It's All In The Eyes
This is a short piece that was published in the Fur-Eh conbook for 2016. The theme was "Who killed the Con-Chair" Enjoy * * * It's All In The Eyes By Aaron Blackpaw "Well, yep. He's dead alright." Shattered glass sparkled across the floor, the...
Clued... : CHCl3
"guys, is that clue??" igor asked. "looks like it..." cody said. a light lit up and the board beeped twice, and the electric shackles they were wearing clicked open.
I have no clue!
Chapter 1 - The first strike, and the start of a news age! "Ever since the dawn of mankind we have looked to the stars for the truth, for answers, and even for guidance." The aristocrat sir frank mentioned to his son. Holding...
Pushing Forward, New Clues
"we won't find any clues here either. the tents are devoid of anything but tables and beds." blitz commented, searching through the tents. "why would tricell want to give parvo such a dangerous weapon to begin with?
Slayer's Redemption: Ch6 Clues
A view of the edge of the world is seen. Black nothingness stretching forever. A soft breathing is heard, turning to loud gasping. A single hand claws at the edge, followed by another. With a great heave, Dvorin drags himself up onto the world once...
Clue: Chapter 1 - Let the party begin!
In the year 2025, music was at it's knees. The former bands that were created back from 1999 and further were drowning in modern music which contained high teen society. However, out of all the bands from the beginning of the 21st century, one singing...
Clue: Chapter 2 - Hidden lives, revealing secrets
James opened the envelope, which contained a small list of instructions. He read them and turned around at the door. "Ok, now for discussion. The reason why you're up here is because you all have a secret life you hide from your families, and...
Savage City; Day Five: Survival Instincts
Nick and judy then proceeded back into warehouse nine and continued to look for any clues. once they got to the back of the warehouse is when they discovered a work desk with a control panel.
Bullseye in London
Shelly says when she got the next clue. becky & kiki get their clue next and they go to the bridge. as boomer & joe and maxwell & richard get their clues, the olympians are the first ones to make it to the bridge. "there's the next clue box!"
Greetings From Paris!
Once teams gets off the train, they'll head to the eiffel tower where their next clue waits. "let's go!" kitty says. her and kit run off as the rest of the teams get their clue.
Thirteen Tales 2020: The Culprits Revealed
Tale 12 victim: charley culprit: pancake starting form: catmink ending form: shrunken baby catmik important clues pancake mentions having access to more advanced lab.
Another Tundra Race
Her and rachel and becky & kiki run to the clue box and they get their next clue. "roadblock: capture the flag." whoever didn't dive for keys in mexico must climb up an 8 foot flag to capture their next clue which taped at the top.