Dog Eat Cat World
This is a gift story for Tanio. He's such a nice, friendly guy ^^ I had a lot of fun writing this story. The world is pretty interesting even if it's short. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Tanio © Tanio
Aren © Aren
We thought we could rule the world.
We're cats and they're dogs.
I didn't anticipate this is how it'd end!
What seemed impossible had happened. Dogs and cats are at war with each other. It wasn't just your standard dog and cat breeds, but lions, tigers, hyenas, foxes, and every other canine and feline are fighting for world domination. The felines have the upper hand. It just takes treats, belly rubs, and a few, "Who's a good boy?~" remarks to distract the canines before swallowing them whole.
The canines are losing. For every canine they had, the felines had five. They had no choice but to surrender. But canines are stubborn and don't know when to surrender. If they keep this up, the world would be under feline rule soon.
Both sides had so many commanders that the rank was just passed around after the last five or fifteen. Most felines consider Aren, a white tiger, to be the current commander while the canines are led by the foxsky Tanio. During the latest battle on a dried out plain with burnt trees, Aren leads his comrades to finish the canines off once and for all, but they see those same canines waving white flags in the distance. Aren holds his hand up, canceling the attack. He walks halfway to Tanio who meets him.
Aren puts his right paw on his hip and flicks his tail. "You guys are surrendering? I'm surprised."
Tanio crosses his arms. "Numbers don't lie. You have more than us. We may eat some of you, but we'll be eaten soon after." Tanio extends his arm and offers Aren his paw. "We surrender. Let's negotiate the terms back at my tent."
Aren turns his head and raises his eyebrow. He extends his paw and shakes Tanio's. He pulls Tanio close to him. "Nice try, but we'll negotiate in my tent." Aren pulls Tanio to his army of felines. The canine army advances, but so does Aren's forces.
Tanio turns his head towards the armies. All he can see are the felines. He turns back towards Aren. "We surrendered!"
Aren keeps dragging Tanio to their camp. "I know. They're making sure we're not interrupted." Aren's camp isn't far. A few white tents are scattered with campfires. Feline workers walk around carrying firewood and nail sharpeners. The workers tense up, their fur getting bigger. They hiss at the canine commander, but Aren holds his paw up. "They surrendered. The world will be ours in a matter of minutes." The workers cease and continue working. Aren leads Tanio to the giant oval tent in the middle. He opens the flap and drags in the foxsky.
Inside the tent, there is a long table with a map of the world. There are canine heads and feline heads standing up and knocked over. Aren sits down at the head of the table and Tanio sits next to him. Aren pulls out a piece of paper and scribbles down notes. He hands it to Tanio.
"What's this?" Tanio asks, scanning over the piece of paper.
"The terms of your surrender." Aren places his paws on the table and clasps them together.
Tanio slams his hands and the piece of paper on the table. "Servitude?!"
"To keep your people in line. We can't risk having an uprising." Aren turns his head towards the foxsky. "On the plus side, we'll be giving you the Americas to live in and repopulate. We'll rule the entire world, but you guys need your own place to stay. We'll come by once in a while to resupply."
"You'll still eat us?"
"Of course. It's a cat eat dog world now." Aren leans back in his chair and rubs his belly. "You canines are so delicious. Now that we've gotten a taste of you, we won't stop." Tanio grips the edges of the paper and shakes. He glances over at the overconfident cat, but smiles. Aren sits upright in his chair. "I'm glad to see you like the terms. It's pretty lenient compared to what the other commanders would have done."
"That's not why I'm smiling."
"Then why is it?"
"This!" Tanio lunges at Aren and pins the white tiger underneath him.
"What are you doing!"
"Ensuring our victory!" Tanio touches Aren's nose. Aren wiggles it and stares at the foxsky. "Let's make you six inches tall!" Aren's eyes widen. Before Tanio's eyes, the white tiger starts shrinking. The naturally six feet five-inch tiger loses a foot of his height.
"Who fucking told you!" Aren shouted, trying to push the heavy foxsky off him. The tiger gasps. Tanio adjusts his weight so the now four-foot tall tiger wasn't being crushed.
"We had spies infiltrate your ranks," Tanio smirks as Aren loses another foot. "It's hard, sneaking canines into your armies, but a little dab of catnip makes you all see canines as felines." Aren shrinks down to two feet tall. Tanio moves his foot over Aren and pins him under it. "We know their commander can be shrunk to whatever size the person who touches his nose. And we know that only the person who touches your nose can bring you back to your full size."
Aren hisses, his fur growing as he stops shrinking and sits at six inches tall. Tanio picks up the small commander by the scruff of his neck. Aren flails and swats at Tanio's fingers. The foxsky laughs and licks over Aren's tiny body. The tiger shivers.
"You wouldn't fuck dare. My army will avenge me."
"I don't think so. We've got plenty of catnip to distract your armies for weeks. It's over." Tanio brings his face close to Aren. Aren cowers as he stares at Tanio's dinner plate size eyes. "Canines rule the world!"
Tanio opens his mouth. Aren stares into the drooling pink mouth and white teeth. He snarls at the foxsky. Tanio curls the ends of his lips into a smile and throws the tiny commander in his mouth.
Aren yelps as he lands on the pink tongue. Tanio closes his mouth and throws the tiger into his left cheek. He licks over the tiny body and suckles on it. The tiger tastes like cookies and cream. Tanio throws Aren to the other side of his mouth and licks his backside. Aren shivers and slides down Tanio's cheek.
Aren picks himself up and runs to Tanio's lips. He pries them open, but Tanio wraps his tongue around the small feline and pulls him to the back of his mouth. Tanio tilts his head back and Aren slips into the opening of his throat. Tanio swallows and Aren gets pulled in.
Aren struggles as he sinks lower into the foxsky's belly. Tanio traces over the small, squirming bulge in his neck until it disappears in his chest. Aren looks around and tries to grip on the walls, but they're too slippery to grab on to and keeps sinking. He looks down and sees the opening to Tanio's stomach. It opens up and Aren plops inside. He runs to the stomach walls and bangs on them.
Tanio holds his belly close and presses his finger to where Aren is. "Back to normal with you." Aren steps away from the wall and starts growing again. The giant stomach started to shrink around Aren as he grew back to his full size. Tanio rubs his growing stomach, sitting at beach ball size when Aren stops growing back to normal. Aren's squirming and bulge are more noticeable. Tanio wouldn't just be able to walk out unseen by the workers, but he just smiles and walks out.
Outside, Tanio sees his canine army with squirming stomachs and nary a feline in sight. Tanio stands in the center of the camp.
Every soldier turns towards Tanio and rushes over to him. "The plan was a success!" Tanio pats his squirming stomach, which gets rowdier. "The commander is locked away, food for your commander! This battle may be won, but not the war. We've got to track the others down. By this time tomorrow, we'll have the world by our fingertips!"
Tanio's soldiers raise their arms and cheer. Their stomachs growl as they disperse from the camp. Tanio walks back to the command tent and sits at the head of the table. He knocks over the feline head where the camp is based and sits his paws on the table. He rubs over Aren as he keeps squirming.
BURRRRRRRRRP!~ "Settle down, Aren. It'll all be over soon."