Moroneae Domesticus

He was worried that he had been too enthusiastic; that all his talk of delusion would alert the other officers to his plan.

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Where the path ended - sanity or delusion - he knew not, but he felt they were coming to an answer.

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At Dinner

The vixen softened slightly, she entertained his delusion, eating the steak much to his surprise. before he could ask she replied "i'm not above giving a dead man a final delusion." smiling he too began to eat "so tell me how is it out there...

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Poem # 24

If this is a delusion, a figment of my imagination, if only i could let that person take my place, would they think it all in their head? that it was made up? that the pain wasn't real? or would they scream too?

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Fur real...

Cheers to those who aren't in the dark claiming bright lights with a single spark delusions fine for a dream, but life is more than such a moment, a flash of what could of been i hope to see less shadows from those who walk beside me, who wake,

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Fallen Angels, Part three -Scratching the Itch

Making me focus on the demon delusion and taking control of it was an idea i hadn't thought of before. "there is no delusion," said quinn. "you really have a demon side." i sighed at his imagination. "and you're a werewolf. i get it. goodbye quinn!"

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Frozen Delusions

I was running away tired of the fighting, tired of the pain of being the reason my parent always argued. I'm such an idiot sometimes. It's less than twenty degrees out here and I'm in skinny jeans and am old t-shirt. I'm trying to run to my friend...

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That Blue Ribboned Sky

Passing the time with you while i'm in a bad mood, i guess i've always been so stubborn, just as the autumn leaves stay brown, and the towering buildings stay gray i'm a stranger to myself, to give up my delusions is to give up you as well, i don't

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Night thoughts - 29. - Y not

From first to last, each swig sways memories among minds of mercy meeting many mountains among plain filled people, punishment proceeds pity for moments stuck in strange thoughts, ignorance announces another alleyway delight declines as destiny destroys delusions

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Rambling reasoning - 81. -

Fortune only in mind, the change is mental more than anything as we stumble about, i mumble a shout, & begin to sing anything inspiration, to some degree i share it happily, feeling truly free my shadow is only up long past my mind the hazy maybe delusions

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Minds: "Prologue"

It is inhumane to watch others, who are far too gone, suffer through these inhuman delusions. please let us die. one way or another, i will join my brothers as a mire inconvenience to the janitor.

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---The good fight---

Brittle are my bones, how easily i bleed eye sight fading, no help i need a river of red i feel coming from my being strength i find in the future i'm seeing whether a delusion or a pipe dream my soul burns for that reality i am, whole hearted, going
