The demise of Mr. Foxington

His stomach hissed louder as it began to consume the moobs and back causing the arms legs and tail to titanic into the fluff. the lynx had run away from the now taut fox.

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Pressing into moobs, lovehandles, and everything else in between, he more than once nearly lost his brush in a foot-thick roll of fat.

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Full Forward

Vic guffawed and nudged lou, sending his moob fat crashing into his other moob and outwards, colliding and transferring energy like a desk pendulum.

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The Royal Treatment

They lifted up his heavy, sagging moobs and tended to the crevices underneath.

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The New Record (StoryGift)(FlashFic)

As he looked down he could have sworn he saw the edges of his moobs push outward. he pinched the roll, his jaw slacked. maybe he just never realized how big they were lately? ludwig licked his teeth and sighed.

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Waking Up

Moving up the large, gradual steps of fat that comprised kane's sides, it wasn't long before mac's eyes were drawn to the massive moobs on the front of kane.

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Out Back

Moving up past those moobs too, even the fox's face was absurdly fat...

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Last Call

His shirt all but exploded off his chest, letting his moobs sag a full four inches lower than they were and exposing his black, silver-dollar-sized nipples to the night air.

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He could feel his arms being lifted up slightly as their own collars of fat began to become so thick that they pushed on his moobs.

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The drake's throat was so swollen that the bulging moobs of the canine could be seen faintly through it as they slid down into the massive gut below them.

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Vor-tual Reality

His neck was developing a second chin, and his moobs were starting to plump up as much as his arms were. his thighs and butt were facing similar issues, struggling to not burst through the fabric struggling to hold them in.

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That was nothing compared to the sag of the belly below them though, which they couldn't touch without molding the flab both on them and on the shirt-stretching moobs between them.

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