The Kissing Booth
It's the beginning of spring and love is in the air. A white tiger, Aren, stands at his kissing booth and chugs some water from his bottle. "Next in line please!" A white bunny approaches him, shyly hiding his arms behind his back and leaned forward...
Hyena Heart Challenge
"Like this?" Aren places his paws together and forms a heart with his fingers. Wild nods and wiggles his snout in-between the white tiger's fingers. "You're such a silly hyena." Wild opens his maw, breaking the heart, and takes Aren's paws into his...
With the birds chirping, Zakar stirs in his sleep. He opens his eyes to the bright late morning sun. Despite the two things waking him up, he grabs his alarm clock and throws it against the wall, cracking it open like an egg. "Stupid thing, never...
The Rise of Clyde
"It's Red Rum Rand! Everyone, hide!" Various doors slam as the jackrabbit makes his way into the fairly peaceful town of Watering Hole. The town has crime, sure, but it's always handled by the law-abiding sheriff Leo. Unfortunately for the town, he was...
Dog Eat Cat World
_We thought we could rule the world._ _We're cats and they're dogs._ _I didn't anticipate this is how it'd end!_ What seemed impossible had happened. Dogs and cats are at war with each other. It wasn't just your standard dog and cat breeds, but...
Mist's Day with Sam
The knob turns and opens. On the other side, is a rather large dog with a bit of a belly. His name is Sam. "And here is my office." Sam steps into the office and holds the door open for his little contest winner. A white and blue dragon named Mist...
Aren Goldie's Back Story
Aren Goldie grew up as a yellow hedgehog. He had a father named Aaron and a mother named Alisa. His life was pretty much normal. On his fifth birthday, he received a pet feral wolf from his father. He named this wolf Wolfie. Aren only had one friend, a...
The Biggest Predator Ever!
_Hey, I got it!_ _Got what?_ _The magazine that'll tell us which is the better pred!_ _Oh, man! Those are legit! I'm on my way!_ Aren hangs up his phone and slides it into his pocket. He opens the magazine to the centerfold. ...
A Party He Won't Forget
Hayden stands by a wall, drink in hand, as his friend socializes with his other friends. The aardvark only came because Howard asked him to. What were the lion's words? _"You can only stay inside your room for so long, come out and get some fresh...
Simply Hypnotic
You sit on the bench feeding the pigeons the bread crumbs you throw on the ground. With a plop, a creature sat down next to you. He sighs and throws his arms on the back of the bench. "Such interesting creatures pigeons, don't you think?" You nod as...
The Interviews - Ishika Kuriame
The interviewer sits down in a chair across from Ishika's lab table and beakers. He opens a notepad up and takes out his pen. "State your name and occupation." "Dr. Ishika Kuriame, vice president of Noire Corp." "I take it you didn't earn your...
Growing Appetite
"The machine is warmed up and the slab is prepared. The experiment is ready! I just need Aren now." Ishika rubs his hands together. The naga is ready for his latest experiment to begin. He slithers to his seat and waits, staring at the table that Aren...