The Fever
**-------Authors Note** ------- **Wow, I did not expect this story to be this popular. Thank you to everyone who supported this debut attempt at story telling, especially those who help with grammar and even suggested useful lines and sub-plots, I...
Horse Fever
"are you familiar with horse fever?" myu asked with a smile. "horse fever?" opis knew about hay fever, but horse fever was new. he realized his face stretched out with his sneeze. "what the hay?" myu chuckled. "not hay, horse!
Finally the egg was laid and the boogie fever stopped just like that. it looked like it was naomi's turn. naomi withdraw her egg and her face went red. a category 5, a screaming-bloody-murder egg.
Spring Fever world building
#1 of spring fever just the world building for hathia some tidbits about hathia so u.s history follows the same path as it did in our world, but as there were anthros humans never really enslaved other humans, as the mammal and avian dominated
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 8)
They had a fever! and a serious one at that. this could be dangerous. is it contagious? could he be caught by this disease? is he safe? so many questions, so little time, they fever is getting worse by the second.
Merry Christmas!! :)
"well, your fever's gone down a little. that's good..." "shouldn't you be out with the other guys?" i asked him. "i didn't feel like hanging out with them. even if it is christmas..." he said.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Seventeen
#19 of amber silverblood: silverpack amber wakes up from her fever, but the danger is far from over. please note: this is the second book in the silverblood saga.
Lonely Oak Chapter 92 - Emeral, M.D.
"he has a fever." she announced. the mother tigress lost her maternal terseness, "what?" she questioned. "he looks fine to me." she began to walk to him, passing her daughter walking the other direction. "you feel like you have a fever?"
The Redeem: Chapter 3
Why was a fever so damn debilitating!? "well...come on then. don't let this fever fry what little of your brain you have left..." as i began walking, i noticed jason give a stumbling step, and i realized i would have to hold his hand.
Dog Boy - Chapter 5
And... and a bad fever." "a fever too?" "yes." "what's been going on with your stomach?" "i... i dunno. just feels unsettled." "do you feel like you're going to throw up?" i shook my head. "no... i...
Melody->Viper Transformation
As this point she brought her hand up to feel her face, fighting against the fever as she did so, and recoiled in shock as it came into her vision.
TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 1)
It helps when you have a cold but i belive that you have mild version of hay fever" hypter answered as he motioned spyro to follow him. "wow you sure know alot about cures and colds." spyro said.