An Unlikely Companion chap.3: A triangle among hearts
Emma couldn't help but crack a large smirk as chad growled at her. "will you shut up already?!" chad shouted at her. "both of you stop it." chad's father ordered them.
Unlikely Companion chap.4: Night of Misery, Morning of Love.
Nala said while winking at chad again. "b-but we don't even have protection." chad said getting even redder. "already taken care of. the pill." nala reassured while undoing chad's belt, but chad still kept his paw down.
An Unlikely companion chap.2: More than a friendly visit.
Will then looked up at chad, then quickly wrapped his arms around him and buried his face into chad's chest. chad held will close to him, rubbing the back of his head softly as will nuzzled his cheek across chad's chest.
Unlikely Companion chap 5: The Assaulting of Rumors
Underneath their lab table, will started to rub chad's leg slowly, causing chad's tail to sway back and forth. "so you heard?" will whispered in chad's ear. "heard what?"
My Teacher got into my pants 1
chad stepped into the shower and turned it on.
An Unlikely Companion chap. 1
Will sighed then shook his head at nick while running off towards chad. "hey chad wait up!" will shouted while catching up to him. chad didn't stop until will cut him off in front of him. "hey i'm sorry for what nick said back there.
Chapter Eight: Horses, Classes And Terror
"and we have ourselves a punching bag." sneered chad. "isn't it nice?!" they all snickered nastily before chad started to lay into crystal, her shape swaying with every hit.
my teacher got into my pants 9
chad moved in closer and kaia noticed him and said "it's a girl" than she smiled handing chad the baby. chad took a look at his new daughter.
Lelianna's Jr. High adventure chapter 3
chad nodded as he and kaia sat down with lelianna in between them. mr.
New Friend, New Lover-3-Love is a delicate thing to handle.
chad murred as he cuddled in matt's big arms. "he's doing as he always is, happy in your arms." the big lug said, lost in chad's eyes."
Unlikely Companion chap. 9: The Plan for 2.
chad looked over at will and saw that his eyes were burning with hate and anger. chad then lowered his ears and took a couple steps away from him.
High Tail High Chapter 2: New Hope
I said be-" "shut the fuck up, chad." david winced, his heart's beat dropped to a cold pulse. both fear and joy mixed up inside as an equally tall red wolf stood behind chad.