#2 of poetry this is ignite a request i got, that i wanted to write for them.
Life after Death
## Life after Death This story starts nine years after the death of Malafor. Humans have made peace with with the Guardians and others in the Dragon Realms. Though Malafor's army is still alive and hungry for blood, the humans and Spyro have puled...
Dragon Flame Pain
In an instant, leviath ignited on fire, or at least the part of him where cindy had poured the oil. his eyes snapped open, and he let out a sudden cry. what was happening to him!? it was hot! it hurt! it burned!
Paradigm Shift 2: Ignition
I watched intently as the thick trap door swung open slowly. It finally came to rest at a 90 degree angle, LED lights illuminating the ladder well down into whatever chambers lay beneath. I wondered how Gemm had electric lighting, but I also wondered...
6- Scorching Ignition (Finale)
#6 of the legend of rift: scorching ignition a few more days had passed and the two had seen the last couple of guardians. tozzon the guardian of nature, he unfortunately didn't grant rift his support, and orio the guardian of time.
Between Winters, Part XII - Point of Ignition
Furness had seen arbinger ignite his hand on many occasions, and he was growing increasingly unnerved by the loving expression on arbinger's face whenever the hand caught fire.
Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 8
Sequence projects a countdown timer up into the air, informing us that we have two minutes till ignition, well, ignites the igniters. wow that's confusing. according to the timer, i have about three minutes to wait.
Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 5
ignition pushes. dusk cringes before answering. "two meters per second." ignition places a hoof to her forehead, and the rest of us lean back in surprise.
Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 6
ignition then stands and leaves, not bothering to wait to be dismissed.
Isolation-Excerpt 34-True Intentions
"t-minus 59 seconds to ignition." "tyler", i called, "where do we go from here!?"
No Capes.
'ignition!' the mouse squeaked as he leaped up, fists clenched, igniting into flame as he struck after her. though it was a little bit overkill, using powers on someone without, he had a job to do, and he was determined to see it through.
Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)
In its throat the fennix has some kind of ignition organ, which releases some gas, heating it up until it catches fire.