
Your new name will be loki,' she said with pride, 'you know you're my first pokémon.' 'i did know that, i hope your family will like me,' he said.

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Sacrificial Offerings

loki was the god of mischief. not many sacrifice in his name. only in his brother's and father's names. so what loki gets is rare and interesting. mortals had some chaos in them and there are indeed some clans that worshipped loki.

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He failed and now loki was trapped here because of his failures. "i'm sorry loki, it's all my..." loki immediately stopped him from talking. "no, it's my fault.


Celestial Politics (A1, B2, C6)

However, it was loki who..." "yeah, yeah, i know - loki is the bad guy. some stereotypes always seem to play themselves out, mizukume. the thing is, i'm not yet sure about loki's motive. so keep spying for me."

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The pat of loki's hand sent that feeling far away. he was infinitely patient with her, she thought. it was probably because he had three sisters. loki hit play again. the chorus was coming up and he spoke it in english for her.

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the Fantastic adventures of Doctor Erwin and IRIS (part 1)

loki says, "what?" autumn asks, "what the fuck are you smoking?!" she snaps.


The Overwatch Incident

"loki... you're up." "akira, i-i can't see..." "i know bud, the shard cut right through your face." he told me. "i want to see." i said. "loki, i don't think-" "i said, i want to see!"

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The Aesir Pantheon

The double-cross is an art form to loki, and few things please him as much as leading both sides of a conflict into "accidental" ambushes. loki's scions are rare.

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My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 10

loki pointed out they had no room to talk due to their inbreeding. tyr tried to defend them, but loki interrupted telling him that his missing hand is proof that he's not a good liar.

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Mystery Savior Ch. 8

"if you had never fought before, and you absolutely hate fighting, then why were you so calm while you were fighting loki. you almost looked bored. you even had enough cool to make loki fight you alone!"

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Mystery Savior Ch 5

I threw mine at loki. both made contact. the coach's whistle blew. "class is over!"

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A Minor Family Reunion

He looks at loki who had his head up watching my uncle, "i went looking for the 'monster' who was doing the killings. near a cave i saw loki tearing the throat out of a man and i started fighting him.

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