Oh Teacher, Teacher part 2

The aura around the place became heavier as the smells of marijuana and alcohol overcame sam's nose, but he kept his eyes down and just continued walking.

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Herbal Essences

"for illegal possession, dealing, and ingesting of marijuana, and this being the 10th , tenth! time you have been brought before this court on this charge, i sentence you to fourteen months community service as a security guard.

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Rodent's Special Trip

It didn't take him long to figure out the smell; it was marijuana, and not the terrible stuff. this was amazing quality he could smell, one that he would pay an arm and leg to savor a few grams of it.

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Figuring Things Out--An Introduction

_Hello everyone. I am sorry for my sporadic nature in my scheudule. Today is the first day I've had available to begin work on Zee's story. This is going to be a multi-part segment. Essentially, I'm going to post as pieces become available. This is...

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Danger in the city

It started off as a normal day for Lea Calvo, a 15 year-old husky girl living in Vancouver. She woke up in her two-story townhouse, got dressed, had some breakfast, met up with her friend, a lioness named Sharon, at the metro station, and went to...

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Welcome to Jurassic Weed

The smoldering joint tumbled from her mouth and onto the ground. owen yawned. the joint he had been smoking was almost burnt out and the marijuana was sending him into a relaxed stupor. he closed his eyes and was soon fast asleep.

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A Day at the Waterpark

Sometimes when a good thing happens, you want to go out and celebrate it. Today, for example, was something to celebrate because Mattock had just gotten the Big Raise at work, and what better way to celebrate a raise than to go out and spend it all and...

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Jeromexvictor:betrayal part 1

With that weed stomped on jerome's foot. jerome shrieked in pain and pushed weed away. \*there's no trace of the old jerome!\* thought weed. \*i have to end this here and now,\* he thought as he charged at jerome. jerome also charged at weed and....

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Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song

Three contractions of hell joint! two stolen sweet rolls, and an arrow to the knee! \* \* \* on the the forth day of skyrim, my companion gave to me... four fur helms!

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In the Life of the Cat 3: Happy Endings

Hollice returned to her earlier ministrations to her plants while i rolled a fat joint. i put the rolled weed into my muzzle and was about to light it when a thought struck me. removing the joint from my lips, i looked quizzically at ms.

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Scars Ch. 2

"he'll come around, buy him some weed and he'll treat you like a brother." "weed?" i said confused. "yeah," chris said. "pot, cannabis, marijuana, the special medicine." i just shrug as chris gives me a confused look. "i've never heard of it."

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Dancing with Anxiety - Preview

The skunk set the joint down. "i'd personally rather smell like weed than spray. yay anxiety and panic attacks," he cheered sarcastically. "hey, you're simply taking care of yourself. medication is important.

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