The Road Of Life - Intermission: Thanksgiving Short Story
_Hey everyone! So just to satiate some of you I decided I'd write a Thanksgiving short story (which has not been looked over at all... so pardon any mistakes). This is an M/M Romance story, this section contains no sexual content. This is the shortest...
The Pathways of Life - Prologue
Heyyyy Everybodeh! Long time no see! So I'm sorry I've been away so long, had a lot of things to deal with, but I'm back now! and I've got a new series I'm working on! This is the Pathways Of Life, a series in the Perspective of Shane from the Road of...
The Nature of Life - Chapter 1
_Hey Guys! Been working hard with lots of stuff coming up in life but I finally did get around to finishing up Chapter 1 of my new series, The Nature of Life! I won't get much into detail about it, I'll just let you read. Just some fore-warnings...
The Nature of Life - Prologue
_Hello again to all my fans and readers! So I've finally gotten to getting my next series up. Just a little note to you all, this series has nothing to do with my previous series "The Road Of Life." This particular story is set in a post-apocalyptic...
The Road Of Life - Chapter 5
_Hey everybody! So I think so far this has been my favorite chapter to write merely because it contains a lot of violence and what not. (Yay for fictional violence!) As always thanks so much to Novastar for reviewing my chapters before I post them...
The Road Of Life - Chapter 4
_Hey everyone! So This is so far probably my least favorite chapter in writing. It contains a somewhat crucial setting for some events that occur later on in the story and the story may have actually suffered without it. There is no sexual content in...
The Road Of Life - Chapter 1
_Alright, so, this is my first attempt at starting/writing a furry story series (and yes I do think the first chapter is a bit short, but meh, couldn't think of any more I wanted to put into the first chapter). Let me know what you think about it...
Suspicious Minds ~ Chapter 3 ~
So here's the third installment of D.o.G. and this chapter was actually written by Wolfie himself! Personally I think it's a very nice chapter and it filled me with joy and a bit of an 'awww, how sweet' moment here and there. So this chapter is from...
The Blessings Kindness Brings
This is a short little Christmas story I felt like writing since I'm still stuck at work, it's sort of based off the Christmas Shoes story, so it will have some familiar elements. Merry Christmas...
A Reason To Bear The Darkness
Hey everyone! I'm just bored at work today and thought I'd write up a little short story for you all to enjoy, this story is based off a few current events in my life over the past few months, a few of my personal experiences and feelings with some...
Update For T.N.O.L./Thanksgiving 2012
Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is doing great, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and let you know about a few things. First off, I'm just waiting on the next chapter of T.N.O.L. to get edited before I post it, and it might be just a...
The Road Of Life - Epilogue
_Well guys, it's been an amazing journey and I'm so glad that so many of you have followed my story. This is the part where I get all mushy and stuff, so bare with me here. It really has made a huge difference to me. I almost hate to end this series...