The Hologram
He loved this part and watched the hologram intently for a reaction, but the hologram seemed unfazed. this was irritating. normally, they started whining about their innocence at this point. not this one. time to bring out the big guns.
RVA: Through a Hologram Darkly
It hadn't taken much to pull the outfit together. Melanie already had a full body scan of herself on file for ordering formal business dresses. She sat at her desk in the office she kept on Nagrim Prime, and took a sip of wine. She merged it with the...
Dragon's Coin
Turning back to face the hologram, while dropping his shades to cover his eyes once again, the mercenary frowned at both the hologram and the crocodile who were now standing together.
Dragon's Coin
Turning back to face the hologram, while dropping his shades to cover his eyes once again, the mercenary frowned at both the hologram and the crocodile who were now standing together.
Tropical - Chapter Eight
Only if rye was glowing red would he be allowed to go through the hologram but instead he was able to press his back firmly against the hologram. he doesn't know i'm here, rye thought. perfect.
Chapter II: Tomorrow Never Dies Hard
The hologram said as a valo hologram formed and walked right through simulated bullets. "neat, ok is that all?" the hologram reacted non-accordingly and shut itself off leaving the two in the room alone. "so now what are we doing?"
Nona: Chapter One: Kit Kat
A blue hologram shot out of the selfie camera, the hologram looked like mulder from the x files. "you have sixteen new messages" the hologram said, the hologram had robotic voice that sounded like mulder from x files.
Yu-Gi-Oh World Tour Chapter 1.5 (rewrite)
He placed a card in the disk slot, and a hologram of a card appeared face down.
Dawn - Chapter One
Comms off-" as she finished, her hologram, along with some others, vanished. "yes, home. daryl?" at this, a new hologram appeared. this one was the avatar for another ai, one not unlike nebuna.
The Scout
The jagged cone of rock believed to be the cause of death at the was also present in the hologram. it was nearly as large as the corpse itself. surrounding the sterile one and her holotable table were five more holograms.
The holograms turned off and our duel disks deactivated, mayra fell to her knees in defeat. but she got back up and started walking to the stands, i followed her up we sat next to jackie. 'you alright, mayra?"
Warm ups
The holograms turned off and our duel disks deactivated, mayra fell to her knees in defeat. but she got back up and started walking to the stands, i followed her up we sat next to jackie. 'you alright, mayra?"