The Road Of Life - Epilogue
#15 of The Road of Life
Well guys, it's been an amazing journey and I'm so glad that so many of you have followed my story. This is the part where I get all mushy and stuff, so bare with me here. It really has made a huge difference to me. I almost hate to end this series but it is time. I sincerly hope that all of you have enjoyed this story and learned something from it. A really big thanks to Novastar, who's helped me with my editing and done a fantastic job. Another really big thanks to Wolfie Steel, who has supported my story and given me the desire to keep writing. A thanks to all my readers who have left me comments, I really have appreciated them. Thanks to all of my readers in general, to know that so many people have read my chapters makes me overjoyed. Don't worry, this isn't the end of me, infact I've already begun a new story series that is sure to pop up in the next month or so. I don't wanna give anything away because I'm still developing the story. So, without any futher ado, here's the Road Of Life's final chapter....
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Chapter 13 ~ Epilogue: The Meaning Of Life
What is it that makes life worth living..?
Some would argue that it is not. That the evils in this world far outweigh the good and that we simply endure because we fear death. I, however, see great worth. Yes, life has its trials and yes, at times life is extremely unfair. But we all have the potential to change our stars, to make a way for ourselves. Of course it isn't easy, but nothing worth it is easy. If you find love, hold onto it with all you have, especially if a person truly loves you. We find that special love only once in our lives, so don't toss it away so readily.
The meaning of life, for me, is to learn all you can from yours and others' mistakes. It is to be happy, to be at peace, to challenge yourself, to love and to be loved, to enjoy the small moments in life. To live means to be free, to take risks, to lose everything and then gain the world. Take my experience and learn. Do not waste the plethora of information that comes from my life, from my trials, from my story. Take to heart all the knowledge that I have given you, take to heart all the lessons I have taught.
What is the meaning of life?
The answer is simple: find your own way in life. Find your own happiness, your own peace and your own joy. Do what you can for yourself, but know that there are always furs around you who can teach you and who can help you along your way. If you find yourself struggling, do not allow yourself to fall into the darkness of despair, seek help. Do not let darkness devour you, find your reason to live, chase your demons away and find the one thing in this world that makes you truly happy.
When the bells rang and Andrew and I shared that kiss that binds us legally. To me, that is what life was worth living for. It was finding the wolf of my dreams, the wolf that I love so dearly. We found our happiness in a world filled with darkness. Sometimes, you just have to be the light in a dark room and shine for the world to see.
The meaning of life....Well, that's for you to discover. May you find it and keep it. Good luck.
- Maximus Reks Dreeker