Love & Faith Chapter 1: The Tag
A devoted catholic, a gay activist, or a normal social teen, i couldn't choose much less keep up with these new developments in my life. it was so difficult, to choose between a new life, open and free, or my old life, slave to what others wanted.
The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 5
Steven was starting to outgrow his clothes at an akarming rate. After the school button-popping-incident, I noticed Steven's shirts started looking a little skintight on him. He went up from a large to an extra-large t-shirt size. His pants went from...
The Priest and the Orphan Chapter 3
When Steven said that he would look into the conpetition, he had meant it. He actually found a restaurant owner who would tutor him to win. The owner was a Lion named Alfred who owned the "best" (never use superlatives you can't quantify) burger place...
The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 2
He claimed he like his warm, plush belly; and that he was proud to be catholic. a few days later, he took a bold step saying that he trusted me. he told me that he wanted to enter a national food-eating competition.
The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 1
I, personally, am a middle-aged german shepherd of 35 who is also an ordained priest in the roman catholic church. steven was shy and quiet, but very erudite and opinionated.
The House on Rainbow Road - 12 - Mary
"sophia, you're catholic, right?" "y-yes." "would you like to pray with me?" "yes!" sophia's whole body seemed to brighten at the thought of prayer. "you catholic too?" "i am," mary said with a smile. "the others make fun of me for it."
The Loa Pantheon
Associated with the virgin mary and the black madonna from catholic tradition, erzulie is a girly girl, flirtatious and sexy while being very gracious and kind at the same time.
She was a devout catholic, coming from an irish family. you know the one where corned beef and cabbage was sacred on st. patrick's day and guinness was drunk at every meal.
Tina's Story Chapter 61- Acceptance-Open Hearts
"i'm nina" the new girl announced "you went to catholic school, didn't you?" "yes. but how did you know?" she asked, surprised. the way you dress. how you sit up straight. the way you addressed me. i went to catholic school too.
The Beginning of the End: prologue-The Start of the Beginning of the End.
Back and forth between yes and no. ' stop living in a dream land dom, your dad is catholic, homophobic, against interspecies, and a naturally angry soul. what would happen if he found out?'
The Void
I myself was raised in a hodge podge of religious influences that included but were not limited to nondenominational protestant, jehovah's witnesses, baptist, gospel and catholic services.
Jason & Hart: Part One - Hart's Journey To University
Hart is a red fox living with his mother and father who are super catholic and wish to convert him to changing his ways.