilder:[/b] And explain to me on why the waiter was pinned to the ceiling by forks...<glares at his son> James?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <looks at floor> I lost my temper, Dad.

[b]Hazel:[/b] <female panda shaking her head> For the 5th time this year I may add.

[b]Ricky:[/b] <black and white sighs and stands in doorway> You're in luck; that restaurant was meant to get shut down by the health department for food poisoning and unsanitary kitchen. And you unknowingly help me bust the manager of the operation as well as take away the chefs culinary license. It's actually, and ironically, a good thing you five were there.

[b]Dr. Wilder:[/b] That doesn't mean they are off the hook for fighting in public, Ricky.

[b]Kane:[/b] I didn't fight not one bit, Professor.

[b]Dustin:[/b] Uh, snow bro? You gave the bouncer an uppercut for calling you a "Santa Bear".

[b]Kane:[/b] <snorts> And you jumped kicked the receptionist for yanking your ears.

[b]Dustin:[/b] <grunts> Crank deserved it.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] We're sorry, Dad. It won't happen ever again.

[b]Dr. Wilder:[/b] <sigh> You're grounded for the rest of the week, James. It would have been two weeks had it not been for what Ricky said about shutting down the restaurant. But don't worry, boys; you all will be putting new tiles on my roof and painting the outside of the house from top to bottom.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Ugh. Well, I've learned something from this.

[b]Hazel:[/b] And what's that?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <snorts> Never take AXL to a fancy restaurant ever again in life.

[b]AXL:[/b] Hey!

[b]Kane:[/b] Amen to that.

[b]Dustin:[/b] Can't take paintbrush to a fancy place either.

[b]Blake:[/b] <rolls eyes> Oh shut up, twerp. I'm never going to any restaurant with you morons again. Also, Wilder, you owe me a dozen maple bacon doughnuts.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Duly noted, Blake.

[b]AXL:[/b] Can I have doughnuts too?

[b]All Except Ricky:[/b] NO!!

[b]Ricky:[/b] <sigh> This could all end very badly.

~Mega Protein Bowl ~

-Location: New Star Restaurant - Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 2:00 PM

<At an oriental restaurant sitting at a round table>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <brown bear> It's been a long while since we've all had lunch together like this.

[b]Kane:[/b] <polar bear> Been a while since we've eaten at New Star too.

[b]Hazel:[/b] <female panda> Yes, well, my Dad wanted to treat us all to a special lunch he's preparing.

[b]AXL:[/b] <panther wearing a bib around his neck> You've already had me at "Treat", "Special", and my favorite word "LUNCH"! Dis' gonna be good!

[b]Hazel:[/b] Just try to control yourself this time, AXL.

[b]Tai:[/b] <red cat> Yeah, because I'm not bailing you out if you get into trouble.

[b]Ace:[/b] <tuxedo cat> Especially not after all those weird and unexplainable calamities you get us into.

[b]Dustin:[/b] <yellow rabbit> Even more so when doughnuts are involved.

[b]Cliff:[/b] <white tiger> Don't remind me.

[b]AXL:[/b] Oh alright, and HUSH to the jive turkey gallery!

[b]Cliff:[/b] And quit calling me a turkey!

[b]Jack:[/b] <black and brown tiger> AXL calls everyone that, dude. It's just like our resident fox calling us 'Morons' repeatedly.

[b]Blake:[/b] <red fox> Because you people ARE morons. I don't recall agreeing to participate in this 'luncheon'.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] We bribed you with doughnuts and vowed to keep up on our training for a whole week.

[b]Dustin:[/b] And what a painful week that was...

[b]Blake:[/b] Ugh, fine, just get this over with.

[b]Dante:[/b] <black cat> You getting bribed with pastries sounds hilarious, fox boy.

[b]Blake:[/b] And yet I see a noticeable pudgy gut under your shirt from frequently stuffing your face in brownies, batty.

[b]Arianna:[/b] <female brown-haired cat> Alright, you two, settle down.

[b]Havana:[/b] <female blond-haired cat> Yes, let's all enjoy each others company.

[b]Troy:[/b] <brown cat> And what better way to have an awesome lunch is with fine ladies in our group!

[b]Lisa:[/b] <female kangaroo> Um...Troy?

[b]Tori:[/b] <female otter> Don't you or Jack try it.

[b]Jack:[/b] Hey!

[b]Cliff:[/b] <cracks knuckles> Don't even think of hitting on my girlfriend!

[b]Troy:[/b] <gulps> Um...can't I give a compliment every now and then?

[b]Ricky:[/b] <black and white husky> Hopefully this day goes without any drama.

[b]Jason:[/b] <fruit bat> I agree with that.

[b]Chase:[/b] <malamute> So what is on today's menu anyway?

<A giant panda in a chefs outfit comes out of the kitchen pushing a cart with large steamy bowls>

[b]???:[/b] <elder panda with a deep voice> Today's Special is the "MEGA PROTEIN BOWL"!!

[b]Everyone Else:[/b] <blinks> Mega Protein Bowl?

[b]Hazel:[/b] Um...is that the special lunch you were talking about, Dad?

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] Of course, snow pea! I figured I would have you and your friends test out this specialty to see if it's worthy of being put on the updated menu for my restaurant!

[b]Ace:[/b] But why is it called the 'Mega Protein Bowl'?

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] I'm glad you asked, kiddo! <sets each bowl in front of patron> This is the biggest bowls of ramen in my top secret sauce topped with beef and chicken for the carnivores, mushrooms for the herbivores, and fish for our Princess! Oh, and topped with some hard-boiled egg and narutomaki to be extra fancy.

[b]Tori:[/b] <looks at bowl with wide eyes> That's...um...very thoughtful of you.

[b]Troy:[/b] Dude, there's so much meat in this bowl!

[b]Dustin:[/b] Like a miniature mountain or something!

[b]Cliff:[/b] <licks lips> Works for me!

[b]AXL:[/b] I can't wait to sink my teeth into it!

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] But wait! There's more! <boldly grins> It takes understanding to accept it as a whole, knowledge to set the proper pacing, courage to attack the mountain of protein head on, and dedication to keep eating! All these skills are needed to finish off the MEGA PROTEIN BOWL!!

<Awkward silence>

[b]Jason:[/b] That's...um...good to know?

[b]Ricky:[/b] We'll...take that into consideration?

[b]Blake:[/b] <thinks to himself> ([i]This looks like a heart attack in a bowl.[/i])

[b]Dante:[/b] <thinks to himself> ([i]And this guy is her father?[/i])

[b]Lisa:[/b] We...um...thank you for the wonderful meal.

[b]Havana:[/b] Will you...um...join us?

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] I'd love to, ladies, but I've already had my own Mega Protein Bowl earlier and finished it! Heck I'm full for the rest of the day!

[b]Kane:[/b] Wow...

<A black dragon rushes into the restaurant with an orange and red haired lion in tow>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <black dragon> Omigosh, I hope we aren't too late for a luncheon with me chums!

[b]Kai:[/b] <orange and red haired lion> I hope my arm isn't pulled out of my socket, you idiot.

[b]Blake:[/b] <face palms> Here we go...

[b]Dante:[/b] <groans> Good grief...

[b]Hazel:[/b] Brooklyn, Kai, you're actually just in time.

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] <laughs> You're in luck; I have two extra bowls ready for you two! C'mon, sit down, everyone eats at the same time!

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Goodie! <sits at the table and strongly sniffs air> All these ramen bowls smells DIVINE, Papa Moto!

[b]Kai:[/b] <joins them at table> Good afternoon, Mr. Minamoto.

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] No need to be so formal! <sets bowls down> Alright, ladies and gents, enjoy yourselves while I go handle some stuff in the kitchen! <leaves>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <grabs chopsticks> Well, everyone?

[b]Tai:[/b] <grabs chopsticks> Let's dig in!

[b]Everyone:[/b] Bon Appétit!

<20 minutes into eating>

[b]Ace:[/b] <groans> I eat...and I eat...and I still can't see the noodles!

[b]Kane:[/b] <keeps on eating> It's bound to be somewhere...right?

[b]Arianna:[/b] All this meat is enough to clog 10 people's arteries!

[b]Lisa:[/b] I love mushrooms as much as the next herbivore, but this is...

[b]Dustin:[/b] Ridiculous even for me!

[b]Cliff:[/b] <keeps eating> I'm getting by just fine!

[b]AXL:[/b] <keeps eating> Same here!

[b]Tori:[/b] Well we all don't have black-holes for stomachs.

[b]Jason:[/b] Though in this case I wouldn't mind...

[b]Ricky:[/b] Let's keep eating so we don't disappoint Hazel's Dad.

[b]Hazel:[/b] Oh right. Dad doesn't like it when people waste food.

[b]Jack:[/b] But it's like grease on top of grease on top of noodles I can't even see!

[b]Tai:[/b] If we don't keep eating we'll never reach the ramen.

[b]Chase:[/b] Yeah, we've been through much worse than this!

<40 minutes into eating>

[b]Troy:[/b] <pushes bowl away> I...think I'll give up this 'challenge', dudes.

[b]Jason:[/b] <looks at bowl> I think by now the noodles absorbed all of the broth.

[b]Dante:[/b] <sets chopsticks down> This isn't a bowl of noodles...it's death in disguise.

[b]Blake:[/b] <holds up napkin like a white flag> I wouldn't even serve this to Hayate even if I know it'll kill him of protein overdose like kidney disease.

[b]Tori:[/b] <pushes bowl away> I don't think I want to give this to Max or Nicholas.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] I doubt Dad or Sampson would eat it either.

[b]Hazel:[/b] <sets utensils down> I agree that Dad went overboard this time. He means well.

[b]Chase:[/b] <holds his stomach and groans> We'll be eating this stuff for days.

[b]Ricky:[/b] <drinks water> There's not enough water to wash it all down.

[b]Jack:[/b] I think I'll be eating light for the next few weeks.

[b]Havana:[/b] I still can't see the noodles.

[b]Dante:[/b] IF there was noodles to begin with.

[b]Tai:[/b] This bowl is just way too big.

[b]Dustin:[/b] Seriously, this bowl is a monster.

[b]AXL:[/b] <holds his stomach in pain> I'm happy...but I think I'm gonna die! I've been defeated by a beef bowl!

[b]Kane:[/b] <snickers> Quick, someone get this on camera!

[b]Ricky:[/b] Eh, what the hell. <pulls out smartphone and records> What do you have to say for yourself, AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] <groans> Blast...off...CRANKS!

[b]Cliff:[/b] <groans> I can't eat anymore either.

[b]Dustin:[/b] <pats white tiger's back> We're all in the same boat, Cliff.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <sets chopsticks down> We've fought a good battle, but we've lost this one.

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <burps> Don't be so glum, chums! I've finished the Mega Protein Bowl no problem!

[b]Chase:[/b] <inspects bowl> Well I'd be doggoned.

[b]Kai:[/b] <pushes bowl away> This IS Brooklyn we're talking about.

[b]Hazel:[/b] And he is the only one who can stomach Jimmy's 'hot chocolate'.

[b]Blake:[/b] I'm pretty sure you mean 'acid'.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Stop exaggerating!

<Chef Minamoto comes into the room>

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] Ah, so you've been defeated by my Mega Protein Bowls. Except for your dragon friend that is. Good effort, though!

[b]Hazel:[/b] Um, Dad? We thank you for the lunch, but -

[b]Ace:[/b] It's like we've entered the protein dimension or something! So...much...meat!

[b]Tai:[/b] I don't think I want to replicate your recipe, Sir.

[b]Chef Minamoto:[/b] No worries! I'm gonna put it as the special for rainy days only! Also... <pulls out special containers> You can always take the rest home with you! Hahaha!

<Awkward silence>