The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 03

Coleo comes down the stairs at a glacial pace, looking like an old man in an even older cartoon; night gown, hobbling in the dark, holding a pail with a candlestick on it sort of vibe. Except it's just a onesie and a smartphone. She can't explain why...

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The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 02

In their headspace Alexandria paces around their corner back and forth, paws covering their face as the gravity of their assignment dawns on them. Rose places her paws on their shoulders as she massages them, trying to calm her fellow headmate down....

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The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 01

The order comes for the two Monsters, mistakenly spread out between the both of them, as if both Monsters possess the same calibre of appetite. The waitress, a western witch, places down on Chloe's side: The jam toast and the chicken tikka panini with...

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The Spark Of Life - Chapter 03

Coleo is doing her usual idle pose; cleaning a very clearly clean glass as she surveys the bar for the night, she's still getting used to the telekinetic nature of her new body. There's a thing, it's hard to explain, where she goes on a thought...

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Lucky!!! - Chapter 04

The Red Panda closes the notepad she had written this entire saga on, I mean it's her tragedy, but even she's self-aware that it's a well good story like. Maybe she'll get to publish it one day, dunno. She reclines on her computer seat as she glances...

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The Spark Of Life - Chapter 02

-Geeez mate, you might be the first person to say "But you should see the other guy" but somehow you still come out looking worse. Calmet comments as she ties up Kreatur's sling so more than gravity to keep the heap of flesh together. There...

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Lucky!!! - Chapter 03

**_CW: Transphobia Depictions, Transphobic Rehtroic, Violence_** -Alright sunshine, you can kip when we get back to mine. I wake up after this terrible ordeal to the tones of my dear friends! Baz, Gaz and Jade were all here, a huge comfort after...

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Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 01

Every time she fades back into consciousness, The Huntsman finds herself recounting the last thing she remembers before being imprisoned in this place. She recalls their face, cowering at the tip of their rifle as she is just about to pull the trigger....

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The Spark Of Life - Chapter 01

The word to describe him would be 'crafted', but just as importantly would be 'hamstrung', or perhaps God was winging it when it came time to bring him into being. A natural end point of any Monster giving every inch of their body, every aspect of...

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Lucky!!! - Chapter 02

Hi. Hey. Still first person. Okay this is where I gets a little personable, imagine we're down the pub, this is where I'm grasping my glass, and I'm like leaning in gossip style. Just imagine that with the limitations of: Word. Okay, here we go: ...

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048 - The Fool pt.08

The way the smoke from the exhale reaches it's tendrils in every direction, before reaching the open window has always felt calming. It almost makes up for draft it lets in or steep step that seems to shrink i size with every passing day. Is there...

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046 - The Fool pt.06

At the back of the living room of the houseshare lies an inconspicuous door, sitting in the corner of two settees as if it wasn't ment to be occupied by any living persons. Well never underestimate someone as morally bankrupt as a landlord to Make...

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