Battle Bot
The bat had pretty much laughed in his face. "are you sure you're supposed to be here?"
I don't know her, but he's going to give her a run for her money," the bat answered.
Sand in the Gears
"well, if i ever talk your bat ears off, check my throat privilege, rakim." he discovered he liked saying his name. he liked how saying it felt in his mouths. "i'll make sure of it," the bat assured him.
Concerning Flight
Gargoyles weren't quite bats, even though he sometimes tried to tell himself it was close enough. batman wasn't played by a bat, but at least he was using bat-related power for good, he tried to tell himself. their situations were reversed.
Bat Outta Hell
They've made us bats a symbol of fear because we don't. the reason i wear this is so that people won't. we bats get to know people by listening. listen to people, rakim." her blessing was also her curse.
Bat Bat Batter Battery
. :3 bat had bats. bat's bat became black. black bat's black bat bit big blue. big blue bit back at that bat that black bat had. that big blue buffoon broke that bat that bat had bought at a black bot black blue bat sale.
The Last Dragonboy Chapter 6
A big brown bat, hoarding all kinds of fruits and vegetables. the bat noticed our presence and turned around to glare at us. "you shouldn't have come here...get out..." the bat spoke in a menacing voice.
Upside down
The bat was! there had to be a way to prove it. wait, no! he told himself again. "that's not the point!" he exclaimed, both for the bat and himself. "you're in my house! please, leave!"
Bats of a feather (commission for Nyeogmi)
_what kind of bat are they?,_ he wondered, shifting his attention to nyeogmi again. they definitely weren't a fruit bat, he knew that much. _maybe a spectral bat?
El Asesino
The bat went on. the elephant leisurely backed up, not wanting to take a chance because something about this young bat unnerved him.
Playing Catch with the Stars
The bat said, looking at the shadow of the wolf's paw. "you wanted a falling star, right?" he nudged the bat, "pick one." the bat thought hard for a moment, "oh, i uh.. i guess that one."
The bat laughed. "i haven't had the chance to eat yet. you wouldn't mind if i had a bite, would you? you know it will make you feel so good to say yes." the bat was right. he had to be. all daniel had felt with this bat was happiness and pleasure.