The Snow Remembers
Bilik motioned with the horns on his head for the carver to follow him and he and the carver walked through the main thoroughfares of the village. everyone was very friendly to the carver as he walked with billik.
The mysterious primitive killer Chapter 4
It annoyed him that carver seemed to have control over his mind all the time as if the thought of carver were to never run away or escape his thoughts.
The mysterious, primitive killer Chapter 1
Shaken and then carver...carver was going to do something ven never though he would do before....
Dark Skies, Part II: Up to Speed
carver took note of my engineering skills after i helped another engineer fix a broken wall-mouthed plasma cutter that was being used in a hospital, and carver took down my name.
The mysterious primitive killer Chapter 3
carver then left with haste and ven crawled to his doorway, peaked and watched carver walking fast to his edonis, he made a strange glance at carl's house as he entered his car, then immediately drove off and drifited into the busy streets.
Superiority Chapter 14
"alvarez just killed himself," replied a very pale carver. "killed himself?" asked gammel, as he walked towards the cockpit. "yes, sir," replied carver, as he sat back down, obviously shaken.
Fates of the Ferals: Madness
carver snapped. "gertie," tammy intervened, "let me or joel here make up some tea, and perhaps we could catch up for a while." mr. carver stood up quickly to leave. "you and ge--your sister do that, honey.
Dark Skies, Part IV: Adhering to Procedure
"does carver normally send you to pick up whatever strange artifacts he finds deep within the reaches of space?" asked jessit. "normally, yes," i nodded.
High School Dilemma
As i opened the door and walked out, i heard principal carver say, "what a smart and well-mannered young man!"
Defending The Boss
"yes, carver, come in, and close the door behind you. i've got a little mission for you." clovis grinned as he turned around. "i'm looking for a music box..."
Fates of the Ferals: The Carver Cubs
The carver cubs mitchell carver puma concolor carefully peeled the bandage off of his wounded paw, and he scowled deeply as he inspected it. his brother had bitten him there three days ago.
Fates of the Ferals: Longing
"mitchell...umm...carver," he said. "i'm mitchell carver, species obvious, but just 'mitch' is okay. thank you for getting me this far, sir." the hob tipped his hat and winked. "look, just ask me anytime you see me around here.