Krystal's Arwitrin Ad
We cut back to krystal, who feels an itching and burning sensation.)** krystal: ugh, i have athlete's foot! **(she scratches at her feet like crazy.
The Giggle Gang
An itch. an itch centered right in the center of each pit. then... the itch progressed out. he trembled in his chair and let out a cry as the itching grew in annoyance. he tugged at the bonds that held his wrists as he ground his teeth together.
CJ's Got Fleas
The beaver next to him was an itching mess, dragging his claws against his fur over and over, trying to find the source of his discomfort. "i... i don't know!" cj admitted. "ah! but it itches!"
Fallen Angels, Part three -Scratching the Itch
Chapter two scratching the itch i think inspector quinn and i were equally surprised when his crazy idea worked. we both knew that drinking is a strong trigger for my grip on reality to collapse.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 29
It itches! by the cora it itches!" banno screamed, digging his claws into his stump, scratching that damn itch to death. rivulets of blood poured over his fingers in warm torrents, and... and it _did_ feel good.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 29
It itches! by the cora it itches!" banno screamed, digging his claws into his stump, scratching that damn itch to death. rivulets of blood poured over his fingers in warm torrents, and... and it _did_ feel good.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 70: All That You Are (Rising Part II)
Many are going to develop the itch!" the skull wearing warrior looked at me curiously. "you know what i mean, it is already driving several in the city mad."
Black Sepia - chapter 1
The longer he ignored the itching, the worse it would get. right now it had already blossomed into something that was actually painful, a little burning speck at the core of a larger itch on each wing that was utterly maddening.
A few hours later, the youth wakes up, he shakes his head and wonders why he's on the shower floor, in a most uncomfortable position, and itching. ok, well he knew why he was itching, and slowly it comes to him why he's on the floor.
Challenges: Chapter 1 "Wrong Mind Set"
_ _ charlie not paying any mind to itch, not even knowing where he is, continues about the city. charlie!! it's important!
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 6
Banno knew better than to scratch at a wound, but that damn itch was so much worse than pain. pain he could ignore quite easily, but that itch... that constant itch...
Don't Fear the Reaper: Part 5 (Sequence 1)
The itch wasn't an itch; it was heat from the infrared! she realized she was in an experienced sniper's sights...