Exercise -- Write About a Premonition

I saw something on a sign, a billboard, about a horror movie where something bad happened in a funhouse, and for some reason, every time that i saw that sign, it made things worse. i was sure that our local funhouse was somehow a terrible place.

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'Fair' Judgement

Carmen stepped aside so her date could see what effect the county fairs' funhouse mirror had.

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Zoological Funhouse

The white wolf says, "welcome to the zoological funhouse." the wolf dances on his four legs as the audience applauds. the wolf waves a paw and the crowd quiets down. he says, "my name is sugar. i'm the host and what i say goes.

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Funhouse Madness Exercise

The carnival funhouse had been designed in good humor, but all it delivered was creepitude. never mind the clown gallery or distorting mirrors. all anyone could think about was the elusive actress playing daphne blake.

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His rabbit hole is a mirror maze with curtains covering some mirrors, some of them glass windows, revolving mirrors, sliding mirror panels or funhouse mirrors, and smoke that rises up from as well as trapdoors that lead down under the chessboard-tiled floor

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Price of Life: Chapter XIII

Although this place was beginning to seem like a bizarre kind of funhouse, selene was relieved by the fact that the loft looked relatively cozy.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter

Like a wax figure pulled from an episode of _leave it to beaver_, half melted and then reflected through a dozen funhouse mirrors. ignoring the pain, i rolled to my feet and gripped splatsy in both hands.

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The Carnival

Still, he followed each turn willingly feeling like he'd come to the end of the funhouse at any moment. when he finally did a bright light burned at the end of the hall and in the windows.

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-Future Chapter WIP-

Distorted, like it had suddenly become a kind of funhouse mirror. and when the reflection cleared, i was greeted by a very different sight. i still saw myself before me, but my reflection no longer responded to my movements. i was much taller.

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The Journal of Steven Bellman: Another sad tale from Silent Hill

"i feel like i'm in a funhouse!" i yelled out in agony. so, with nowhere left to go, i went back downstairs and slumped against the blocked entrance door. within a few minutes, i drifted off into sleep. i had another dream that night.

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Palekaiko Episode 1 - Already Gone

Looking down at the sleeping otter, cooper felt like he was looking in a funhouse mirror. they were similar but they differed in several obviously noticeable ways and some not-so-noticeable ways.

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Blue Moon [Cover + First Chapter]

The mirror reflected her face stretched out as if it were some sort of funhouse mirror. while she attempted to speak she found it hard to form words in this intermediate state.

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