baby dragon
After the baby boy dragon was feed and burped put to bed midwife helped daddy clean up. after the birth mess was cleaned up the midwife left making sure the baby was well on the way out.
Stasis: Ch 1 (Hollow Knight Fanfic)
midwife had taken hornet to be in the guest of honor seats, and to do so, they had parted ways at the entrance to the palace.
Story Snippet - Welcoming Waltman
Once safely inside, he blinked and said out loud, "you...are a midwife, kyle. you got the job!" as he excitedly slaps his hands on the steering wheel.
Story Snippet - Alice's Ascention
As she said at the time, 'its not everyday you get to see the creation of a male midwife' with her characteristic toothy grin and sparkling eyes.
GOLDPAW redux.
Shi replied, welding another plate over the newly repaired section, drowning out the constant whingeing of the chakat midwife.
Birth of A Dire (What Went on Before, Chapter 1)
The midwife washed her paws and arms, and called micheali in. michaeli was her son, and the proud father of this newborn.
The Start of the End of the world
_~and with that, leafia, blacky, eifie, showers, booster, thunders and eievui came into the world~_ after dismissing the midwife, i went into the kitchen to try and ressurect the lost breakfast.
Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Birth
The midwife sighs, possibly because she has had to answer that question dozens of times already. "because mr. stradder, nothing over the counter works on this level of pain.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 41
No, she might have been unconscious for a little while, but shekka was still a midwife, a midwife who had given birth once before. if his little sister had lived, then ander would have died. maybe not that night, or even the night after, but soon.
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 41
No, she might have been unconscious for a little while, but shekka was still a midwife, a midwife who had given birth once before. if his little sister had lived, then ander would have died. maybe not that night, or even the night after, but soon.
Story Snippet - Dating Daughters Daringly
I either meet people who hear that i am a midwife and they jump out of a moving car, or they think i am secretly gay as if straight men would not want to be involved in midwifery care. i wear pink, sure, but come on...
The Presence Between the Pages
They had worked as a midwife, helping to brew the groaning beer and ferry hot water before purring gentle reassurances into the lady's ear as she screamed and cried.