Final Hope
"the deathbringers will be on your doorstep by this time tomorrow. by time we get a sizable force together down here, you'll be dead." the king seemed unconvinced of the hopelessness of his situation.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 3
_consus, it's about time you learned a few lessons about what we deathbringer's really are...
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 6
A deathbringer is made to kill. you're only doing what you were made for." _"consus..." "no layla, this is my decision."_ he held bloodlust tight, feeling the anger it stored.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 8
You apparently don't know the meaning of that word, or what it means to be a deathbringer... i've come to realize that you're wrong, venair. a deathbringer isn't always bad... nor do we always have to kill.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 7
_"if that's true, he has the power of two deathbringers... and has the control of bloodlust."_ she then gazed back to the sleeping elf and let out a sigh. "what are we going to do when he wakes up?
The Wings of Fire Pee On An Electric Fence Challenge
So later, after recovery, glory was presented the silver trophy which she showed to deathbringer, her sloth silver climbed off deathbringer's next whom she was waiting with, and climbed into the trophy, curling up comfortably.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 4
_another deathbringer... but is that what a deathbringer does? kill keyblade masters...?_ "what are you doing? you know kairi called us for dinner, right?"
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Prologue 2-2
"so that's what the keyblade deathbringer is... consus, i'm sorry you have come across such a painful destiny." his eyes went wide as his friend's craze took over. he could see in his eyes that the elf wanted to kill.
Wings of Fire: The Pee of Pyrrhia
deathbringer was just looking at her. "what?" glory asked. "i think you look lovely when you go," he said. glory gave him the death look. * * * "ew!
Two's Trial - Chapter 6 + 7
"deathbringer! get the hell out of there!"
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 5
The deathbringer was surly giving them a good fight. _he's just so fast! it's almost like he knows our attacks are coming..._ dodging to the left, sora then saw a quick opening in the warriors side and decided to take a chance.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 1
**Shadows of Birth Chapter One: A new Beginning** _"Look at you, you're getting bigger everyday!" Watching as the tall, brunette woman in front of him, Consus watched as his small arms reached forward and wrapped then around the woman's waist,...