The Unintended Curse Ch18.2

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 18 Pt.2 When we'd finally reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the underground holding area for all the elves that the lord had in his keeping, I expected there to be some filth that would permeate the place, but...

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The Unintended Curse Ch17

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 17 To say the least, our stay there at the lord's estate was a nice change of pace. Don't get me wrong, spending time at sea had been an experience, but staying in such fine accommodations as that of a lord's estate was...

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Journey to Another World ch107

Journey to Another World 6 Ch. 107 Needless to say that it was good to finally get in touch with that of my younger sister, and to that, a bit of a relief that I still was in touch with the...outside world. I mean, it'd be one thing to be cut off...

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The Unintended Curse ch13

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 13 For the remainder of the trip the elf sisters spent their time in the galley while the official 'cook' spent it swabbing the deck. I couldn't help but laugh at the role reversal as I laughed I realized what he'd been...

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The Unintended Curse ch12

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 12 The whole deck was so quiet that you could hear the sound of waves lapping at the side of the boat, the sound of a few fish jumping out of the water, and even a few rats that had made the trip within the hold scurrying...

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Rebirth ch31

REBIRTH CONFLICT ON A TWO WAY STREET Ch. 31 (Meanwhile) Lady Suicune dashed through the trees, nimbly dodging the trees that would come into the line of her path as if the way was traveled several times in the past. The other regular Pokemon in...

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Journey to another world pr3 ch100 pt1

Journey to Another World 6 Ch. 10 "I can't believe that we were able to pull it off!" Undine said as I sat down on the bench in the room that we'd used before her performance so that I could talk normally with her, without alerting everyone to...

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Rebirth ch30

REBIRTH CONFLICT Ch. 30 "Damn those Rangers. Keeping me all cooped up in that Pokemon center." The young man said as a curse left his mouth as well as a middle finger jutted up in the direction of the Pokemon center that he'd just recently snuck...

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The Unintended Curse ch14

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 14 "All a-shore that's go'n a-shore." Cried a voice as a gangplank was lowered from the main deck of the ship and onto that of the dock. Many a man let out a happy cheer at that call and to which many of them grabbed up...

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Rebirth Epilogue

REBIRTH EPILOGUE " is about damn time," a deep/haunting voice says from somewhere in the mist to which is quickly followed by a feminine giggle. "I cannot believe how many times I have delivered this same dream night after night. It...

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Rebirth Pt2 ch7

REBIRTH CONFESSIONS OF LOVE Pt. 2 Ch. 7 Ever so slowly I opened my eyes and looked down at that still sleeping form of Lady Cresselia. As I stared down at her I really thought about it and decided to let things be. 'I mean, if there's anyone who...

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Journey to another world pt3 ch99

Journey to Another World 6 Ch. 9 "NEXT!" A man called out which got me to turn towards him and make my way up to the counter. "Name please." "Donovin." I stated simply which the man didn't reply, only write it down upon a blank form that he...

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