An Actor's Mantra
Oh, maybe a mantra will help?" he slowed his breathing a little then began: "to sit in solemn silence on a dull, dark dock. in a pestilential prison with a life-long lock.
The End and the Beginning
I kept to myself, just chanting the hare krsna maha-mantra more than ten hours a day.
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- (5/??) -- {Kuroshingon}
"that's one of the basic abilities of a mantra-user." tatsuo said. "along with manipulating the elements." "so, my fists turning into steel, being able to manipulate fire is all part of mantra?"
Living the Dream, Part One
He was nearly home, he had nearly navigated the sidewalks filled with a world of change that he didn't understand - and his mantra had broken pathetically broken.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Seven
"you've chosen _cogito et creo_ as your mantra," mcgus went on. they were sitting at the arena's edge, safely out of my way. "latin for _'think and create.'_fitting. what's the purpose of a mantra during meditation?"
The Casebook of Dr. Exeter, Chapter Three
Here i sad down and began to chant the mantras from the possessicon.
The Start
June 26th, 2939, rhajaro mantra was granted an honorable discharge after 5 years active service as a pilot & operator in the vanguard class, e-warfare fighter nicknamed, sparky.
Swami: Biography (Delura series)
One such task swami would encounter involved tracking the trade patterns of mantra, a ruthless space-faring clan that few dared to oppose.
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- EXTRA -- {Kuroshingon}
"i put a mantra seal on the edge of my blade to ensure thanatos' hunger is sated.~ if the target doesn't die, the wound thanatos left will eat him alive.
Anger Issues
She repeated a mantra she heard off of a semi popular tv show, regarding kitties and the softness of their fur, and managed to reign in her anger; if only for the moment.
The Maelstrom
Until the day i tire of the repeated mantra, "it'll all work out." thank you for reading! all comments and criticisms are welcome.
Transformed Struggles- 4
Instead i find even though i no longer need to say the little mantra as much, i still have to keep thinking about which leg comes next.