(ENDS SUNDAY)YCH Auction :The Crimes of Salyashe, Volume 2

All info here : [https://www.sofurry.com/view/1891201](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1891201)

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Hypnovember Day 16 - Break

### 16 - Break (Goddamn Bats) "Snrk." The otter started awake; the sound of her brown-bear husband's laughter startled her like a backfiring car. She didn't even want to look at the clock; it was probably ridiculously early in the morning, and her...

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Hypnovember Day 15 - Drift

### 15 - Drift (Jacketlizard) **WARNING** : This story contains a hypnotic induction with an awakener. It does not contain any sexual content, but please do not read this story if you are under the age of 18. Please ensure that you are in a...

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Hypnovember Day 14 - Metronome

### 14 - Metronome (Fauxpawe) Wearing a suit felt so alien to Errol. Even though the black-furred kitsune had gone for a slightly more feminine cut, he still felt boxy, sexless and boring. He'd decided that the best thing to do with his long...

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Hypnovember Day 13 - Touch

### 13 - Touch (LucaReynard) The boxy metallic cart rattled back into its nook near the front of the plane, just behind the cockpit. As usual, it was a little bit wonky, and it took a little bit of jimmying and pushing to get it flush...

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Hypnovember Day 12 - Program

### 12 - Program (Sanmer) Megakat City had not faced a single invasion or attack in weeks. This was generally the norm around winter time. Maybe it had something to do with the season. If any criminal minds were going to make a big public display of...

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Hypnovember Day 11 - Game

### 11 - Game (Moxas) The deafening cheers and applause were making Bolt Lancer's ears ring. He was coming to find that this was the worst part of this ordeal; the white rat was used to being bound up and strapped to a slab, stripped of his trident...

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Hypnovember Day 8 - Forest

### 8 - Forest (Lager) "And where are you off to?" The golden furred goat shied away slightly from his accoster as his fight-or-flight instinct kicked in. It was hard to blame him. The grey-furred wolf towered over him; they would have done so even...

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Hypnovember Day 7 - Gaze

### 7 - Gaze (Mattswolf) There are many things you've been told to beware of when you leave your family's forest cottage to fetch things from the city. Be mindful of strangers, especially ones who look like you've met them before. Do not bother...

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A Dream in the Twilight [Patron Reward]

A Dream in the Twilight Patron Reward for Carrow Carrow was finding it very difficult to keep their breathing quiet. The air was oppressively thick and stuffy. Not so much that Carrow couldn't breathe, but certainly enough to make each breath...

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