The Road Of Life - Intermission: Thanksgiving Short Story

_Hey everyone! So just to satiate some of you I decided I'd write a Thanksgiving short story (which has not been looked over at all... so pardon any mistakes). This is an M/M Romance story, this section contains no sexual content. This is the shortest...

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The Pathways of Life - Prologue

Heyyyy Everybodeh! Long time no see! So I'm sorry I've been away so long, had a lot of things to deal with, but I'm back now! and I've got a new series I'm working on! This is the Pathways Of Life, a series in the Perspective of Shane from the Road of...

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The Nature of Life - Chapter 1

_Hey Guys! Been working hard with lots of stuff coming up in life but I finally did get around to finishing up Chapter 1 of my new series, The Nature of Life! I won't get much into detail about it, I'll just let you read. Just some fore-warnings...

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The Nature of Life - Prologue

_Hello again to all my fans and readers! So I've finally gotten to getting my next series up. Just a little note to you all, this series has nothing to do with my previous series "The Road Of Life." This particular story is set in a post-apocalyptic...

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 5

_Hey everybody! So I think so far this has been my favorite chapter to write merely because it contains a lot of violence and what not. (Yay for fictional violence!) As always thanks so much to Novastar for reviewing my chapters before I post them...

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 4

_Hey everyone! So This is so far probably my least favorite chapter in writing. It contains a somewhat crucial setting for some events that occur later on in the story and the story may have actually suffered without it. There is no sexual content in...

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 1

_Alright, so, this is my first attempt at starting/writing a furry story series (and yes I do think the first chapter is a bit short, but meh, couldn't think of any more I wanted to put into the first chapter). Let me know what you think about it...

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Suspicious Minds ~ Chapter 3 ~

So here's the third installment of D.o.G. and this chapter was actually written by Wolfie himself! Personally I think it's a very nice chapter and it filled me with joy and a bit of an 'awww, how sweet' moment here and there. So this chapter is from...

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The Blessings Kindness Brings

This is a short little Christmas story I felt like writing since I'm still stuck at work, it's sort of based off the Christmas Shoes story, so it will have some familiar elements. Merry Christmas...

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A Reason To Bear The Darkness

Hey everyone! I'm just bored at work today and thought I'd write up a little short story for you all to enjoy, this story is based off a few current events in my life over the past few months, a few of my personal experiences and feelings with some...


Update For T.N.O.L./Thanksgiving 2012

Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is doing great, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and let you know about a few things. First off, I'm just waiting on the next chapter of T.N.O.L. to get edited before I post it, and it might be just a...

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The Road Of Life - Epilogue

_Well guys, it's been an amazing journey and I'm so glad that so many of you have followed my story. This is the part where I get all mushy and stuff, so bare with me here. It really has made a huge difference to me. I almost hate to end this series...

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