Slayer's Redemption: Ch6 Clues

Story by DvorinSerrick on SoFurry

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#6 of Slayer's Redemption

A view of the edge of the world is seen. Black nothingness stretching forever. A soft breathing is heard, turning to loud gasping. A single hand claws at the edge, followed by another. With a great heave, Dvorin drags himself up onto the world once more. One broken wing and several gashes pay evidence to his fall off the edge, yet he refused to give in. He slowly looks to those watching and waves, catching his breath. " keep ya....waitin. Hope this one..." and falls silent, allowing his watchers to enjoy the show......


Slayer's Redemption

Chapter 6

(Insert possible name)

Now I've got to say that hunting down a Renamon is not an easy task, even for one at my power level. I had disguised myself as the Glademon I'd killed so we could pass through town without scaring off all the digimon. This method was actually Bastemon's idea.

I was on the verge of going on a killing spree; I've been searching for a week without any progress. Right now, I was just waiting for a reason to throw some one through a wall, break their arms and legs, then rip their heart out and show it to them as I crush it in my hands. That idea brought a smile rather crooked for a Glademon, and Bastemon noticed it.

"What's so funny?" I turned to her and chuckled.

"Just thinking of what I'm going to do to that bitch when I catch her." She hopped in front of me and halted our march through town.

"Woah, buddy. You gotta hold your poker face better than that. Glademon never laugh, smile, or even sneer......." She continued on listing how a Glademon acted as I stood and waited. " act more like a digimon and less like a spoiled brat."

"Are you done yet?" I snapped as the last part sounded a bit too much like my human mother. "I'm perfectly capable of acting like a REAL digimon, just shut your mouth and leave me alone." I pushed her aside and continued walking.

I hadn't meant it, but my armor slowly turned black. This may not seem too bad, unless you realize that ANY digmon that turns black has been corrupted by a virus and is pure evil. I never even noticed that the resident digimon started fleeing. Shutting windows, slamming doors, muffled screams as larger digimon quieted smaller ones so as not to draw attention to themselves. I just kept walking until some old digimon, I think it was a Babamon, walked into my path.

"Why do you plague our village, dark one?" I stopped and stared at the witch digimon.

"Plague? You know not who you speak to. I come to protect this village and its inhabitants." I said trying my best to look valiant. This failed horribly because my armor had turned as black as coal, and my eyes were glowing bright red by now.

"Oh, these eyes do not lie, and I know a corrupt digimon when I see one." She said pointing the handle of her broomstick at my chest. I looked down and finally saw the state of my armor.

"Crap...can things get any worse?" And as is the case...things got worse.

"Be gone fowl virus. We have nothing for you here." This made me laugh.

"I'll be the judge of that. If you want me gone, then help me find what I want." The witch seemed to think this over, but slowly shook her head.

"I'll not help the likes of you."

"Then move." I pulled out one of my swords and swept the witch out of my way using the flat of the blade. She rolled and slammed into the side of a building, causing several flowerpots to fall and break. I got a whole ten feet before...

"Hold it!"

I stopped, groaned, and slowly turned around to look at the one stupid enough to disturb me for the second time. I found Bastemon standing a ways back with a concerned look on her face as a teenage human girl ran out of the building the Babamon slammed into, a Gatomon close at her heels.

"Time some one taught you some manners." She pulled out a digivise and a blue card from her pockets. "Digimodify! Digivolution Activate!" as she swiped the card through the D-arch reader. I held my head in annoyance as the Gatomon was enveloped in a bright light, then reappeared as a....I didn't know.

I held up my right hand just as the girl held up her D-arch. We scanned each other. My scan of the girl's digimon showed up as a D-Archmon. I laughed at the coincidence. I also laughed at the girl's reaction to her scan of me. "No data? That can't be right."

"No matter, I'm about to wipe the floor with him, stand back Lisa!" the D-Archmon said before raising her staff and lunging at me.

"Too easy." I waited until she almost contacted, then I stepped aside, and grabbed her ankle as she flew by. I swung her up then back down into the ground, a cloud of dust rising around her. I let go of her ankle and stepped back to wait. I counted down from five on my hand, and as I suspected, she flew back out at zero.

"You'll not get the better of me!" She swung her staff at me, but I caught it in my left hand, then slapped her aside with my right.

"Stupid bitch, you don't understand who you're dealing with." I barely caught a glimpse of the girl sliding another card through her reader; then D-Archmon disappeared. I could still sense where she was, so sidestepping her attack from behind was easy. She had pulled out both her swords and stood in an offensive stance, waiting.

I started clapping, visibly throwing both D'archmon and the girl off a bit. "Good show and great effort, but its all for not. I have other fish to fry....or should I say foxes to skin?" I asked, looking Bastemon's way. She smiled, but then I noticed a look of fear in the girl's eyes.

"Foxes? You're after Shreya aren't you! Patty, we have to stop him here!" I could only assume 'Patty' was the name given to this girl's digimon. However, the name Shreya sounded familiar. I'd worry about it after I took care of these two.

"Will do Lisa! HHYYYAAA!!!" D-archmon charged me again, but I stepped aside and struck the back off her neck hard. She continued forward a couple steps, then collapsed.

"Patty! Huh? Hey, what are youAAHH!!" thud!

I looked over and saw Bastemon standing next to the unconscious form of the teenage girl. On a whim, I knelt down and modified the D-archmon's data; now she won't turn back to a Gatomon until I've had my fun. "Pick that one up and follow me." I gestured towards the human girl. Bastemon did as ordered. I took a look around and found a small restaurant nearby. I picked up D-archmon and threw her over my shoulder, then walked to the restaurant.

As I walked through the door, there was the sound of several chairs screeching. Most, if not all, the digimon in the building were looking my way. I went straight to the main bar and pounded on it. "I demand the use of your cellar." I called to the bartender. The Clockmon running the place seemed to look me over.

"OH my, I'm sorry but....only authorized digimon are allowed down there." Sighing, I rifled through a bag on my waist and pulled out a crest with the recognizable symbol of Lilithmon's rule. There was an audible rattling sound as the machine digimon saw the crest. The only reaction he gave was to walk around the bar and to a door, gesturing for me to go inside. I nodded to Bastemon and then went through the door and down the stairs.

I looked back to the Clockmon. "Close the door. Not a mon is to get through that door, or I dine on your data. Understood?" There was a barely noticeable tilt as he nodded. He shut the door and Bastemon locked it behind us.

I now took the time to look at our surroundings. It was your typical cellar, with casks of wine and beer with multiple boxes of food stuffs randomly stacked around the room. There seemed to be a table with four chairs placed around it. I could see a deck of cards sitting on a crate near the table. I pulled out a chair and gestured for Bastemon to dump her load in it while I did the same in another chair.

I concentrated for a moment and made a couple lengths of rope. I handed some rope to Bastemon. "Tie her arms up to that support beam ." I pointed to the beam above her head, and she nodded and set to work. I set to work tying D-archmon's arms behind the back of the chair she was in, as well as her legs to the chair legs. "Done!" I heard from behind me as I finished my own task; and none too soon as D'Archmon began to stir. "Ah, the hero awakens." I chuckled, watching as D'Archmon slowly comes back to consciousness.

First, she just lifted her head slowly and groaned, then upon seeing me looked around frantically. She pulled at her bonds and snapped "What's going on? Where are we?" Then she stops. I know what it was, she just realized she doesn't know where her tamer is.

I stepped aside and gestured to the girl now hanging from the ceiling. "Your tamer is fine, but this can change." I slowly walked to the girl and lifted her head with an armored finger.

"Don't you touch her!" the angelic digimon yelled. This only made me smile. I waved a hand at Bastemon motioning for her to move aside as I walked around the girl, examining her figure. For a human, she wasn't that bad looking.

"I want information, and I believe you have it." I stood in front of the girl and grabbed the collar of her shirt in both hands. With one swift tug, I tore it wide open exposing her nearly developed chest. With a few quick slashes I removed the rest of her shirt.

"What are you doing to her!?" D'archmon demanded. "Nothing, if you do as I ask." I walked back over to the tied digimon. I held my hands up so she could see, grabbed my middle finger of my right hand and pulled. This created a length of black cord unlike the chain from before. This was solid leather. No barbs or metal. I showed her my hand as it was with the whip now extending from it, and with a flick of my wrist, the whip flew across the room and struck the girl across the chest. She immediately woke up screaming as a long red line formed on her young body.

"Tell me about the red renamon." I demanded of the D'archmon

"I'm not telling you anything! Stop this!" was her reply. I swung again and another red line formed on the girl as she screamed again.

"Don't tell him anything!" the girl screamed. I swung again and caught her across the face, a deep gash forming on her right cheek.

"Quiet child, the digimon are talking." I looked back to the knightly digimon. "Where is the red Renamon?" I waited five seconds as the digimon considered. I swung again, catching the girl on the left hip this time, tearing her jeans. "Tell me, and this can end now."

The girl was huffing and whimpered "We can't fail her. Patty, please, don't say anything." I swung and wrapped the whip around her throat, using my power to tighten it so she couldn't speak or breath.

"I said, don't speak." I watched as the girl struggled to breath, and spoke to the digimon without looking at her. "I've always wondered how long the human brain can survive without air." I could hear whimpering from the side along with struggling. The girl looked to my side and shook her head, a signal I recognized and found disgusting. "Heroics get people killed, remember that. On average, it's the hero that dies."

I tightened the whip a bit more, further restricting her ability to breathe. "She's hiding in the data canals!" I loosened the whip just enough to allow the girl to breath a bit, and looked to D'Archmon

"See how simple that was? Now, what is she..." but I got cut off as the door to the basement flew apart, followed by a Leomon and a kid dressed in dark leathers

"Lisa! Lisa, we're here to..." and he stopped as he got to the base of the stairs and saw the condition of his friend.

I groaned and retracted the whip and held my hands on my hips."Oh wonderful, the rescue brigade. Are you seriously gonna.."

The Leomon lunged at me screaming "Fist of the Beast King!" a spirit lion forming on his raised fist. I took the hit straight in the chest and allowed myself to be thrown through a pile of boxes.

"Glademon!" I heard Bastemon yell, then more battle ensued from the other side of the room. I sat in the boxes for a moment, fuming over the fact I couldn't get a single moment's peace during an interrogation. I stood up, knocking several crates over as I dusted myself off. Bastemon was wrestling with the Leomon while the boy in leather was trying to untie the now topless and blood streaked girl from the ceiling.

I simply walked to the D'archmon and tapped her shoulder. A shrill scream filled the air as her data began to fragment and disperse slowly, starting from her feet. Those in the room froze and were fixated on the state of the digital angel. "I suggest you all stop now, or I let your friend dissolve into nothing. I have come to find that you all possess something I need. Information. I have also come to realize that said information is much more important than I had once thought." I paused to enjoy the second scream emitted by the now dying D'Archmon. "With this in mind, I suggest that you all start talking, and fast...." Another scream "...for I doubt your friend can withstand much more."

I gave a sidelong glance to find the angel's legs had dissolved up to her knees. I could hear the digiangel try and say "Don't tell him!" but it was muffled as she was in too much pain to speak. The pain in the eyes of the two children and the hatred in the Leomon's face.....It was delicious.

"I'll tell you, just please....stop it! Please don't kill her!" came from the girl, still with one arm tied to the ceiling. I flicked my hand sending a sliver of dark energy to cut the rope. She crumbled onto the ground, barely having the strength to stand. I walked to them, passing the lion digimon, feeling how much he wished to rip my head off himself. I stopped and looked to him "Valor, honor, and loyalty are wasted here beastman. I will kill these children without an afterthought and make you watch as I tear the flesh from their bones. Give me what I wish and they will walk away, alive and in one piece. Impede my path, and I shall make sure their death is slow, agonizing, and for all to see." I received a growl as a reply, so I turned and walked to the children.

The boy had wrapped his leather jacket around her girl's shoulders, an attempt to save her modesty. "Now, tell me, where is the red renamon?" I asked again. I waited for the girl to bring herself up, but another yell of anguish from her digimon seemed to give her strength.

"She' the data canals.....hiding."

"From what?"

The girl looked me in the eye "From a digimon....more powerful....then you. More....powerful...then anything we've seen."

I tapped my foot in waiting, my interest peaked. "And who might this digimon be, hmm?" I leaned in real close to the girl, the boy seeming to tense as I brought myself face to face with the girl.

She took a few deap breaths, then looked up "Slayermon." She half coughed at me. I nodded a bit

"Oh yes, Slayermon. Not a digimon alive can stand to him. However, one must wonder what is so important about this fox that you risk your own lives." I held a finger under her chin and lifted her head so she can see without struggling against gravity itself. "Why are you protecting her?" I asked slow and clear.

The girl gulped down a bit, gathering the strength to talk, but A voice piped up to my left before she could speak. "It's a prophecy. She's part of some prophecy here in the digital world." I stood straight to look down on the boy who had initially interrupted my earlier interrogation.

"Such a thing does not concern me. Prophecies are the sad attempt of weak-willed people to believe that they have some importance to an otherwise uncaring existence. To believe such a thing can save you is foolish and shall only lead to your demise." I brought my right arm around fast and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up to eye level. The Leomon lurched forward, but stopped when I glared at him from the side of my eye. I focused on the boy. "Now, what prophecy is so important that you would die to protect this one digimon?"

The boy looked to the girl on the floor, then two the other digimon in the room. He then turned his stern face to me. "It's believed that she will get a hold of the most powerful thing in the digital world, and use it to remove the dark mistress from power and free this region from her control." The look of bravery in his eyes, the resolute attitude and the lack of fear.

I chuckled "I like you, boy. I see that you do not believe in this prophecy, which begs the question. Why do -you- protect her?"

His face contorted for a moment from anger, to thinking, then to annoyance. "I couldn't care less about some stupid prophecy or some super power. What I do care about though is freedom. About choice. I'll stand by my friends and fight the likes of you until the very end, no matter the cost."

I smiled despite the nausea in my stomach. "To the very end. Poor words when held by the likes of myself." I reached with my open hand and grabbed his right arm. With a quick twist, I snapped his arm in two places, causing it to hang limp. He yelled in pain and tried to break my hold with his good arm, to no avail.

"Eric!" the Leomon yelled as he lunged at me once more. I swung around and tossed the boy at him, knocking the beastman to the ground holding his tamer.

"There's the first cost to your path of valor, boy. Remember the pain, for there will be much more in your future." I looked around and found Bastemon lying against some crates, unconscious. I picked her up in my arms and looked back to the group of heroes.

"I shall allow you to survive this day and live with the knowledge that you have failed, for I am going to find this Renamon, and torture her. I shall pull her limp from limp and enjoy the flavor of her entrails as I keep her alive to heal and repeat the process again, and again. I will continue until every person who has helped her has been hunted down and slain, for I am..." I shifted forms into my true form while still carrying Bastemon "...Slayermon. No digimon escapes my blade, and no tamer shall bar my path." With that, I blasted a hole in the ceiling leading to the bar above.

I flapped my wings once to jump up onto the main floor and looked around. When I saw the Clockmon from earlier, I glared. "I had given you a simple order, no interruptions, and you failed. Now, die." I pointing at him, and for the briefest moment, I saw the gears in side stop before he blew apart, gears and springs flying everywhere. I stood and absorbed the data that was released. It was little, but a failure was a failure.

After my little snack, I walked out the front door and flew off. A few minutes later, Bastemon began to stir in my grasp. She looked around and immediately wrapped her arms around my neck "Where are we going?" she asked a bit shaken after finding herself so far off the ground. I looked down at her with a glint in my glowing eyes.

"To the data canal. I have a date with a very prophetic fox."